
  • 网络Time of Troubles;Turmoil Period
  1. 在这个经济混乱时期,人们也许会受到Nelson的故事鼓舞。

    In this time of economic chaos , people may be inspired by Ms.

  2. 在最近的一次谈话中,澳大利亚央行(ReserveBankofAustralia)行长格伦史蒂文斯(GlennStevens)提到了澳元在经济混乱时期所发挥的关键作用。

    In a recent talk , Glenn Stevens , Reserve Bank of Australia governor , touched on the key role the Australian dollar plays in times of strife .

  3. 在混乱时期,我觉得我们失落了一些基本价值。

    In the kerfuffle , I think some of them got lost .

  4. 新的物种将在这一混乱时期出现。

    Out of the chaos will emerge new species .

  5. 这个峰会处在全球经济的混乱时期。

    This summit comes at a time of serious turmoil in the global economy .

  6. 70年代初的经济飞速扩张,导致了一段通胀肆虐的混乱时期。

    The torrid expansion of the early 1970s led to a period of inflationary turmoil .

  7. 他们会利用变革混乱时期的不确定性,采取相应行动。

    They seize upon the uncertainty that characterises a period of unsettling change , and take action .

  8. 我认为,他们感觉到,我们已经采取了他们在软弱和混乱时期的优势。

    I think they feel that we have taken advantage of them in their period of weakness and confusion .

  9. 在雷曼倒下之后的混乱时期,人们似乎认定,除了无序破产之外别无选择。

    In the aftermath of the Lehman debacle , the decision appears to be that the only alternative to disorderly bankruptcy is none at all .

  10. 在被问及社交媒体网站是否应在公共秩序混乱时期被关闭时,约翰逊表示,警方并不认为这是必要措施。

    When asked whether social media sites should be shut down during public disorder , Mr Johnson said that police did not consider this necessary .

  11. 现代世界体系正处于结构性危机之中,人类社会已经进入变革时代,即一个分岔和混乱时期。

    The modern world system is in a structural crisis , and we have entered an " age of transition ," that is , a period of bifurcation and chaos .

  12. 通常认为,在自然灾害发生后的混乱时期内疾病暴发的风险极高,这种担心很可能源自人们对死尸与流行病之间联系的意识。

    The risk for outbreaks is often presumed to be very high in the chaos that follows natural disasters , a fear likely derived from a perceived association between dead bodies and epidemics .

  13. 穆萨维在上世纪80年代担任伊朗总统,至今人为许多人怀念,因为他领导国家度过了伊朗-伊拉克战争的混乱时期,以及在困难时期采取的公正的经济政策。

    An Iranian prime minister during the 1980s , Mousavi is still remembered by many Iranians for guiding the country through the of the Iran-Iraq War and for his even-handed economic policies during tough times .

  14. 过去一些经济极端混乱时期,通常会出现进行彻底改革的呼声,但希腊和意大利两国都选出了技术专家型总理,他们将把重点放在纠正政府过去的失误上,而不是把银行家关进监狱。

    While past periods of extreme economic dislocation have often yielded demands for radical change , both Greece and Italy have installed technocratic prime ministers who are focused on correcting the past failures of government rather than imprisoning bankers .

  15. 目前,谷歌正处在一个短暂混乱的时期&员工出走、管理层调整以及面临Facebook等新的竞争对手。

    Right now , Google is in a period of short-term chaos with defecting employees and management changes and new rivals like Facebook .

  16. 经过了一段暴力与混乱的时期,人类幸存者们勉强组成了较为稳定的社会,生活在旧金山的废墟之中,由加里·奥德曼(GaryOldman)领导。

    After a period of violence and chaos , the survivors have cobbled together a reasonably stable society in the ruins of San Francisco , with Gary Oldman in charge .

  17. 青少年时期是一段骚动混乱的时期。

    Adolescence can be a time of great confusion .

  18. 不过在当今这个局面混乱的时期。

    But now in these troubled times .

  19. 以色列建国于巴勒斯坦处于极度混乱的时期。

    The state of Israel came into being at a time when Palestine was in considerable confusion .

  20. 与此同时,我们经历了当代人记忆中世界经济最为混乱的时期。

    Meanwhile , we 've just been through the most turbulent period the world economy has seen in living memory .

  21. 这次声明是在长期的深思熟虑之后发布的,银行试图在经过历史上最混乱的时期之后进行激进的改革。

    The announcement ends a long period of speculation as the bank attempts a radical makeover following the most turbulent period of its history .

  22. 西欧中世纪早期是一个货币缺乏,币值混乱的时期,与之相对应的则是商业的极度衰竭;

    The early time was a period which characterized by shortness of currency and confusion of its value , its corresponding phenomenon was the declination of commerce ;

  23. 不要忽视你的期望,并保持它们作为你的焦点,这将会带领你穿越仍然会来临的混乱的时期。

    Do not lose sight of your expectations and keep them in focus , and that will carry you through some turbulent periods that are still to come .

  24. 家庭里的其他几层亲属关系综合了不同时代的人生经历和价值观,这不仅丰富了我们所有人的生活,还在最混乱的时期里给予了我们支持。

    That extra layers of family has combined the experiences and values of different generations , not only providing enrichment for all of us but also support during the most chaotic of times .

  25. 神秘和神奇思想,科学和伪科学研究,阴谋理论和公众混乱的全盛时期爆发了。

    An efflorescence of mystical and magical thinking , scientific and pseudo-scientific research , conspiracy theories and general pandemonium broke out .

  26. 我刚刚经历了事业中非常混乱的一个时期。

    I personally just experienced a very troubled time in my career .

  27. 在一个价值体系混乱、颠倒的时期,对‘现象’的本真还原恰恰是最具说服力的佐证。

    In the period when the system of the value is in a mess and confusing , it is a convincing prove that it restores the truth of the phenomenon .