
  • 网络internality;interiority;internal nature
  1. 合理的内部性可以控制城市空间和优化土地利用;

    A rational internality can help control urban space and optimize land usage .

  2. 所以,从政府失灵产生的根源即政府的“内部性”角度进行分析,反思政府失灵现象具有重大的现实意义。

    So , the nature of Government failure , internality , is the most important aspect on analyzing this issue , and also is of great Practical significance .

  3. 最佳操作基于在一个大型IBM内部性ClearQuest项目工作期间获得的经验,它需要有两个设计人员去开发一个方案。

    The best practices are based on experience gained during a large IBM-internal ClearQuest project , which involved developing a schema with two designers .

  4. 代码评审的最常见内部性制度是检查率,缺陷率,以及缺陷密度。

    The most common internal metrics for code review are inspection rate , defect rate , and defect density .

  5. 上市公司收购中由于信息的不对称而存在内部性,由此可能导致道德风险、逆向选择和机会主义等问题。

    Because of the asymmetry of information and inner problem , there may be moral hazard , adverse selection and opportunities .

  6. 行政处罚的伦理向度是公序和公益,消解“内部性”问题和“私人化”问题是其内在要求;

    The ethical orientation must be public order and benefit with the internal demand to solve " internal problems " and " private problems ";

  7. 即由于地方政府公共决策失效、政府的内部性和寻租行为等导致了耕地保护中的政府失败。

    Owing to public making-decision system loses efficacy , some improper actions of local governments cause " Government defeat " in the farmland protection .

  8. 涉众不但能够发现最近什么是新的,什么更改过,它们还可以发现关于外部性工件和内部性工件相关的广泛需求。

    Not only can stakeholders find what 's new and changed recently , they can also discover the wider context requirements in terms of links to both internal and external artifacts .

  9. 相反,它显示了一个空白的状态,所以您就可以确定程序遭到了适当的终止,而且并没有产生什么内部性(特定程序)的问题。

    Instead , it is showing a blank status , so you cannot be sure that the application is stopped properly and that it doesn 't contain any internal ( application-specific ) problems .

  10. 内部性矛盾(国家与社会)和外部性矛盾(国家与世界)的特殊结构是俄罗斯历史形成的政治文明形态及其所处的地缘政治形态的产物。

    The one is internal contradiction ( the state vs the society ), and the other is external contradiction ( the nation vs the world ), which are the outcomes of Russian history and geopolitics .

  11. 而在公共物品、外部性与内部性等市场失灵中,都存在公共领域,在本质上都是由产权未被清晰界定引起,政府在这些领域进行管制可能会缩小公共领域,进而减少租金消散。

    As to public goods , internality and externality , the public domain exist since the property rights has not been defined well . If the government implements regulations in these fields , it will reduce the public domain and rent dissipation .

  12. 在算例的计算中,调整逐项内部性因素和外部性因素变量,分析各类因素对各参与方的敏感性以及变化后利益联盟的稳定性。

    In the calculation of numerical examples , the author adjusted internal factors and external factors variables item by item ; analyzed the influence of various factors on the sensitivity of all participants as well as stability of the interest union after changes .

  13. 其次,通过对影响中心城市经济功能的内部性因素即中心城市的城市化水平、城市规模、产业结构、城市经营、城市政府管理五大影响因素的优化研究来增强和提升中心城市经济功能;

    Then , it discusses how to enhance and advance the economic function of central city through the study of internal factors influencing economic function of central city which are level of urbanization , urban scale , industrial structure , urban management and urban government administration .

  14. 具有U(3)U×(3)内部对称性的四维弦模型

    Four Dimensional String Model with U ( 3 )× U ( 3 ) Internal Symmetry

  15. Meta分析中应采用这些评价研究内部真实性的标准来评估研究的方法学质量。

    The internal validity criteria should be used to define methodological quality in the meta-analysis .

  16. 结果:健康人的测查结果表明ESD分半信度系数达0.9,内部一致性系数0.69-0.78,病人的正确划分率97%。

    Result : split-reliability derived from healthy elderly was 0 9 , inner consistency 0 69-0 78 , the rate of correct separation was 97 % .

