
  • 网络green politics
  1. 论当代西方绿色政治理论的形成和发展

    The Formation and Development of Theories of Contemporary Western Green Politics

  2. 当代西方绿色政治理论及其对可持续发展的意义

    Contemporary western theory of green politics and its significance to sustained development

  3. 绿色政治听起来往往让人联想到“苦难”政治。

    Green politics has too often sounded like the politics of misery .

  4. 他是绿色政治的早期拥护者。

    He was an early champion of green politics .

  5. 关于环境,马克思令人惊讶的预言了我们现在的绿色政治。

    As for the environment , Marx astonishingly prefigured our own Green politics .

  6. 美国太平洋西北部长期以来一直是绿色政治和尖端科技产生的摇篮。

    The Pacific Northwest has long been a hotbed of both Green politics and cutting-edge technology .

  7. 绿色政治对传统政治的挑战

    Green Politics challenges traditional politics

  8. 绿色政治与中国

    Green Politics and China

  9. 绿党所倡导的绿色政治是主张在经济发展的同时兼顾生态环境的保护。

    The green politics initiated by Green Party is view in economic development at the same time consider both ecological environment protect .

  10. 绿色政治文明的基本内容有绿色政治文化价值、绿色政治行为文明以及绿色政治制度文明,它们从多维角度促进着人与环境友好型社会的建设。

    Green political civilization includes its cultural value , behavioral civilization and structural civilization , which are promoting the development of man and environmentally friendly society .

  11. 在西方政治学研究传统和政治思潮中,出现了“政治生态学”和绿色政治思潮,实际上阐释了后现代“生态文明”中的政治哲学;

    In the western political research tradition and political trend , political ecological and green political trend have appeared which actually explain the political philosophy of post - modern ecological civilization .

  12. 绿色政治理论是一个新型的政治理论,将自然关怀和环境思维引入政治的维度,对主流政治理论产生了深刻的影响。

    As a new political theory , green political theory puts concerns with nature and thought of environment into the degree of politics , which has a profound influence on main political theory .

  13. 生态问题实质上是政治问题,构建环境友好型社会必须促使生态学与政治学联姻,大力推进绿色政治文明建设。

    Ecological issue is essentially a political issue so , in order to build a environmentally friendly society , ecology must merge with politics and building of green political civilization must be promoted .

  14. 环境问题的恶化及人们对环境危机的认识,是绿色政治产生的社会基础,也是人类工业文明发展到一定阶段的必然结果,为人类政治的前进带来了新的希望。

    The social foundation of the Green Politics is the worsening of environment and people 's cognition of the environmental crisis . As also the inevitable result of the development of industrial civilization , the Green Politics will bring hope to human politics .

  15. 进一步加强精神文明建设,从自然资源利用主体入手,积极倡导绿色生产观绿色消费观生态政治观。

    At last , in order to strengthen the construction of spiritual civilization , propose the views of green production , green consumption and ecological politics , in the light of the resources utilization .

  16. 第三章论述绿色经济发展中的绿色责任及其责任归属,具体从发展进程中的绿色经济责任、绿色政治责任及环境道德责任三方面加以阐述。

    The third chapter discusses the green economic development and its responsibility , specific responsibility in the process of the evolution of green from economic responsibility , green political responsibility and environmental moral responsibility expatiates three aspects .