
  • 网络liquidation expenses;Liquidation Costs;Clearing fee
  1. 公司财产能够清偿公司债务的,分别支付清算费用,职工工资和劳动保险费用,缴纳所欠税款,清偿公司债务。

    To the extent that the company is able to repay its debts , it respectively pays all liquidation expenses , wages of staff and workers , labour insurance fees and taxes owing , and shall repay the company 's debts .

  2. 清算费用和清算委员会成员的酬劳应从合营企业现存财产中优先支付。

    The expenses of liquidation and the remuneration of the members of the liquidation committee shall be paid out of the existing assets of the joint venture prior to the making of any other payments or distributions .

  3. 企业所得税和流转税的清算鉴证费用。

    The expenditures on the liquidation and attestation of business income tax and turnover tax .

  4. 事实上,此次交易十分之快以至于雇用之后就清算了费用。

    Indeed , the deal was cut so quickly that they worked out the fees only after the firm was hired .

  5. 第三,无需使用第三方、或向银行(或清算机构)支付费用,就可以进行交易。

    Third , transactions can occur without the need to use third parties , or pay fees to a bank or clearing house .