
  • 网络boutique bank
  1. 创业型精品银行继续遍地开花。

    Start-up boutique banks continue to sprout .

  2. 精品银行已开始分散进入不同的领域有些以财富500强(fortune500)客户为目标,有些则瞄准较小的公司或某些特定的行业。

    Boutiques have begun fanning out into different areas some targeting Fortune 500 clients , others smaller companies or certain industries .

  3. 对于evercore和perellaweinberg等一些精品银行而言,下一步是增加一个资产管理部门,来处理投资组合。

    To some , including evercore and perella Weinberg , the next step is adding an asset management arm to handle investment portfolios .

  4. 对于客户而言,由打造一新的专业性精品银行构成的华尔街将变得更健康。

    A refashioned Wall Street of specialist boutiques would be healthier for customers .

  5. 对于那些寻求长期生存的精品银行来说,增长是至关重要的。

    Growth is vital for those seeking longevity .

  6. 但格林希尔表示,资产管理可能损害精品银行的诚信。

    But Mr Greenhill says asset management can compromise the integrity of a boutique .

  7. 精品银行能够参与竞争而不损及自己的独立性,并且避开困住了前辈的陷阱吗?

    Can boutiques compete without compromising their independence and avoid the pitfalls that trapped their predecessors ?

  8. 目前还存在大量新“精品银行”,以迎合私人银行市场的需求。

    A number of new " boutiques " now exist to cater to the private banking market .

  9. 但是,不管它们如何瓜分市场,数目增加将加大每一家精品银行产生影响的难度。

    However they split the market , though , proliferation will make it harder for each to have an impact .

  10. 缺乏销售和交易功能的精品银行,还会发现它们很难与能够获取海量数据的大银行竞争。

    Boutiques that lack sales and trading functions can also find it tough to compete against giant banks with access to oceans of data .

  11. 由于巴黎银行无意将自己转变成一个精品银行,该银行要么必须发展壮大,要么就只能退出市场。

    Since BNP Paribas has no intention of turning itself into a boutique , the bank will have to either bulk up or get out .

  12. 除了一家以外,其它所有银行都已出售给更大的机构,以满足它们日益增长的资本需求和野心,而许多精品银行最终消失了至少在名义上如此。

    All but one sold themselves to larger institutions to satiate their rising capital needs and ambitions , and many eventually unravelled at least in name .

  13. 本文结合国内外商业银行发展的新趋势,归纳了精品银行的基本特征。

    This paper based on the new trend of development of commercial banks Chinese and foreign gives a summary of the characteristics of top banks in the world .

  14. 不过,尽管在最简单的咨询模式和大型投行之间存在许多扩张机会,但没有两家精品银行走了同样的道路而且几乎每条增长路线都构成冲突。

    Yet while many expansion opportunities lie between the plain-vanilla advisory model and the big investment banks , no two boutiques have followed the same path and nearly every avenue for growth poses a conflict .

  15. 而现在,在某些大银行的高利润业务陷入一团糟之际,这些精品银行的努力正产生果实,这似乎表明,企业的确愿意购买老派的独立建议。

    And now , as some of the big banks ' higher-margin businesses lie in shambles , the boutiques ' efforts are bearing fruit suggesting companies are , indeed , willing to pay for old-fashioned independent advice .

  16. 这可能取决于它们的创办者想创造一个什么样的企业,以及是否有充足的需求来支撑仅提供咨询服务,而没有大银行那些花哨服务的精品银行。

    That is likely to depend on what their founders aim to create , and whether there is sufficient demand to support a growing number of boutiques that provide advisory services without the bells and whistles that big banks offer .

  17. 同时,打造小型、本地、专业或精品银行的想法不再是禁忌;相反,社区银行符合时代潮流是有着充分的经济和政治原因的。

    Meanwhile , the idea of being small , local , specialist or boutique is no longer taboo ; on the contrary , there are some good economic and political reasons why community banks are becoming in tune with the times .

  18. 更有争议的是打造资本市场业务的想法,通过这种业务,精品银行不仅将对企业如何募资提供咨询许多银行已经在做,同时还会承销整个操作,并交易客户的证券。

    More controversial still is the idea of building a capital markets business , through which a boutique would not only advise companies on how to raise capital which many already do but also underwrite the effort and trade in their clients ' securities .

  19. 精品投资银行Digi-Capital的数据显示,开发者从应用获得的营收中,约45%来自苹果APPStore,29%来自谷歌PlayStore。

    Apple 's App Store accounts for around 45 per cent of the revenue that developers make from apps , compared to 29 per cent for Google 's Play , according to Digi-Capital .

  20. 由谷歌(Google)执行董事长埃里克施密特(EricSchmidt)支持的精品商业银行Raine与一家中国国有基金达成了一项交易,在传媒、运动和娱乐产业的收购方面开展合作。

    A boutique merchant bank backed by Eric Schmidt , Google executive chairman , has struck a deal with a Chinese state-owned fund to work together on media , sport and entertainment acquisitions .

  21. 据两位知情人士介绍,在确定《商业周刊》为非核心业务后,出版商麦格劳-希尔已指定精品投资银行evercore负责出售这块业务。

    The publisher has appointed evercore , the boutique investment bank , to sell the business after concluding it was non-core , two people familiar with the decision said .

  22. CMC董事长黎瑞刚表示,此类合作有利于中国电影产业的发展。CMC是一家国有传媒产业基金,不久前刚与精品投资银行Raine集团结成了合作关系,这家美国银行拥有数位好莱坞以及硅谷大佬的支持。

    Such tie-ups are good for China , says Li Ruigang , chief executive of China Media Capital , a state-owned media fund , which recently formed a partnership with Raine , a US merchant backed by some of the biggest names in Hollywood and Silicon Valley .

  23. 从不吉利的起点出发后,四家资产管理公司所走的道路全都远远偏离了处置不良债务的初衷,而摇身变成了准精品投资银行。

    Since their inauspicious beginnings , all four of these units have embarked on a path that has taken them far from their original mandate of debt resolution units to becoming quasi - boutique investment banks .