
  • 网络Elitism;elitist;meritocracy
  1. 严格的选拔标准是否会造成精英主义,进而危及奥林匹克重在参与的理念呢?

    Will severe selection standards create elitism and threaten the Olympic ethic of participation ?

  2. 我们必须避免文化精英主义。

    We must avoid cultural elitism .

  3. 该党领导阶层谴责那项议案是搞精英主义。

    The party leadership denounced the Bill as elitist

  4. 滑雪是一种过时的、精英主义的无聊运动。

    Skiing is old-fashioned , elitist and boring

  5. 现在,世界现实已经超越了那种格局,但G8难以摆脱其精英主义的包袱。

    Now things have moved beyond that . But it is hard for the G8 to shake off its elitist baggage .

  6. 在法国生活的英国记者彼得·冈贝尔(PeterGumbel)最近写了一本关于法国精英主义的书。他说,虽然诺贝尔奖能在某种程度上让人觉得国家得到了认可,但两个人并不能反映国家全貌。

    Peter Gumbel , a British journalist living in France who most recently wrote a book on French elitism , said that while the prize would provide some sense of national validation , the two men did not reflect the country as a whole .

  7. 如此谈论大学也许听上去有点精英主义的味道。

    To talk about college this way may sound é litist .

  8. 难道你不认为寡头政治有点精英主义吗?

    Don 't you think an oligarchy would be too elitist ?

  9. 不要成为精英主义思想的俘虏。

    Don 't let the idea of elitism get to you .

  10. 中国大众文化批评中的精英主义之维

    Analyzing the elitism tendency in the criticism on Chinese mass culture

  11. 现在的媒体都有一种鼓励精英主义的倾向。

    There is a tendency in media nowadays to encourage elitism .

  12. 新加坡是一个奉行精英主义的国家,各行各业的精英在新加坡经济建设中发挥着重要的作用。

    Elitism from all trades contributes to the economic development of Singapore .

  13. 精英主义与多元主义&政治社会学两种基本理论模式述评

    Elitism and Pluralism : A Review of Two Basic Political Sociology Models

  14. 德性论与精英主义&从麦金泰尔的实践概念谈起

    Virtue Theory and Elitism : From the View of MacIntyre 's Practice Concept

  15. 许多人认为私人办学可助长精英主义。

    Many people believe that private education encourages elitism .

  16. 靠,主持人,我选“精英主义”500块。

    Jeez , I 'll take " Elitist " for 500 , Alex .

  17. 以上没有哪一种无论是精英主义、地区主义,还是功能主义或非正式主义是万灵药。

    None of this-not elitism or regionalism or functionalism or informalism-is a panacea .

  18. 成功的概念促使我考虑所谓的精英主义及其含义。

    The concept of success leads me to consider so-called meritocracies and their implications .

  19. 他习惯了被指责为精英主义。

    He is used to charges of elitism .

  20. 而它,也面临着精英主义的严肃指控。

    It also faces serious charges of elitism .

  21. 西方政治社会中有两种主要的理论模式:精英主义和多元主义。

    There are two basic models in western political sociology : elitism and pluralism .

  22. 精英主义教育体制与重点学校

    Educational System for the Elite and Key Schools

  23. 整个事情都带有精英主义。

    This whole thing smacks of elitism .

  24. 新加坡的精英主义与经济发展

    Singapore 's Elitism and Economic Development

  25. 从大众文化到媒介文化:精英主义式微?

    From ' Mass Culture ' to ' Medium Culture ' : a Decline of Elitism ?

  26. 精英主义的基本观点是精英占据着社会结构中顶层的位置。

    The elite perspective is that elites occupy top positions in the structure of the society .

  27. 自由派对网瘾的辩护充斥着精英主义,甚至潜意识中有极端达尔文主义倾向。

    The liberals'defense of the Internet smacks of elitism , and subconsciously , even extreme Darwinism .

  28. 然而精英主义的压力有时却会把爱放在错误的基础上。

    But the pressures of the meritocracy can sometimes put this love on a false basis .

  29. 精英主义的基础是努力赢得的成功,根源于才能和成就。

    The meritocracy is based on earned success . It is based on talent and achievement .

  30. 这代表着教育竞争力,对更高学术标准的追求,以及精英主义。

    That means educational competition , the pursuit of higher academic standards and , yes , elitism .