
  • 网络Internal transactions;Inter-departmental account;transactions between home office and branches;interior account cussent
  1. 各个会计科目的核算及内部往来帐目的管理。

    Checking each Account Ledger and managing the interior C / A.

  2. 这些材料主要是内部往来的电子邮件,意在反驳参议院一个调查委员会的指控。该委员会上周六称,高盛通过押注抵押贷款市场将走低(该市场后来崩盘),赚取了大笔利润。

    The material , consisting largely of internal e-mail traffic , is meant to refute allegations by a Senate investigation committee , which claimed on Saturday that Goldman had made big profits betting against the mortgage market , which subsequently crashed .

  3. 在实务操作上通过设计价值链车间级节点对法人公司负债经营、规避价值链各环节库存和各节点内部资金往来,简化了价值链成本核算处理。

    In practice , the value chain cost accounting will be simplified through designing workshop node of value chain , operating the registered company in debt and evading value chain stock and the fund circulation of every business point .

  4. 第四,我们必须提醒自己:尽管我们的注意力会很自然地集中于本地区内部各国间的往来,但亚洲绝不应成为一个向内看的地区。

    Fourthly , we must remind ourselves for all our natural focus on the interaction of nations within this region that Asia should not become in any way inward looking .

  5. 在Y企业的往来账款业务流程层面,公司有着非常具体的业务流程和严格的内部控制制度,而企业的应付账款、内部往来账款的流程是与SAP系统紧密结合而设计的。

    The company has a very specific business processes and strict internal control system on the current accounts business level , while the process of corporate accounts payable , the internal current accounts is designed closely integrated with the SAP system .