
qīnɡ suàn jià zhí
  • liquidation value
  1. 较低的清算价值和低比率的有形资产;

    They have lower liquidation value and lower rate of physical assets .

  2. 而当清算价值不确定时,债务不影响企业产品市场的价格决策。

    When uncertainty was from the liquidation value , debt was uncorrelated with pricing decision-making .

  3. 清算价值如何?

    What is its liquidation value ?

  4. 当然,估值方法会是个问题,因为在营企业的估值方法与清算价值出现冲撞。

    Certainly , valuation techniques will be an issue , as going-concern valuation techniques jostle with liquidation values .

  5. 债务人进行债务重组可行性的一般标准:继续经营价值大于破产清算价值;

    The common feasibility standard of reorganization of assets is that the value of maintaining management must bigger than of liquidation .

  6. 按照这个股价,这些企业的市值比清算价值高不了多少,因为房产、设备和存货占它们账面价值的一半以上。

    That puts companies where property , equipment and stock account for more than half of book not far above liquidation value .

  7. 第二,决策部门会向银行注入额外资本,一部分通过直接注资,另一部分通过以高出清算价值的价格收购不良贷款。

    Second , policymakers infused the banks with additional equity , partly directly and partly by purchasing bad loans at above their liquidation value .

  8. 当目标企业已经破产或接近破产时,常常采用清算价值评估目标企业;

    When the objective enterprise having gone bankrupt or is close to the bankruptcy we often using clearing the value estimate objective enterprise value ;

  9. 持续经营假设不是历史成本原则的直接基础,它是所有非清算价值的共同基础。

    The going concern convention is not the direct basis of the historical cost principle , It is all the basis of nonliquidation value .

  10. 从价值评估的目的出发,价值可以分类为账面价值、市场价值、内在价值以及清算价值等诸多外延概念。这些概念分别从不同的角度反映了股权交易的价格依据。

    For the purpose of valuation , from different points , book value , market value , intrinsic value , and liquidation value are analyzed and compared .

  11. 举个例子,在对一家高回报的企业&比如一家消费者产品的公司,使用稳定的现金流进行估值时,净现值评估会是最好的,它的清算价值就太低了。

    Net present value would be most applicable , for example , in valuing a high-return business with stable cash flows such as a consumer-products company ; its liquidation value would be far too low .

  12. 企业一旦停止经营,优先股有权要求在普通股支付之前,全额支付其票面值或较高的设定清算价值。

    If the business is terminated , the preferred stock is entitled to payment in full of its par value or a higher stated liquidation value before any payment is made on the common stock .

  13. 第四章分析了银行的公司治理、竞争和企业的清算价值对于银行监督企业的影响,指出改善银行的公司治理、促进银行业的竞争、提高企业的清算价值能够促进银行监督企业功能的发挥。

    In chapter 4 I analyzed the effect of corporate governance , competition , and firm 's liquidation value to bank monitoring . I found good corporate governance , releasing banking industry control and enhancing firm 's liquidation value could promote bank monitoring .

  14. 公司强制清算制度的价值,是指公司强制清算制度对于不同的参照物所体现出的可被利用性。

    The value of the system of compulsory liquidation of the company is that embodied in different frame of reference being used .

  15. 与银行或者工业企业的资产不同,他们资产负债表上的大多数证券都有可被每天计算的极易清算的账面价值。

    Unlike the assets of a bank or an industrial company , most of the securities on their balance sheet have a book value that can be calculated daily and can be easily liquidated .

  16. 文章的第四部分是对清算制度的应有价值的期待。

    The fourth part of the article is the liquidation of the system should be valuable expectations .