
  • 网络interpolation method;Linear Interpolation
  1. 一种是利用具有等浓度D截面的A-B-C三角图和内插法来计算。

    The first is to make use of triangular A-B-C diagrams having an isoconcentration section of component D to determine liquidus temperature of slag with interpolation taken up .

  2. 使用反距离权重内插法绘制中国1990年代肿瘤分布地图

    Study on the development of a choropleth atlas on cancer mortality using the inverse distance weight interpolation in the 1990 's

  3. GPS网络RTK线性组合法与内插法关系的讨论

    Relations between interpolation method and linear combination method for GPS Network RTK

  4. 基于遗传神经网络的DEM空间内插法研究

    The Study on Interpolation Technology of DEM Based on GA_ANN

  5. DEM中顾及方向的单点移面内插法

    Single Point Chang Surface Interpolation Containing Orientation in DEM

  6. 在K值估计方法中,牛顿迭代法优于线性内插法。

    Newton iteration method is superior to linear interpolation method in the comparison of methods of estimation in the K-value and can accurately estimate the K-value .

  7. 结果表明,站点纬度较高时(30°N以北),应用双线性二次内插法插值效果较好,精度略低;

    Results show , for stations on a higher latitude north of 30 ° N , the bilinear interpolation method is better , but its accuracy is slightly lower .

  8. 其他盐度范围下,所测定的鳃或内脏MTs均需采用内插法进行校正。

    The MTs contents determined at other salinity ranges need correction by interpolation method .

  9. 根据CCD的PAL工作制式,用内插法重建捕捉到的图像,以利于后续图像处理。

    The captured image is reconstructed with interpolation according to PAL operating mode of CCD , thus is good for the follow-up image processing .

  10. 结果证明4节点一次Lagrange等参单元插值法等效于传统的双线性内插法,16节点三次Lagrange等参单元插值法等效于传统的立方卷积法。

    The result proved that 4-node 1-order Lagrange isoperimetric element interpolation is equivalent to bilinear interpolation , while 16-node 3-order to cubic convolution .

  11. 并采用线性内插法和具有强大绘图和显示功能的图形程序接口OpenGL绘制三维场景模型,得到很好的三维显示效果。

    And then , drawing the 3D scenes model by using the linear interpolation method and OpenGL which is a 3D graphic API with powerful drawing and display .

  12. 介绍了近年来DDS杂散抑制技术的发展,研究了相位抖动法、混合式频率合成技术和相位内插法的原理与应用。

    The development in spurious reduction technology of DDS in the recent years is introduced . The principle and application of phase-moving , admixture-frequency syntheses , inside-phase are studied .

  13. 针对复合材料身管结构分析过程中计算复杂耗时的问题,采用Kriging最优内插法建立复合材料身管结构分析近似模型。

    Aiming at the complex computation and time-consuming problem during the structure analysis for the composite barrel , the structural approximate model was established by using Kriging method .

  14. 首先对遥感图像进行图像预处理,采用二次多项式对LANDSATTM图像和SPOT图像进行几何校正,利用双线性内插法完成图像配准;

    Firstly , the Remote sensing image are pretreated by quadratic multinomial and double-linearity interposition , the Landsat TM images and SPOT images have geometrical coordinate and the Landsat TM images are matching the SPOT images .

  15. 本文在介绍GPS网络RTK系统的原理和组成部分的基础上,重点讨论了网络RTK系统的三种主要算法:内插法、线性组合法和虚拟参考站法;

    On the base of the principle and ingredients of GPS network RTK system , this article mainly discusses the three algorithms : interpolation method , linear combination method , GPS virtual reference station method .

  16. 测量补偿采用延迟内插法,相对于传统的游标内插法和斜坡内插法,此方法电路简单,转换速率高,测时分辨率可以达到ps级。

    The error compensation circuit adopts the time delay interpo-lation method . Compared with the conventional cursor interpolation method and slope interpolation method , the method has simple design and high conversion speed and ps-level time measurement resolution .

