
  • 网络European Capital Markets
  1. 但陈朝光表示,如果明年欧洲资本市场继续受到欧元区危机的影响,更多国际消费者品牌可能被吸引到香港来。

    But more international consumer brands could still be lured to Hong Kong next year if European capital markets continued to be affected by the eurozone crisis , Mr Chan said .

  2. 欧盟成员国周二晚达成一致,禁止俄罗斯一些国有银行在欧洲资本市场进行长期融资,对武器和军民两用技术实施禁运,并限制对俄出口能源相关的设备和技术。

    EU members agreed on Tuesday night to bar some Russian state banks from long-term financing in European capital markets , to impose an embargo on trading arms and dual-use technology with Russia and to restrict exports of energy-related equipment and technology to Russia .

  3. 此次合并凸现出欧洲资本市场日益增加的重要性,同时,也能满足日渐增多的欧洲上市公司的会计服务需求。

    The merger reflects the increasing international importance of the European capital markets-and the need to support the growing number of companies that choose to list on European exchanges .

  4. 上周欧元区全部17个成员国批准对欧元区救助基金进行扩容,但此举只是努力使欧洲资本市场恢复正常所需要的第一步。

    The passage of the enlarged euro zone bailout fund last week by all17 euro zone members is just the first step required to bring any sense of normalcy back to the continental capital markets .

  5. 随着欧洲统一资本市场的形成和启用,我国政府应改变主要发行美元债券的方式,增加发行欧元债券。

    Accompanied with the Formation and Start of European Unified Capital Market , Our Government Should Decrease Issue US Dollars Bonds to Increase Issue European Dollars Bonds .

  6. 欧洲风险资本市场去年强劲复苏,通过基金筹集、投资于初创企业和初期企业的资金量增加了60%,达到2000年互联网泡沫顶峰以来的最高水平。

    Europe 's venture capital market recovered sharply last year , as money raised by funds investing in start-ups and early-stage companies rose 60 per cent to the highest level since the peak of the internet bubble in 2000 .

  7. 虽然如此,已经有几家中国公司开始利用欧洲大陆的资本市场,而丰泉环保就是其中之一。

    But Fengquan is one of several Chinese companies starting to take advantage of capital markets in continental Europe .

  8. 近些年来,在美国、欧洲等发达资本市场上接连发生了令人触目惊心的财务舞弊丑闻。

    In recent years , the USA and Europe such sophisticated capital markets broke out a series of astonishing financial fraud scandals .

  9. 最终,通过将债务从市场机构转移给政府,欧洲央行将破坏资本市场的配置功能。

    Ultimately , the ECB undermines the allocative function of the capital market by shifting the liability from market agents to governments .

  10. 过去6周里,欧洲银行从主流资本市场获得的融资,低于1995年以来的任何一个年份,因为经济动荡大幅推高了借贷成本。

    European banks have raised less from the mainstream capital markets in the past six weeks than in any year since 1995 as turmoil has pushed borrowing costs sharply higher .

  11. 由于欧洲主权债务危机动摇了人们对该地区的信心,欧洲资本市场给银行业创造的费用收入在全球总额中所占的比例,降至了2000年有记录以来的最低水平。

    Fees generated for banks from European capital market activities accounted for their lowest proportion of the global total since records began in 2000 , as the sovereign debt crisis shook confidence in the region .

  12. 俄罗斯石油公司上周在欧洲法院(EuropeanCourtofJustice)的普通法院对欧洲理事会(EuropeanCouncil)提起诉讼,请求废除后者在7月份作出的决定,即禁止该公司、俄罗斯其它能源企业以及国有银行在欧洲资本市场上筹集资金。

    Rosneft filed a case against the European Council in the general court under the European Court of Justice last week , requesting an annulment of the council 's July decision that largely barred it and other Russian energy companies and state banks from raising funds on European capital markets .