
  • 网络European integration
  1. 她成为欧洲一体化的主要支持者。

    She became a leading promoter of European integration .

  2. 恕我直言,我们可能无法指望正统芬兰人党(TrueFinns)或荷兰仇外的政治人士认识到欧洲一体化意味着什么。

    With all respect , we can probably not expect from the True Finns or xenophobic political figures in the Netherlands an awareness of what European integration means .

  3. 欧盟共同农业政策(CAP)的前身是欧共体共同农业政策,它是奠定欧洲一体化进程的一项非常重要的政策,也是欧盟/欧共体实施的第一项共同政策。

    The EU Common Agricultural Policy ( CAP ), which was the predecessor of European Community CAP and the first common policy of EU / EC , is the bedrock of European integration process .

  4. 新制度主义的欧洲一体化理论述评

    A Study of New Institutionalism in the Theories of European Integration

  5. 美国缘何支持欧洲一体化?

    Why does the United States support the integration of Europe ?

  6. 北欧绿党与欧洲一体化:以瑞典和芬兰为例

    Nordic Greens and European Integration : Cases of Sweden and Finland

  7. 欧洲一体化需要所有成员国的支持和参与。

    Integration needs the support and participation of all member states .

  8. 欧洲一体化经验及时代精神

    Experiences of European Integration and the Spirit of the Times

  9. 欧洲一体化与初步裁决制度的互动性剖析

    The Preliminary Reference Procedure in the Process of European Integration

  10. 欧洲一体化进程中的欧洲认同探析

    Exploring the European Identity Through the Process of European Integration

  11. 欧洲一体化是起步最早的区域一体化。

    Euro-integration is the earliest regional one in the world .

  12. 绿党在欧洲一体化中的地位与作用

    Position and Function of Green Party in Unification of Europe

  13. 欧洲一体化对英国国际私法的影响

    The Influence of European Integration on English Private International Law

  14. 它同样也有违欧洲一体化的本质。

    It would also go against the very nature of European integration .

  15. 建立内部市场和经济与货币联盟是欧洲一体化取得的重要成就。

    Internal Market and Monetary Union are significant achievements of European integration .

  16. 90年代前欧洲一体化两大理论的历史演变

    Historical development of the two theories on European Integration before the 1990s

  17. 第二章表明了欧洲一体化的历程与欧元生成的历史逻辑关系;

    Chapter 2 states the historically logic relations between European Integration and Euro .

  18. 统一后的德国与欧洲一体化

    The Unification of Germany and the Integration of Europe

  19. 欧洲一体化是主权的产物,欧洲一体化的过程是主权的让渡过程,也是主权的扩大过程。

    European integration is an outcome of sovereign transfer .

  20. 论欧洲一体化进程中的公平与效率

    Efficiency and Equity in the Process of European Integration

  21. 欧洲一体化理论中的政府间主义

    Intergovernmentalism : An Approach in Theories of European Integration

  22. 欧洲一体化进程中劳动力市场模式的演变机制

    Transformation Mechanism of EU Labour Market Model in the Process of European Integration

  23. 法德和解与欧洲一体化进程

    On Accommodation of France and German and the Process of the European Unifying

  24. 试析撒切尔政府在欧洲一体化问题上的分歧

    Tentatively on Thatcher Administration 's Controversy over European Integration

  25. 法德发动机的神话似乎难以继续推动欧洲一体化。

    The fabled Franco-German motor appears no longer to be driving European integration .

  26. 对德国的批评也未能认识到欧洲一体化的独特之处。

    Criticism of Germany also fails to recognise the peculiarities of European integration .

  27. 欧洲一体化背景下职业教育与培训的发展趋势

    On the Trends of VET under the Europeanized Background

  28. 开放的地区主义与拉美经济一体化欧洲一体化观照下的亚洲地区主义

    Open Regionalism and Latin American Economic Integration Asian Regionalism Contrasted with European Integration

  29. 欧盟制宪与欧洲一体化:国际关系的解读

    A Study of Convention and European Integration from the Perspective of International Relations

  30. 他们投票同意欧洲一体化。

    They voted in favor of closer European integration .