
  • 网络Clearing price;liquidation price;Settlement Price;Settle Price
  1. 房地产清算价格评估探析

    Discussions on the Liquidation Price of Real Property

  2. 合资铁路公司的运量和收入不仅与其在铁路网上的位置和地位有关,更与国铁对其分配的上线、上网运输能力和清算价格密切相关。

    The transportation capacity of and profits from investment lines are not only related to their location in the railway network , but interrelated with distributed volume and liquidation price .

  3. 基于BP网络的下一交易日无约束市场清算价格预测模型

    BPN based day-ahead unconstrained market clearing price forecasting model

  4. 电力工业的市场化改革突出了市场清算价格(MCP)预测的重要性。

    Reforms of power industry have made market clearing price ( MCP ) forecasting more important .

  5. 本文给出了一种浙江电力市场MCP的预测方案,对浙江电力市场下一交易日市场清算价格进行了预测,得到的预测精度达到90%左右。

    This article presents a MCP forecasting method according to Zhejiang circumstance . Application to the real power system shows the accuracy of the proposed method is about 90 % .

  6. 基于模块网络的市场清算价格预测模型

    A market clearing price predictor based on modular networks

  7. 亨克说,资产处置的清算价格由较大的银行设定,较小的国内银行只能硬着头皮接受。

    The smaller domestic banks have to contend with the clearing prices for disposals being set by their bigger rivals .

  8. 强有力的拨备将确立合理的清算价格,使银行有能力重组贷款,并将不良资产从资产负债表上剥离。

    Robust provisioning leads to sensible clearing prices and the ability to restructure loans and move impaired assets off the balance sheet .

  9. 铁路运输成本还是制定和调整铁路运输价格以及企业间劳动清算价格的重要依据。

    Railroad conveyance cost is still the important basis to formulate and adjust railroad conveyance price , to account labor clearing prices among enterprises .

  10. 第二,决策部门会向银行注入额外资本,一部分通过直接注资,另一部分通过以高出清算价值的价格收购不良贷款。

    Second , policymakers infused the banks with additional equity , partly directly and partly by purchasing bad loans at above their liquidation value .

  11. 清算公司计算平均价格吗?平均价格是如何计算的?

    Does the clearing firm calculate the average ? How is the average calculated ?

  12. 第一,被迫进行的清算下压资产价格,深层次打击信心。

    First , forced liquidations push down the price of assets , hitting confidence further .

  13. 但就像过去20年的股票期权及能源市场的情况一样,集中清算所带来的价格透明度提高,能够让不那么频繁交易的用户(如企业)以更优惠的价格参与交易,从而降低成本。

    But as in the equity-option and energy markets over the past two decades , increased price transparency through central clearing enables less frequent users , such as corporations , to enter into trades at better prices , reducing costs .