
  • 网络Internal Capital Market
  1. 以Williamson(1975)为代表的观点认为,内部资本市场仅存在于联合型大企业中(即M型组织结构),而近期的文献却把研究重心放在了母子公司的利益关系上。

    The representative viewpoints from Williamson , internal capital market only exists in the big business allying ( a M type framework of organization ), but the recent documents focus on the interest relationship between parent company and subsidiary company in internal capital market .

  2. 其次是内部资本市场的效率。

    Second one is the efficiency of internal capital market .

  3. 内部资本市场资金配置模型构建及分析

    Capital Allocation Model 's Establishment and Analysis of Internal Capital Market

  4. 说明通过内部资本市场融资可以增加企业的价值。

    Positive correlation means internal market financing can increase business value .

  5. 集团内部资本市场、银行债务与债权人保护&来自中国上市公司的经验证据

    Internal Capital Markets in Groups , Bank Loans and Creditor Protection

  6. 内部资本市场:组织载体、交易与租金

    Internal Capital Markets : Organization carrier , Transaction and Rent

  7. 我国企业内部资本市场的边界确定

    Defining the Boundaries of Internal Capital Markets within Chinese Firms

  8. 内部资本市场配置效率的实证分析

    An Empirical Study on the Efficiency of Internal Capital Market

  9. 内部资本市场对融资约束影响的实证研究

    Empirical Research on the Influence of Internal Capital Markets on Financial Constraints

  10. 本文分析了其各自的特点及对内部资本市场效率的影响。

    This paper analyzes each characteristic and the internal capital market efficiency .

  11. 内部资本市场价值及其形成路径实证研究

    Research on the Value of Internal Capital Market and Paths to Generate

  12. 股权结构、公司治理与内部资本市场效率

    Ownership Structure , Corporate Governance and the Efficiency of Internal Capital Market

  13. 内部资本市场有效性研究

    A Study of the Efficiency of Internal Capital Market

  14. 内部资本市场价值创造影响因素的实证研究

    Empirical Analysis of the Influence Factors of Internal Capital Markets ' Value Creation

  15. 大量的内部资本市场运作并非百益而无一害。

    But internal capital markets not only have benefits hut also incur disadvantages .

  16. 内部资本市场理论综述

    Synthetic Views on the Theory of Internal Capital Markets

  17. 新兴市场内部资本市场有效性研究:中国上市集团公司实证研究

    Internal Capital Market Efficiency in Emerging Market : Evidence from Chinese Conglomerate Sector

  18. 当然,内部资本市场也有失效的时候。

    Of course , the internal capital market will also lose its effectiveness sometimes .

  19. 企业集团内部资本市场研究

    Research on Internal Capital Market in the Corporation

  20. 第二,我国医药生物上市公司存在内部资本市场融资替代效应。

    Second , there exactly exists internal capital market financing substitution effect of bio-pharmaceutical industry .

  21. 在我国企业集团中,已经建立了较为完整的内部资本市场体系。

    In the companies of china , a relatively mature internal capital market is established .

  22. 我国中小企业融资约束与内部资本市场构建

    Financing Constraints and Construction of Internal Capital Markets of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in China

  23. 建立了基于内部资本市场的企业组织形式选择模型;

    Established the model of firm organize choice based on the internal capital markets theory ;

  24. 内部资本市场运作对我国上市公司股权再融资效率的影响

    The Influence of Internal Capital Market Operation on Chinese Listed Companies Seasoned Equity Offerings Efficiency

  25. 因此内部资本市场的出现从某种意义上讲是外部资本市场很好的补充。

    Therefore , the arise of ICM is a complement to ECM in a sense .

  26. 内部资本市场利益输出行为对信息披露质量影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on the Impact of Internal Capital Market Tunneling to Information Disclosure Quality

  27. 企业内部资本市场问题分析

    An Analysis on the Internal Capital Market

  28. 内部资本市场价值、形成路径与投资者市场反应

    The Value of Internal Capital Market , Paths to Generate and the Reactions of the Investors

  29. 管理层激励对内部资本市场配置效率的影响机制分析

    An Analysis of the Affecting Mechanism of Management Incentives over Allocation Efficiency of Internal Capital Markets

  30. 多元化经营从理论上可以通过形成内部资本市场在一定程度上缓解企业所面临的融资约束。

    Diversification can ease the financing constraints faced by enterprise theoretically through an internal capital market .