
  1. 深圳模式注重发展数字电视产业链;

    The Shenzhen mode stresses developing the industrial chain of digital CATV ;

  2. 并通过深圳模式理论价值的探讨为蔬菜产业发展提供组织、制度与管理保障。

    Especially , grounded on the analysis of theoretical value of Shenzhen Model , the thesis will provide discussion on organization , institution and management for CVI .

  3. 通过对深圳模式等几个典型国有资产管理体系模式的比较分析,设计出了新的国有资产管理体系。

    By comparison and analysis of several typical state-owned assets management system and modes , such as " Shenzhen Mode ", I have designed a new state-owned assets management system .

  4. 融资模式则按照典型城市的运作方式划分为重庆模式、北京模式、上海模式、和深圳模式。

    According to the typical patterns of operation into the main cities in China , financing patterns of public rental housing in China are classified into Chongqing pattern , the Beijing pattern , Shanghai pattern , and Shenzhen pattern .

  5. 深圳模式可概括为政府购买服务,民间机构运作,其特点是政府推动力度大,更加注重规范化和制度化;现在除购买岗位的购买服务方式外,正在探索项目建设。

    Shenzhen model can be summarized as " government procurement of services , civil agencies operate ", which is characterized by the Government to promote efforts to pay more attention to the standardization and institutionalization ; In addition to the purchase post purchase service mode , is exploring projects .

  6. 深圳特区模式和发展的思考

    Economic Mode of Shenzhen SEZ and its Development

  7. 为拓宽深圳工业化模式研究的视野,文章接着考察了深圳工业化与经济增长的关系;

    Next , to enrich the view of the Shenzhen industrialization mode research , this paper investigates the relationship between the industrialization and economy development in Shenzhen .

  8. 深圳社区教育模式初探

    The Initial Research of Community Education Pattern of Shenzhen

  9. 构建深圳社区警务模式的几点思考

    Reflections on Establishing Community Police Service in Shenzhen

  10. 武汉与深圳经济发展模式比较研究

    A Study of Comparison on the Mode of Economic Development between Wuhan and Shenzhen

  11. 外来投资对我国企业发展影响的实证分析&以佛山、东莞、深圳不同引资模式的比较为例

    Empirical Research on FDI 's Impacts on Enterprise Development in China & Comparison of different development models in Fushan , Dongguan and Shenzhen

  12. 在调查问卷的基础上,对每个变量之间的关系及影响机制做了具体而有效的研究分析,加深了对深圳地区创业模式的认识,有一定的理论意义和现实意义。

    On the basis of the questionnaire , a concrete and effective research and analysis on the relationship between each variable and impact mechanism , deepen the understanding of the business model of the Shenzhen area , some theoretical and practical significance .

  13. 对深圳工业化路径、模式的研究意义重大。

    Hence , the study of the industrialization path and mode of Shenzhen is significant .

  14. 创新型城市建设的企业路径&具有竞争优势的深圳企业自主创新模式分析

    Business Approach for the Construction of the Innovative Cities & Analysis on the Innovation Pattern of Enterprises in Shenzhen

  15. 的确,虽然中原地产不像深圳那样领跑中国,并有成熟的深圳模式,但是,她海纳百川、有容乃大的胸怀却是为数不多的。

    Indeed , although the HENAN real estate does not run like the Shenzhen such collar China , and has " the Shenzhen pattern " maturely , but , She is few in number to accept outside .