
  1. 企业内部职工股法律规制刍议

    On Law and Regulations Governing Shares Held by Workers and Staff of the Enterprise

  2. 内部职工股纠纷

    Internal Disputes over Staff Share

  3. 省级人民政府对发行人内部职工股托管情况及真实性的确认情况;

    Confirmed results of the provincial people 's government to depository results and truth of internal staff shares of the issuer ;

  4. 中国国企改革中推行内部职工股制度,并未达到预期的效果。

    The system of individual employee stock ownership practiced in the reform of China 's state-owned enterprises has failed to meet the expectation .

  5. 而流通股与融资结构之间仅存在一次线性关系;对高管持股的研究结果并不显著,而内部职工股与融资结构之间呈线性负相关。

    The relation between finance structure and managerial shares is vague , and there is simple negative linearity between employee shares and finance structure .

  6. 内部职工股:指原定向募集股份有限公司的内部职工认购的股票。

    Internal staff shares : refer to the shares subscribed by the internal staff of the joint stock limited company that raises fund from targeted sources originally .

  7. 职工持股在股份制企业中的最初探索始于20世纪80年代中期,先后经历了内部职工股、公司职工股和以职工持股会建设为主要内容的职工持股制度等发展阶段。

    The employee stock ownership was explored initially in sharing corporations in the mid of 1980s , which experienced several stages : the internal worker share , the corporate worker share , the employee stock ownership that their shares are mainly held by employee share holding councils .