
  1. 强大的精神消费需求,催发着文化经济的快速增长。

    The spirit consumption demand has facilitated the cultural economy .

  2. 精神消费市场与高等教育产业化

    " Spiritual Consumption Market " and Industrialization of Higher Education

  3. 传媒产品是一种精神消费和信息消费的特殊商品,既具有政治属性,又具有经济属性。

    The products of media have political attributes and economic attributes as well .

  4. 高等教育产业化,是启动精神消费的手段。

    The industrialization of higher education is a means to promote spiritual consumption .

  5. 教育应该培养人们科学的物质消费能力和高雅的精神消费能力。

    Education should train people to gain scientific material consumption ability and refined spiritual consumption ability .

  6. 这一冲突过程同时还交织着中国与西方消费观念、物质消费与精神消费、理性非理性消费行为之间的伦理冲突。

    This conflict interweaves in the conflict of consumption idea of China and the Western and material and spirit consumption .

  7. 现代社会物质财富的激增促进了作为精神消费的旅游消费不断增长。

    The rapid accumulation of material wealth in modern society has promoted the growth of tourism consumption mainly for spiritual entertainment .

  8. 同时,市民文化的崛起,更直接影响到了宋代市民的精神消费,它标志着市民阶层独立性的形成。

    Meantime , the rise of citizen culture has a direct influence on the spiritual consume of the citizens in Song Dynasty .

  9. 时尚短信带动了大众文化流行,已形成一个巨大的精神消费市场,其文化价值具有双重性。

    Fashion short messages make mass culture popular and have formed a large spiritual consumption market . Their cultural value has dual nature .

  10. 信息消费属于精神消费的范畴,健康的消费观念与社会精神文明建设紧密相关。

    Information consumption belongs to the scope of spirit consumption , and is closely related to healthy consumption outlook and social spiritual civilization construction .

  11. 马克思认为,精神消费活动本身成为统治阶级进行阶级统治的一种工具,成为统治阶级贯彻其意识形态的手段。

    Marx held that spiritual consumption itself had become a tool of the ruling class and a means for them to carry out their ideology .

  12. 单就消费而言,人们可以衣食无忧,把更多的时间和金钱花费到精神消费和享受消费上来。

    With regard to consumption , the people , who are well-fed and well-clothed , tend to spend more time and money on spiritual and enjoyment consumption .

  13. 音乐唱片封面设计是人类不可缺少的现代精神消费品,是具有丰富文化内涵和艺术价值的包装形式。

    Music album artworks are the indispensable spiritual consumer goods in the modern society , and it is also one kind of packaging design with rich cultural contents and artistic values .

  14. 第二,要具备合规律性与合目的性统一,人与人、人与自然和谐统一,社会选择与个人选择统一,物质消费和精神消费统一的核心理念。

    Second , regularity and purposiveness , human , human and the nature harmonious unification , social choice and individual choice and unified , unified the core idea of material consumption and spirit consumption .

  15. 假日经济中的文化内涵民俗文化符号的继承、开发、利用和发展,对于我们理解假日经济中的文化交流、文化理解以及假日经济所包含的人民物质精神消费习惯研究,都至关重要。

    Based on the analysis of the internal relations between holiday economy and folk culture , we attempt to tap the cultural implication of sustainable development for the sake of creative input , exchange and application .

  16. 主要论述了消费主体与消费客体、扩大消费与节约消费、自我消费与他人消费、物质消费与精神消费、消费质量与消费数量这五对范畴。

    Five pairs of categories are analyzed , including main body of consumption and consumption object , consumer spending and saving , self-consumption and other consumption , material consumption and spiritual consumption , and consumption quality and quantity .

  17. 本文主要论述了大学生可持续消费观念培养的意义,对可持续消费观念进行了界定:可持续消费观念即指主体适度消费、绿色消费和注重精神消费相统一的观念。

    This dissertation mainly discusses the meaning of cultivating concept of sustainable consumption in college students , defines the concept of sustainable consumption : a concept of consumption which focuses more on spiritual and cultural consumption , combined with moderate consumption and green consumption .

  18. 其原则主要是勤俭节约和适度消费相统一、消费自由和消费责任相统一、物质消费和精神消费相统一的伦理原则,规范并保证着我们消费生活的伦理可能性。

    It norms and ensure our consumption of ethical possibility of life with its five main principles : the unity of practice economy and moderate consumption ; the unity of consumer freedom and responsibility ; and the unity of material and the spirit consumption .

  19. 高校尤其要重视大学生消费行为中爱心观念的培养,培养大学生做一名有责任感的消费者。引导大学生建立合理的消费结构,提升精神消费的水平。

    Colleges and universities must help students to cultivate a loving and caring concept in their consuming behavior , so that they will become consumers with a sense of responsibility , and help the students to build up a sensible consuming structure to raise the spiritual consumption level .

  20. 而今,人们用于体育健身、娱乐、旅游、信息、教育等精神文化消费的支出正伴随着人均GDP的增加而增加。

    Today , the expenditure on sports and gymnastic exercise , entertainment , tourism , information , education etc. is increasing with the improvement of Per Capita GDP .

  21. 职工家庭支出包括消费和投资支出,消费首先是物质消费,其次是精神文化消费。

    The family expenditure includes that of consuming and investing .

  22. 当代大学生精神文化消费状况及其教育引导

    The Situation of the College Students ' Intellectual Cultural Consumption and its Guidance

  23. 试论当前我国的精神文化消费问题

    Discussion on China 's Current Spiritual Culture Consumption Problem

  24. 撩开斯芬克斯的面纱&论新自由主义精神与消费社会意识形态

    Unveil the Sphinx : On the Spirit of Neoliberalism and Ideology of Mass Consumption Society

  25. 鲜花盆玩的购买与鉴赏既是一种物质消费,也是一种精神文化消费。

    The purchase and appreciation of potted fresh-flowers is both a material consumption and cultural consumption .

  26. 因此,我们必须采取切实有力的措施对人们的精神文化消费加以正确的引导

    And social morals Therefore , we should take strong and effective measures to guide people 's spiritual culture consumption correctly

  27. 媒体的发达和人们对于精神产品消费的热衷是后现代主义社会的显著特征。

    They are due to the ideological conservatism which still prospers in Britain and the social characteristics of the postmodern society .

  28. 从而引发了由满足基本生存的物质消费转化为以文化产品为载体的精神文化消费。

    Which has caused by meet basic survival of the material consumption into cultural products for the carrier to spirit culture of consumption .

  29. 精神文化消费是消费结构中高层次的消费,具有非常重要的作用。当前我国精神文化消费领域中存在的一些问题给我国的经济发展、社会风气带来了极为不利的影响。

    Currently , there are some problems existing in the field of China 's spiritual culture consumption and bringing bad effects to economy development ?

  30. 目前,随着人们对精神产品消费需求的增加,精神产品的消费者行为研究成为前沿课题之一。

    Currently , with the demand for spiritual products increasing drastically , studies concerning the consumer behavior of spiritual products have become one of the latest research trends .