
  • 网络Focus Marketing
  1. 本论文提出,聚焦营销是就是在分析企业环境的基础上,选择合适的细分市场和市场定位,然后集中资源占领细分市场的过程。

    The research defines focus marketing as a process which a company chooses the proper subdivided-markets and occupies them by focusing its resource on the basic of analyzing the environment of itself .

  2. 对聚焦营销的概念、特征、策略进行了详细的阐述并与其他主要营销思想进行了比较,构建起中小企业聚焦营销策略的框架。

    The structure of the focus marketing in SMEs is made up after describing carefully the concept , character , strategies of the focus marketing and comparing with the other marketing concepts .

  3. 这是一场管理的变革,由原来的聚焦营销转向聚焦管理,由原来的粗放式管理,走上精细化管理的道路。

    This is a change of management , turn from original focus marketing to and focus on managing , by original extensive management , go on the road of management of finely melting .

  4. 本文探讨了消费者视角聚焦的整合营销传播方案的企划过程和组织保障。

    The planning process and organizational bases of IMC program are discussed also in this paper .

  5. 英国的博柏利正聚焦于数字营销并转向门店以外,将香港零售员工的数量减少25%。

    The UK 's Burberry is focusing on digital marketing and shifting away from stores , cutting the number of retail staff in Hong Kong by 25 per cent .

  6. 一些聚焦于在线营销和数据分析的企业开始在柏林涌现,伦敦也出现了越来越多的金融科技初创企业。

    A cluster of businesses focusing on online marketing and data analytics has sprung up in Berlin , while London is home to a growing number of financial tech start-ups .

  7. 为实施聚焦客户精确营销、融合发展差异服务的战略,A电信公司需要进行营销管理创新,提升经营绩效。

    To carry out the customer-oriented precise marketing , integrate and develop the strategies of differentiated services , A telecom company needs to reform marketing management to improve the performance of operation .

  8. 本文在这样的背景下,将国产数码相机品牌的发展研究聚焦于其品牌营销策略的研究,为我国国产数码相机品牌的发展提供一些启迪。

    Against this background , this paper will focus the research on the marketing strategy of the digital camera brands , to provide some inspiration for our domestic development of digital camera brand .

  9. 而就目前看来,较多的研究主要集中于政府政策和产业结构调整等宏观层次,聚焦于企业国际营销战略选择的微观层次研究比较少见。

    But at present , most researches mainly concentrated on the national policies and the industrial structure adjustment macroscopic level while little microscopic level researches focused on the choice of international marketing strategies .

  10. 可见,现实背景与理论研究已经共同聚焦于消费者面对营销宣传的反应这一关键问题,对此,有学者提出运用说服应对来表示这种反应,因为它突出了消费者的主动性和目标导向性。

    So we can see that both the practical background and theory research have focus on the key problem of consumers ' action to marketing claims . Some scholars advocated using persuasion coping to express this reaction , which highlights consumers ' intuitive and goal orientation .