
  1. 那些事件就是灰犀牛。

    Those are the gray rhinos .

  2. 你对你人生中“灰犀牛”的把控有多少?

    How much control do you feel that you have over the gray rhinos in your life ?

  3. 所以我引用了巨型灰犀牛的比喻,来描绘我所认为的“急需”。

    So I created the gray rhino metaphor to meet what I felt was an urgent need .

  4. 都会很清晰具体地讲述经济风险,并用上灰犀牛的比喻,并且讨论他们会怎样制服它。

    talk very specifically and clearly about financial risks as gray rhinos , and how they can tame them .

  5. 那些我们生活中的“灰犀牛”们,并且绝对坦诚地聊一下我们会如何完美地解决它们。

    about the gray rhinos in our world , and be brutally honest about how well we 're dealing with them .

  6. 然而我在头条所看到的是另外一头灰犀牛。一个全新的,极有可能发生的金融危机。

    And so what I see in the headlines is another big gray rhino , a new highly probable financial crisis .

  7. 我花了很多时间和各行各业的人交流关于他们人生中的“灰犀牛”和他们对此的态度。

    I spend a lot of time talking with people of all walks of life about the gray rhinos in their life and their attitudes .

  8. 但是我们可以说这个即将到来的事情和一只向我们急速冲来的巨型灰犀牛一样的危险可见,可预判。

    but we could all tell that the thing coming at us was as dangerous , visible and predictable as a giant gray rhino charging right at us .