
  • 网络Mixed acid
  1. 线性滴定法测定混合酸(HAⅠ+HAⅡ)或多元酸的等当点时,必须正确地选择滴定点,这是提高线性滴定法准确度的重要措施之一。

    The titration points must be selected exactly as the equivalence points of mixed acid ( HA ⅰ + HA ⅱ) or polyprotonic acid are determined by linear titrimetry , which is one of the important steps to raise the accuracy of linear titrimetry .

  2. 实验连续运行21d,可以实现发酵类型从混合酸型发酵到乙醇型发酵的转变。

    The experimental results indicated that : after 21 days ' continuous operation of the reactor , the fermentation type transferred from mixed acid fermentation to the ethanol fermentation .

  3. 方法采用混合酸消化,运用ICP-AES同时测定茯苓中多种微量元素。

    Method Using mixed-acid digestion and ICP-AES simultaneously measured the multiple microelements in tuckahoe .

  4. 提出了H2S和CO2混合酸气在甲基二乙醇胺水溶液及在甲基二乙醇胺、环丁砜、水溶液中的平衡溶解度的计算模型。

    This paper proposes an equilibrium solubility calculation model for H_2S and CO_2 in aqueous methyldiethanolamine solution and aqueous methyldiethanolamine sulfolane solutions .

  5. 于40℃和100℃测定了H2S和CO2混合酸气在2.5kmol/m~3MDEA水溶液中的平衡溶解度。

    The equilibrium solubility of sour gas mixture of H_2S and CO_2 in MDEA aqueous solution ( 2.5kmol / m ~ 3 ), had been determined at 40 ℃ and 100 ℃ .

  6. 样品经TC-Ⅱ型快速消化器用硝酸高氯酸混合酸消化后,直接上机测定,取得了较满意的结果。

    After the sample is digested by using a blend of nitric acid and perchloric acid in instrument of TC - style , it can be detected in the double-channel atomic fluorescence spectrometer .

  7. 以天然粉石英为基本原料,通过氢氟酸与盐酸混合酸溶蚀技术和机械强力搅拌处理,制备了高纯球形-准球形亚微米晶质SiO2材料。

    High purity spherical-normal spherical submicron crystal silica is prepared by using technique of mixing acid corrosion ( anhydrofluoric acid and sulphuric acid ) and method of mechanical stir from raw powder quartz .

  8. 不锈钢表面电镀Pd-Cu合金膜及其在甲乙混合酸中的耐蚀性能研究

    The Electroplating Palladium-Copper Alloy Film on 316L Stainless Steel and Its Corrosion Resistance in Mixture of Acetic and Formic Acids

  9. 以混合酸、有机溶剂、表面活性剂和多种助剂为原料,研制了多功能解堵剂ACM-1。

    ACM-1 is composed of mixing acid , organic solvent , surfactants and some additive .

  10. 以对苯二酚(HQ)和异丁烯为原料,在磷酸或硫酸-磷酸混合酸催化作用下进行烷基化合成2-叔丁基对苯二酚(TBHQ),探讨了催化剂种类及用量、加料方式对合成TBHQ选择性的影响。

    2-Tert-butylhydroquinone ( TBHQ ) was synthesized selectively from hydroquinone ( HQ ) and isobutylene by alkylation in the presence of catalyst H_3PO_4 or H_2SO_4-H_3PO_4.The dosage of catalyst and charging method of HQ were investigated .

  11. 通过实验分析选用HCl与HNO3作为混合酸对玉米秸秆进行低温热水解,结果得出当酸质量分数相同时,HCl与HNO3混合酸作用下玉米秸秆的热水解效果明显优于单酸。

    The results showed that the hydrolysis efficiency of corn stover using a mixed acid of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid was superior to that of using individual acid in case of the same acid concentration .

  12. 采用硝酸与其它酸的混合酸对特殊钢进行表面处理时,会产生大量的NOx和其它挥发性酸雾,是冶金企业的主要污染源之一。

    When the surface treatment of special steels is conducted by using the mixed acid formed with Nitric acid ( HNO3 ) and other acids , there will occur a lot of NOx and other Volatile acid mist which become the main pollution source of metallurgical enterprises .