  17. 介绍了利用Excel进行锅炉热力计算的方法,对计算的流程、计算模板的建立、自动内插法查焓温表进行了详细示例。

    The paper provides the algorithm of the thermal calculation by Excel and makes detail examples for the current of the calculation , the set-up of the calculation templet , and looking up the heat content table by auto-interpolation method .

  18. 另外,本文还将数学上的最优三角形内插法引入到生成VRS误差改正数的算法中。

    In addition , the optimization triangle interpolation algorithm which is used in mathematics usually is introduced to creating correction terms in VRS for the first time in this paper .

  19. 在全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)网络RTK综合误差内插法(CBI)的基础上,提出了一种改进的综合误差内插方法(MCBI)。

    On the basis of the combined bias interpolation ( CBI ) method of GNSS network RTK , a modified combined bias interpolation ( MCBI ) method is proposed .

  20. 对stefan视频序列第一帧(I帧)分别采用两种下采样算法进行转码下采样,通过峰值信噪比(PSNR)值的比较说明线性内插法转码下采样的效果要优于DCT系数截断法。

    Linear interpolation and DCT coefficient decimation are used for downscaling the first frame of Stefan video sequence ( I frame ) . Linear interpolation is better than DCT coefficient decimation comparing with their Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio ( PSNR ) .

  21. 2最佳剖线生成,本文提出了两种最佳剖线生成算法,并通过最近邻垂直内插法生成最佳位置的雷达反射率因子剖面图(RCS),为后续穹窿特征提取提供有效的研究对象。

    In the paper , two algorithms of best cutting line were proposed , and then generate the radar reflectivity cross section ( RCS ) by radial and azimuth neighborhood combined with vertical interpolation . It provided an effective object for subsequent work . 3 .

  22. 用三点比例内插法分析介电函数的三级微商谱,精确地得到样品的带隙Eg、Eg+Δ0以及Eg以上成对结构跃迁的能量位置,并对其结果加以分析。

    By means of three-point-scaling , the third derivative spectrum of the dielectric functions can be calculated . Thereby , the accurate E g , E g + Δ 0 and the energy position of transition for the paired structure above E g are obtained . The results are discussed .

  23. 仿真结果表示,在前向向量法基础上仿真动态跳帧和运动矢量的修正比FDVS、双线性内插法和前向向量法能够提高图像的信噪比。

    Futhermore , proposed an adaptive motion vector refinement scheme to improve PSNR greater , it is better than conventional FDVS , bilinear interpolation method and forward vector method .

  24. 在基于降低时间分辨率的转换中,本文分析了合成运动矢量的线性内插法、FDVS方法,并在此基础上提出了一种运动矢量合成的新方法。

    In reducing temporal resolution transcoding two motion vector composed methods are analysed : linear interpolation method and FDVS method . A new motion vector composed method is proposed .

  25. 主要采用了矩阵计算、物理模型(Demishel模型和Coaxial模型)转换、黑箱模型转换、查表插值转换(立方体内插法、三角柱内插法、四面体内插法)等处理方法。

    The method which we adopted mainly are matrix calculation , physical model ( demishel model and coaxial model ), black model , look-up - - table interpolation transformation ( cube interpolation , prism interpolation , tetrahedron interpolation ), etc. .

  26. 探讨了一种基于最小均方误差准则的自适应图像压缩编码算法(MMSEACC),该算法将最小均方误差BTC、内插法和四叉树技术有机结合起来,根据图像的局部特性调节编码算法。

    An adaptive compression coding algorithm based on minimum mean square error rule for image coding ( MMSEACC ) is presented , which combines the block truncated coding ( MMSEBTC ) with interpolation coding and quadtree , and can adjust the compression algorithm based on the local image details .

  27. 太阳热水器经济效益的内插法分析

    Interpolation method analysis of the economic efficiency of solar water heater

  28. 解三维扩散方程的积分内插法格式

    Difference Scheme by Integral Interpolation Method for Three Dimensional Diffusion Equation

  29. 一种基于内插法符号同步电路的设计

    The Design of an Interpolation - based Symbol Timing Synchronization Loop

  30. 两种内插法在运动补偿视频编码中的比较

    Comparison of Different Interpolation Methods For Motion Compensated Hybrid Video Coding