
  • 网络consumption;consumer spending;Consumer;household consumption
  1. 我国宏观经济运行不畅与居民消费结构升级迟滞有关

    Our country macroscopical economy moves not free and dweller consumption structure upgrade arrearage is concerned .

  2. 加入WTO后我国居民消费伦理的建构

    Building of residential consumption morality in china after entering WTO

  3. 国家统计局公布的数据显示,2020年2月份,全国居民消费价格指数(CPI)同比上涨5.2%。

    China 's consumer price index ( CPI ) grew 5.2 percent year on year in February , the National Bureau of Statistics ( NBS ) said .

  4. 要建立起扩大内需的有效制度,释放内需潜力,扩大居民消费,使建设超大规模的国内市场成为一个可持续的历史过程。

    We should set up an effective system to boost domestic demand , unleash the potential of domestic demand and encourage consumer spending , thus making the formation of a super-sized domestic market a sustainable course of history .

  5. 基于VAR模型的居民消费价格指数传导机制研究

    Research on CPI Transmission Mechanism Based on VAR Model

  6. 实际收入的减少,股价和房价的下挫以及日趋紧张的信贷,皆为居民消费(consumerspending)蒙上了一层阴影(castacloudover)。

    Falling real income , slumping share and house prices and tighter credit all cast a cloud over consumer spending .

  7. 基于SPSS的江苏省城市居民消费水平差异分析

    The Analysis of Urban Residents ' Consumption Level in Jiangsu Province Based on SPSS

  8. CPI是一个典型城市居民消费一个特定清单货物和服务的花费。

    The CPI is the cost of a given list of goods and services consumed by a typical urban dweller .

  9. 青海省城镇居民消费需求的ELES模型分析

    Analysis on the Consumption Demand of the Urban Resident in Qinghai by ELES Model

  10. 加入WTO以来,我国居民消费观念、消费水平、消费结构、消费环境等都向好的方面发展,但也出现消费差距拉大的趋向。

    Since China 's entry into the WTO , Chinese people 's consumption concepts , consumption level , consumption structure and consumption environment are all developing for the good aspects . But , meanwhile , the consumption gap is becoming wider and wider .

  11. 然而,尽管经济活动正在升温,但中国仍面临着通缩局面。9月份,居民消费价格(CPI)和批发价格分别下跌0.8%和7%。

    However , even with economic activity picking up , China is still experiencing deflation , with the consumer price index falling 0.8 per cent in September and wholesale prices dropping 7 per cent .

  12. 在市场运行过程中,股票市场收益、波动率、货币供应量、居民消费价格水平指数(CPI)等也会诱发市场风险,进而影响债券价格。

    In the operation of real market , the revenue of stock market , fluctuation ratio , supply of money , and consumer pricing index can also cause the market risk and influence the price of the bond .

  13. 中国2月份消费价格逾6年来首次出现下降,基准的居民消费价格指数(CPI)较去年同期下降1.6%。

    Chinese consumer prices in February fell for the first time in more than six years with the benchmark consumer price index falling 1.6 per cent from a year earlier , down from a 1 per cent rise in January .

  14. 为了进一步对消费结构进行分析,利用了2005年重庆农村居民消费的截面数据,采用扩展线性支出系统模型(ELES)分析得出农村居民消费的基本需求、自价格弹性、互价格弹性和收入弹性。

    The author uses 2005 year cross-section data on income and expenditures of rural household of Chongqing for further analysis , and obtains price and income elasticity of consumption and consumptive trend in future by extended linear expenditure system ( ELES ) .

  15. 居民消费行为的宏观效应分析

    An Macro-analysis of The Effects of The Consumption Behavior of Residents

  16. 使用协整理论研究城镇居民消费行为

    Study on Consumption Behavior of Urban Households by Theory of Co-integration

  17. 对江苏农村居民消费增长和投向的实证分析

    Positivist Analysis of Jiangsu Rural Residents ' Consumption Growth and Turn

  18. 北京城镇居民消费观念转变调查分析

    The Analysis of the Changes in the Consumption Ideas in Beijing

  19. 中国农村居民消费需求的制约因素与对策研究

    Factors Restricting Consumption Demand of Chinese Countryside Residents : Analysis and Countermeasures

  20. 居民消费价格总水平上升0.7%。

    The general consumer price level rose by 0.7 percent .

  21. 股市收益、收益波动与中国城镇居民消费行为

    Stock Market Returns , Volatility and Urban Residential Consumption Behavior in China

  22. 扩大内需关键是提高居民消费倾向

    The Key of Expanding Domestic Demand : Raise Residents ' Consumption Propensity

  23. 成都市城镇居民消费行为数量研究

    Quantitative Study on City People 's Consuming Behavior in Chengdu

  24. 福建农村居民消费受到现期收入的预算约束。

    Fujian Rural households consumption obviously is constrained by budget .

  25. 清镇市农村居民消费水平分析&以农业产业结构调整生态示范区为例

    Analysis on the level of rural residents ' consumption in Qingzhen city

  26. 上海城市居民消费结构的发展趋势预测

    A Forecast on Trend of Shanghai Residents ' Consumption Structure

  27. 高等教育改革、预防性储蓄与居民消费行为

    Higher Education Reform , Precautionary Saving and Consumer Behavior

  28. 长江流域城镇居民消费过度敏感性的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on Urban Residents ' Consume Excess Sensitivity within Yang River Region

  29. 中国财政支出对居民消费的影响分析

    Dynamic Impact of Fiscal Expenditure on Private Consumption Demand

  30. 制约我国居民消费增长的因素及对策我国居民消费增长缓慢的成因与对策

    Factors Retarding the Growth of Household Consumption in Our Country and the Countermeasures