  13. 用HNO3HCLO4HF混合酸,加压分解试样,以水平式ICPAES可同时测定岩石中痕量铍、铬、锰、钒和锆。

    The sample is dissolved with mixed HNO_ ( 3 - ) - HClO_ ( 4 - ) - HF acid in pressure . Trace beryllium , chromium , manganese , vanadium and zirconium content in rocks can be simultaneously determined using horizontal ICP-AES with calibration curve method .

  14. 方法人发经HNO3-HClO4-H2SO4混合酸消化、电热板加热处理后,在5%盐酸酸度下应用氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱仪(HG-AFS)测定人发中砷含量。

    Method After ( digesting ) with the mixed acids of HNO_3-HClO_4-H_2SO_4 and heating by electric hot plate , the arsenic content in human hair was determined under 5 % hydrochloric acid acidity by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry .

  15. 以部分水解聚丙烯酰胺(HPAM)、聚电解质A为絮凝剂和混合酸为凝聚剂的复合絮凝剂配方,可以彻底破坏HPAM类型废弃钻井液的胶体体系,使废浆液絮凝脱水。

    The compound flocculant prescription consisted of partial hydrolytic polyacrylamide ( HPAM ) and polyelectrolyte A as flocculant and mixed acid as coagulant could thoroughly break down the colloid system of the waste drilling liquid of HPAM type and make the waste mud flocculate and dewater .

  16. 混合酸浸取的最佳工艺条件是:硫酸用量系数0.90~0.95,硫酸浓度65~70%,反应温度130~150℃,37%盐酸用量系数0.11,反应时间3~4h;

    The best technology condition of the mixed acid dissolving is : The coefficient of the adding sulfuric acid is 0.90-0.95 , the sulfuric acid concentration is 65-70 % , reaction temperature 130-150 ℃, the coefficient of adding 37 % hydrochloric acid is 0.11 , reaction time 3-4 h ;

  17. 采用盐酸、乙酸和氢氟酸组成的混合酸与质量分数为1.5%的GD-1复配制得的GD-1稠化酸体系,在60℃和90℃条件下,热稳定性均在80%以上;

    The GD-1 thickening acid system was prepared by compounding 1.5 % ( wt ) GD-1 with a mixed acid composed of HCl , HAc and HF . Its thermal stability exceeded 80 % at 60 ℃ or 90 ℃ .

  18. 线性滴定法测定混合酸时滴定点的选择

    Selection of Titration Points for Determining Mixed Acid by Linear Titrimetry

  19. 三组分混合酸的非线性回归处理

    Nonlinear Regression Treatment for Titration of Acid Mixture of Three Components

  20. 因子分析法在混合酸各组分浓度测定中的应用

    Determination of Component Concentrations in Mixtures of Acids by Factor Analysis

  21. 最小二乘法用于测定混合酸的研究

    Application of Least Square Method for the Determination of Mixed Acids

  22. 线性迭代法测定混合酸组分

    Determination of Components of Mixed Acid by Linear Iterative Method

  23. 混合酸对狗牙-介质-颌骨的石蜡切片制作的影响

    The effect of mixed acid on paraffin section making of dog tooth-mediator-jaw

  24. 多种(多元)混合酸的图象计算分析法

    The Pattern Calculating Method for Mixed Acids ( Poly Acids ) Analysis

  25. 校正计算法测定混合酸中各组分浓度

    Determination of Components in Mixed Acids by Multivariate Calibration Method

  26. 主成份分析法用于混合酸测定

    Application of Principal Component Analysis for Determination of Mixed Acids

  27. 极大似然估计法及其在混合酸电位滴定中的应用

    Maximum Likelihood Estimation Method and Its Application to Potentiometric Titration of Acid Mixtures

  28. 混合酸滴定计算中单纯形最优化法的应用

    Application of Simplex Optimization Method to Mixed Acid Titration

  29. 混合酸或碱溶液滴定的计算机模似

    Computer Simulation of Titration of Acid or Base Mixture

  30. 混合酸催化合成对羟基苯甲酸庚酯的新方法

    New Synthesis Method of n Heptyl p hydroxybenzoate by the Complex acid Catalysis