
jīnɡ mì dù
  • precision
精密度 [jīng mì dù]
  • [precision] 要求所加工的零件的尺寸达到的准确程度,也就是容许误差的大小,容许误差大的精密度低,容许误差小的精密度高;简称精度

  1. 提高线阵CCD测量光束中心位置精密度的方法

    Improvement of the Measurement Precision of Light Beam Center by Linear CCD

  2. 结果表明:压膜法测定腈纶纺丝原液的P和w的准确度和精密度较拉丝法的高,且分析时间较短;

    The results showed that the pressed film method had higher accuracy and precision in shorter time ;

  3. 方法操作简便,快速,准确,灵敏度和精密度高,适用于环境空气中CO的检测。

    The method is simple , rapid , accurate and of high sensitivity and accuracy .

  4. 方法的灵敏度可达20μg氮,精密度的C。

    The results show as follows : sensitivity can be reached to 20 μ g N , C.

  5. 用EXCEL进行精密度&偏性分析质控数据处理

    Application of EXCEL to Precision - Bias Analysis of Data Processing

  6. 如何提高COD比色法测试的精密度和准确度

    How to Improve Degree of Precision and Accuracy Rate of COD Colorimetric Methods

  7. 双波长分光光度法在矿石分析中的应用&Ⅱ.双波长K系数法降低测定的检出限和提高测定的准确度和精密度

    Application of Dual-Wavelength Spectrophotometry to the Ore Analysis π . Lowering Detection Limit and Increasing Precision and Accuracy by Dual-Wavelength K-factor Spectrophotometry

  8. 优化了固相微萃取条件:萃取纤维、萃取方式、萃取温度、平衡时间、pH及电解质浓度等。在优化的试验条件下,进行了方法的检出限、精密度、回收率试验。

    The conditions of SPME were optimized including fibre , extraction type , temperature , equilibrium time , pH value , support electrolyte .

  9. ICP-AES分析方法精密度评定方法研究

    Study on method of evaluating precision for ICP-AES analysis

  10. 已二酰肼残余量测定平均相对标准差为2.2%,重复性精密度小于0.01μg。

    The results showed that RSD and ADH 's residue detection was 2.2 % and the precision of reproducibility was less than 0.01 μ g.

  11. 硬件方面,设计了以通用型数字信号处理器(DSP)芯片为主体的数据采集和处理电路,一定程度上提高了数据采集的速度和精密度。

    Hardware aspect , DSP chip was used in the circuit for data acquisition and preprocessing . The speed and precision of data acquisition was improved .

  12. 结果:两种方法都有较好的精密度,但测定的结果有较大差异,紫外/可见分光光度法测得的结果比HPLC法高。

    Results : Both methods had high measurement precision , but the measurement result in UV VIS spectrophotometry was about 3 times that in HPLC .

  13. 结论采用FDAOS色原的酶法测定血清Cr的方法特异性好,精密度高,结果准确,有一定推广价值。

    Conclusions F-DAOS chromogen enzymatic determination of creatinine in serum is a method with good specificity , high precision and accuracy .

  14. F检验结果表明该方法精密度与药典方法相当;

    RESULTS The precision of Highly-accurate nephelometric titration was better than 0.2 % under suitable experiment conditions , which was comparable to that of the Pharmacopoeia methods by F-test .

  15. 该方法的相对标准偏差(RSD)<0.3%,精密度和准确度良好,适合于生产中间控制分析。

    The relative standard deviation of the method is < 0.3 % , and its precision and accuracy are satisfactory .

  16. 介绍氮中低含量CO气体标准物质定值的方法,对气体滤光相关分析法进行了探讨,给出了该方法的实验条件和精密度。

    The method of the determing value for CO standard gas of low content in the nitrogen was introduced , and the gas filter correlation ( CFC ) analysis method was discussed .

  17. 快速凯氏定氮仪与纳氏试剂光度法测定NH3-N的精密度及总不确定度比较

    The accuracy and systematic uncertainty of NH_3-N results comparing the photometry method and quick analyzing method

  18. 方法精密度好,6种醇的日间RSD、日内RSD均小于6%,本法简单快速,结果准确,适用于临床醇中毒及工业生产配制作业人员体内醇浓度的监测研究。

    The simple , rapid and accurate method developed in the study can be used for clinical monitoring of alcohols exposure .

  19. 该方法的精密度为辛硫磷乳油中辛硫磷的相对标准偏差4.3%,神光乳油中辛硫磷的RSD是3.6%;

    The relative standard deviation is 4.3 % of phoxim in phoxim emulsifiable concentrate , 3.6 % of Shenguang emulsifiable concentrate .

  20. 经F检验与t检验,三种分析方法间不存在显著性的精密度差异和系统误差,一致性较好,均适用于皂化价的测定。

    According to F-check and t-check , there are no obvious precision differences and systematic errors among the three methods , which are suitable to the measurement of the saponification value .

  21. 对NBSSRM2670冻干人尿标准物质的测定结果表明,各方法具有良好的精密度。

    The determination result of NBS SRM 2670 showed that these methods had good accuracy and precision .

  22. 结果表明,本法能简便、准确地测定大批量生物体液样品中抗生素含量,精密度(CV)优于10%。

    The method showed it was possible to test large number of biological fluid samples by simple way with an accuracy bet-ter than 10 % .

  23. F检验和t检验结果显示高精度散射光度滴定法测定苯妥英钠,在精密度和准确度方面与重量法、电位滴定法测定结果均无显著差异(α>0.05)。

    The results of F test and t test demonstrate that the precision and the accuracy of highly-accurate nephelometric titrimetry are comparable to those of gravimetry and potentiometric titrimetry (α > 0 05 ) .

  24. 液温度对二氧化氯的膜分离效果及流动注射分析(FIA)的准确度、精密度肯定有一定的影响。

    The efficiency of separation and the sensitivity and precision of FIA are certainly affected by the temperature of ClO2 liquor .

  25. 采用聚酯膜制样技术建立了X射线荧光分析测定Sc和Th的方法,精密度优于4%;

    The X ray fluorescence analysis of determination of Sc and Th is developed by polyester film sample making technique , the measuring precision of Sc and Th is better than 4 % .

  26. 目的:建立对硝基酸(PNP)溶液检测自动生化分析仪精密度方法。

    Objective : To set up a method to determine the precision of automatic analyzer with p_nitrophenol ( PNP ) solution .

  27. 研究了采用ICP-AES分析高纯黄金中的杂质时选择分析参数的思路和仪器分析参数的确定,并对方法的准确度、精密度及检出限作了相应的讨论。

    The paper studies the selection and determination of analytic parameters of ICP-AES used for analyzing high purity gold , and discusses the accuracy , precision degree and DL .

  28. 结果表明,利用GC_AED的高选择性和高灵敏度,能够快速、有效地解决石油分析中的一些复杂问题,准确度、精密度满足应用要求。

    The results show that some complex problems in petroleum analysis can be solved effectively by this method due to its good selectivity and sensitivity .

  29. 盐酸多巴酚丁胺的方法平均回收率为100.0%,RSD为1.0%。日内和日间精密度小于1.6%。

    The average recovery of dobutamine hydrochloride was 100.0 % ( RSD 1.0 % ) and the RSD of intra and inter day was less than 1.6 % .

  30. 本法与PAN法和锌试剂法结果基本一致,回收率高,精密度较好,灵敏度较高,说明本法可以用来测定锌糖浆剂及含锌化合物的含量。

    The experimental results of this method are in agreement with those of PAN and zinc reagent methods . The method has higher recovery , accuracy and sensitivity thus can be used for practical applications .