
  • 网络diseconomies of agglomeration;Agglomeration Diseconomy;Agglomeration Diseconomies
  1. 过去经济学界关于聚集经济和聚集不经济的均衡分析,认为城市规模从140万到400万,有一个较为恒定的规模范围,大于和小于此规模范围都不经济。

    In the past , according to the equilibrium analysis that agglomeration is economical or uneconomical , economics circles think that a more constant scale exists in cities with a population from 1,400,000 to 4,000,000 , both a larger one and a smaller one are uneconomical .

  2. 聚集成本的存在,导致了城市聚集的不经济,聚集经济形成了向城市空间聚集的吸引力,而聚集不经济则产生排斥力。

    Gathered cost exists , leading to diseconomies of gather . The economy gathered together formed the attractiveness of the urban space , while diseconomies of gather produce repulsive force .