
qiǎnɡ zhì qīnɡ suàn
  • compulsory liquidation
  1. 公司清算可分为任意清算和强制清算。

    Company liquidation can be separated as voluntary liquidation and compulsory liquidation .

  2. 论公司强制清算中的责任承担

    On the Liability Undertaking in Company 's Compulsory Liquidation

  3. 这具体表现为:没有建立强制清算制度;

    For example , Compelling liquidation system is not established ;

  4. 我国应加强对公司强制清算中的刑事立法。

    Our country should strengthen the criminal legislation in company 's compulsory liquidation .

  5. 强制清算与特别清算是两个既有联系又区别的概念。我国台湾地区规定的特别清算制度是一个可以借鉴的清算制度。

    Compulsory liquidation and special liquidation are two ideas which are not only connected but also distinguished .

  6. 对于公司强制清算案件的管辖应当分别从地域管辖和级别管辖两个角度确定。

    The jurisdiction of mandatory corporate liquidation cases shall be determined from the perspective of territory-based jurisdiction and hierarchy-based jurisdiction respectively .

  7. 公司强制清算制度的价值,是指公司强制清算制度对于不同的参照物所体现出的可被利用性。

    The value of the system of compulsory liquidation of the company is that embodied in different frame of reference being used .

  8. 破产在法律意义上虽是一种强制清算债务人债务的法律制度,但,公司的破产必然会带来诸多社会问题。

    Bankruptcy is the legal system of compulsory liquidation of debt , but the bankruptcy of the company will also bring a lot of social problems .

  9. 与此同时,欧洲监管机构正在考虑“债权人纾困”的想法这是美国式强制清算方案的替代办法,涉及在银行陷入困境之际将债券转换为股份。

    Meanwhile , European regulators are mulling the idea of " bail-ins " an alternative to US-style forced liquidation that would involve converting bonds to equity when a bank gets into trouble .

  10. 通过对理论与实务的简要分析,可以考虑确立强制清算制度、确立清算责任主体的法律概念、确立公司清算民事责任承担的归责原则。

    Through the concision analysis of the theory and practice correctly , establishing forced liquidation system , establishing legal conception of responsibility of subject doctrine of liability fixation to the company liquidation 's civil liability .

  11. 特别清算又称为强制清算,是介于自愿清算与破产清算之间的一种清算程序,它既体现了国家对公司清算程序的司法监督,又避免了进入破产程序后造成对司法资源的巨大浪费。

    As a kind of mandatory one between voluntary liquidation and bankruptcy liquidation , special liquidation not only reflects the state 's judicial supervision over corporate liquidation procedures but also avoids wasting the judicial resources after entering into bankruptcy proceedings .

  12. 法律上的破产,是指处理经济破产时债务如何清偿的法律制度,即对丧失清偿能力的债务人,经法院审理与监督,强制清算其所有财产,公平清偿所有债权人的法律制度。

    Legal bankruptcy when dealing with economic bankruptcy debt settlement of the legal system , insolvent debtor by the court and supervision , forced to liquidate all of its property , fair settlement of the legal systems of all creditors .

  13. 破产制度己从强制债务人破产清算的特别执行程序,演进为对不能清偿的债务人的一种实体上和程序上的法律救济。

    Bankruptcy legal system develops from special execution proceedings to legal relief of insolvent debtor by both substantial law and procedural law .

  14. 新规则比如更高的资本金要求、强制保证金、中央清算和更严格的商业行为准则旨在降低系统风险。

    New rules such as higher capital requirements , the mandated posting of margin , central clearing and tighter business conduct standards are aimed at reducing systemic risk .

  15. 人们还担心,一旦合并成功,新的交易所将强制投资者使用其清算系统(逐步抬高交易费用)。

    There may also be concerns that a merged exchange would be able to force investors to use its clearing facilities ( for which it could ratchet up charges ) once trades have been made .