
  • 网络Precision marketing;Accurate marketing;retargeting;sem
  1. 考虑到精准营销对移动端的需求,本文设计了高效的XML实时接口架构方案。

    Beside these , considering about the mobile extends for precision marketing , this paper designed an efficient real-time XML interface architecture .

  2. 本文参考推荐系统的架构模式,设计并提出了基于J2EE的精准营销系统企业级架构方案。

    This paper design and realize a Java based enterprise level precision marketing system architecture , referenced on the traditional recommendation system solution .

  3. 精准营销:跨越网络广告的2006拐点

    Precision Marketing : Span the Inflexion of Wed Ads in 2006

  4. 以决策树分类方法实现电信行业精准营销

    Precision Marketing in Telecommunication Industry through Classifying Method of Decision Tree

  5. 第五章研究了基于精准营销的顾客沟通策略与方法。

    The fifth chapter explores the communication strategies and method .

  6. 精准营销在国际贸易公司中的应用研究

    Research on Precision Marketing Strategy of International Trading Company

  7. 第四、精准营销优化了企业内部供应管理机制。

    Fourth , the precision marketing has optimized the internal supply management mechanisms .

  8. 而顾客沟通被各界学者公认为是企业精准营销的核心。

    The customer communication is considered to be the core of precision marketing .

  9. 第六章在前人关于营销绩效的研究基础上,选择了合适的指标,构建了基于精准营销的顾客沟通效果评价指标体系。

    The sixth chapter based its evaluation index system on the previous studies .

  10. 网络环境下中小型企业实施精准营销的研究

    Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises under the Network Environment the Implementation of Precision Marketing Research

  11. 在对顾客类型进行分类的基础上讨论了基于精准营销的顾客沟通媒介策略,渠道策略和信息策略。媒介策略主要是基于数据库的沟通媒介策略和基于互联网的沟通媒介策略。

    On the basis of customer classification , it proposed the communication media strategy , communication channel strategy and information strategy .

  12. 现在很多企业在做营销或者销售的时候,总是习惯性地把精准营销挂在嘴边。

    Many companies now are used to taking precise marketing as a popular word , when they deal with sales or marketing .

  13. 随着顾客个性化需求的日日益增长,精准营销已受到越来越多顾客的青睐。

    Along with the continual increase of personalized customer demand , precise marketing has already been the favor by more and more customers .

  14. 在此基础上,分析了精准营销系统的自身定位,阐述了精确营销系统的整体架构。

    On this basis , self-location of accurate marketing platform is analyzed , and the whole framework of accurate marketing platform is described .

  15. 整个架构设计涵盖了精准营销系统的数据处理、B/S应用服务架构等。

    The whole architecture includes the data processing , B / S application server architecture and other models of a full-function precision marketing system .

  16. 精准营销是当今世界营销界的一个热点问题,而数据库营销又是精准营销的重要方法。

    Today , precision marketing is a hot spot in the field of world marketing . Marketing of database is an important method of precision marketing .

  17. 在这种情况下,高星级旅游饭店面临着目标市场精准营销模糊,宣传公关效果趋弱等困境。

    In this case , the high-star tourist hotel facing a target market of fuzzy precision marketing , the plight of public relations effect of weakening .

  18. 首先,对精准营销相关理论、营销渠道相关理论以及国内外生鲜农产品营销渠道相关理论进行了综述。

    First of all , review the accurate marketing theory , marketing channel theories , and fresh agricultural product marketing channel research at home and abroad .

  19. 从实践价值来看,游客在线信息需求特点和在线信息搜寻行为及其规律的研究也有助于旅游目的地和旅游企业的在线旅游信息体系的建设以及开展针对性的精准营销。

    From the practical value , the research also helps tourist sites and enterprises to construct online tourism information system and carry out corresponding precision marketing .

  20. 精准营销依托先进的数据管理和分析工具,是企业进行客户关系管理的重要科学分析方法和技术手段。

    Precision Marketing relying on advanced data management and analysis tools , is an important means of scientific analysis methods and techniques for customer relationship management business .

  21. 二是研究数据挖掘技术在市场营销中的应用,利用大量数据信息资源,进行智能化加工和处理,提出一个精准营销预测模型,实现精细分析和精确营销。

    Second , this article studied DM in the marketing application , developed a prediction model for accurate marketing and analysis to achieve a precise and accurate marketing .

  22. 同时,也希望通过本论文的研究,对房地产行业引入精准营销模型带来一些借鉴意义。

    Meanwhile , the author also hopes that the study in this paper can bring some reference for the real estate industry to introduce the precision marketing model .

  23. 基于精准营销的生鲜农产品城市市场营销渠道模式研究,将精准营销的理念引入生鲜农产品营销渠道模式的研究,特别是对城市市场营销渠道体系的构建和渠道终端服务产出设计进行深入探讨。

    Introduce the concept of precision marketing to fresh agricultural product marketing channel research . especially the design of the system of city marketing channels and channels services output .

  24. 充分利用网站的历史数据模型,进行精准营销,努力提高老客户二次购买率及二次访问率;

    Making full use of the historical data models of the website , carrying out precision marketing , and striving to improve repurchase rates and revisit rates of regular customers .

  25. 统一客户视图是电信行业实施精准营销战略的基础与保障,因而国内各电信运营商纷纷将其建设提上日程,然而却缺乏相应理论与经验指导。

    With the experience on constructing integrated view of customer by certain telecom operator , this paper describes the relevant theory of the view and emphatically analyzes its implementation mode .

  26. 厂商要提高弹力纤维和面料在市场的供应量应该要把目标集中在产品创新、提高产品质量、加强表现和精准营销上。

    The way forward for companies supplying the market for stretch fibres and fabrics will be to focus on product innovation , improved product quality , enhanced performance and intensive marketing .

  27. 商家通过移动终端对消费者信息进行认证,并将信息同步到商家的自助服务系统,消费者信息进行统计,以便后续的精准营销。

    Business through the mobile terminal authentication information for consumers , and the information is synchronized to the business of self-service systems , consumer information , statistics , so that the subsequent precision marketing .

  28. 然后,基于精准营销理论对生鲜农产品城市市场营销渠道模式进行了构建,同时就论文所构建的营销渠道体系的相关管理问题进行了探讨。

    Then , based on precision marketing theory , the paper constructed the fresh agricultural products marketing channel system in city market . The fifth part studied the management of the marketing channel system have been constructed .

  29. 微博成为公司营销的新工具,相比较传统营销方式而言,微博营销可以更快速地帮助公司建立起顾客忠诚度,发现潜在客户,实行精准营销。

    Micro-blog now becomes a new tool for marketing in many companies , comparing with traditional marketing methods , micro-blog can quickly help companies establish customers ' loyalty , identify potential customers , and carry out precision marketing .

  30. 第四章在传统的沟通模式的基础上根据精准营销的特征,提出适用于精准营销的顾客沟通模式:一对多模式和一对一模式。

    The fourth chapter refers to the characteristics of precision marketing and puts forward two communication models which suit for precision marketing based customer communication , that is the one VS more model and one VS one model .