
huī lǐnɡ
  • gray collar
  1. 现代制造技术与灰领技术人才

    Modern Manufacture Technology and " Gray Collar " Technician Talents

  2. 初论中国制造业灰领人才危机

    On Gray Collar Talent Crisis of Chinese Manufacturing Industry

  3. 灰领职工(指服务性行业的职工)服务性行业人员也有权组织工会。

    Service workers also have the right to organize .

  4. 唐山西郊热电厂干除灰临控系统设计成就灰领干燥器的顺控

    The Design of Coal-Ash Disposal Supervisory Control System for Tangshan Thermal Power Plant

  5. 简析制造业灰领人才危机

    Grey Collar Talent Crisis in Manufacturing Industry

  6. 虽然灰领工作不能使你很富裕,但也能为你提供一个不错的收入和一个稳定的工作。

    While gray-collar jobs may not make you too rich , they can provide better earnings and job stability .

  7. 民俗与中国人的衣食住行我国男性“灰领”的生活方式及其着装设计营销概念

    Folklore and Chinese Food , Clothing , Shelter , Transportation The Life Style of " Grey-collar-class " and Men 's clothing Design and Marketing in China

  8. 印刷专业的就业情况:此专业是体力和脑力劳动的结合,也就是人们常说的灰领。

    Presswork professional obtain employment circumstance : This major is the union of physical strength and mental work , namely the ash that people often says is gotten .

  9. 高新技术支撑的现代制造业,需要大批适应知识经济要求的集知识性、技能性于一体被称作灰领的复合型技术人才。

    Modern manufacturing supported by high technology requires a lot of complex and technique talents-gray collars , who would master knowledge and skills to adapt to the requirement of knowledge economy .

  10. 当前我国的制造业灰领人才供给总量不足、技术结构与素质严重失衡、年龄结构出现断层,这种现状已经引发了灰领人才危机,严重影响我国经济的持续发展。

    At present , not only the gross supply of gray collars is short of demand , but the technical and quality structures are unbalance , which have lead to talent crisis and had serious influence on our e-conomy development .

  11. 针对目前我国高技能人才、灰领人才要靠高职教育培养等现状,提出了如何大力发展高职教育的几点建议和设想。

    In the light of the present situation that the training of high skill talents and " gray neckwear " talents relies on higher vocational education , this paper puts forward several suggestions and assumes for making effort to develop higher vocational education .