  17. 不同病种分析,HADS具有较高的内部一致性。

    Internal consistency of the HADS is stable in different categories of diseases .

  18. 修订的《工作倾向问卷》具有较好的信度和效度。本研究采用内部一致性系数(Cronbachα系数)、分半信度和重测信度检验问卷的信度。

    Internal concordance coefficient ( Cronbach a coefficient ) split-half coefficient , and test-retest reliability were analyzed to verify the reliability of the questionnaire .

  19. 方法用SF-36英国发展版对住院的6种慢性病患者进行生命质量的测定,分析包括内部一致性信度和重测信度;结构效度、效标效度和区分效度;

    Methods With the self - assessed data of quality of life in subjects with 6 kinds of chronic diseases , the reliability , sensitivity and validity of SF-36 instrument were evaluated .

  20. 介绍了电力变压器故障诊断的人工神经网络法(ANN),提出了人工神经网络的模块化结构,并用具体实例说明了ANN对变压器内部潜伏性故障作出早期诊断的可行性和有效性。

    The Artificial Nerval Network ( ANN ) method for transformer fault diagnosis is introduced . The module structure of ANN is pointed out . Its feasibility and availability of ANN for primary diagnosis of transformer early hidden faults are explained by some examples .

  21. 结果:与SAQ比较,SF-8量表整体上具有较好的结构效度、效标效度、分半效度、内部一致性和反应度,但部分领域的内部一致性和反应度较差。

    Results : Compared with SAQ , SF-8 as a whole had very good reliability , validity and responsibility , but poor validity and responsibility existed in several domains .

  22. 研究结果:首先采用Cronbachα系数对OSI-R和TABP两问卷进行了同质性信度检验,结果表明两量表的内部一致性较好。

    Results : First , evaluated the internal consistent reliability of the inventories ( OSI-R and TABP ) by Cronbach α coefficient , and the result show they all have good internal consistent .

  23. 本研究用分半信度和内部一致性系数(Cronbacha系数)检验问卷的信度,信度系数均达到显著水平,说明中学校风问卷具有较好的信度。

    Split-half coefficient and internal concordance coefficient ( Cronbach a coefficient ) were used to test reliability of the questionnaire . Coefficient of all the factors was significant that shows the questionnaire has good internal concordance and high split-half reliability .

  24. 目的探讨Wolf运动功能量表(WMFT)评定脑卒中患者上肢运动功能的信度、效度及内部一致性,同时进行因子分析。

    Objective To explore the reliability and validity of the Wolf Motor Function Test ( WMFT ) for assessing upper extremity motor function ( UEMF ) in patients with stroke , and to analyze internal consistency ( IC ) and factors of WMFT .

  25. 通过高温模拟试验,研究了中心压实法(J.T.S法)锻造时,锻件内部孔洞性缺陷的锻合机理和变形规律,以及对锻件内部组织和机械性能的影响。

    The mechanism and law of consolidation of the internal cavities of large forgings in J. T. S forging process were systematically investigated by high temperature modelling technique .

  26. 方法:通过随机抽取的278名初中学生的生活质量资料对JHSS-QOLS的接受率、完成率、结构效度、效标效度、重测信度和内部一致性信度等指标进行考评。

    Methods : The QOL data collected from 278 junior high school students were used to evaluate the following aspects of JHSS-QOLS : acceptance rate , finish rate , construct validity , criterion-related validity , test-retest reliability and internal consistency reliability of JHSS-QOLS .

  27. 购物中心内部开放性空间设计研究

    Research on the Design of Shopping Centers ' Interior Open Space

  28. 结果:自编的大学生脑功能问卷经探索性因素分析,内部一致性系数为0.88,重测信度为0.93;

    Concordance coefficient was 0.88 , test retest reliability was 0.93 ;

  29. 大型锻件内部孔隙性缺陷修复规律的研究

    Study of recovering law of cavity-type inner defect in heavy forging

  30. 大型锻件内部夹杂性缺陷产生机理研究

    Study on Mechanism of Defects Originated from Inclusions in Processes of Heavy Forgings