
huī sè xiāo fèi
  • gray consumption
  1. 灰色消费系数变动规律呈Y型模式。

    Grey consume coefficient change law submits the pattern of Y model .

  2. 国民收入的隐形分配通过灰色消费的形式实现。

    The invisible distribution of national income is realized through the form of grey consumption .

  3. 灰色消费理论假说

    Grey Consume Theoretical Hypothesis

  4. 当公共资源被个人垄断、存在通过交换公共资源而获得私利的可能性和现实性时,灰色消费的出现就不可避免。

    When resources are monopolized by individual and there are the actuality and possibility of exchanging the resources , the grey consumption is unavoidable .

  5. 高级管理层成员的报酬激励主要是固定薪酬附加灰色的职位消费和隐性收入。

    Members of the remuneration of senior management of major fixed pay additional grey posts hidden income and consumption .

  6. 几种灰色模型用于电力消费中期预测研究

    Study on alternative grey models to forecast middle term electric power consumption

  7. 基于灰色理论的煤炭消费影响因素分析

    Analyse Influencing Factors About Coal Consumption Based on Gray Theory