
huī zhì
  • Gray Matter;grey matter
灰质[huī zhì]
  1. 此外,这些部位大量的白质和灰质可能会让工作记忆更佳,并让注意力不集中的情况减少。

    Moreover , larger volumes of white and grey matter in those parts might lead to better working memory and less inattentiveness .

  2. 研究结果表明,长期暴露在绿色环境中与大脑某些部位的白质和灰质体积呈正相关。

    The findings show that long-term exposure to greenness is positively associated with white and grey matter volumes in several parts of the brain .

  3. 研究表明冥想有助于重建大脑灰质,有效提高认知表现。

    Meditation has been shown to help rebuild gray matter in the brain and increase cognitive performance significantly .

  4. 吃大量的水果和蔬菜,食用橄榄油,甚至每天喝一杯红酒,可以保护随着我们的衰老而衰退的脑灰质。

    Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables , olive oil , and even a glass of wine a day , may protect the grey matter which declines as we age .

  5. 该研究的首席作者、牛津大学高级临床研究员安雅·托皮瓦拉指出,喝酒会影响大脑灰质,这是“信息加工处理的重要区域”。

    The researchers noted3 that drinking had an effect on the brain 's gray matter -- regions in the brain that make up " important bits where information is processed , " according to lead author Anya Topiwala , a senior clinical researcher at Oxford .

  6. 用MR观察研究正常人大脑深部灰质核团铁沉积

    Normal Deposition of Brain iron : Study Using MR Imaging

  7. 正常婴儿与隐源性婴儿痉挛症患儿大脑皮层灰质的MR形态学定量分析

    Voxel-based morphometry of gray matter structure in normal infants and infants with cryptogenic infantile spasms

  8. 灰质异位症的CT表现和分型

    CT Appearance and Classification of Gray Matter Heterotopias

  9. K物质在大鼠中脑导水管周围灰质中参与痛觉调制的作用

    Effect of substance K on pain modulation in the periaqueductal gray of rats

  10. 灰质异位症的CT诊断

    Gray Matter Heterotopia : CT Diagnosis

  11. 低场强MRI对脑灰质异位症的诊断价值

    Low-field MRI of brain gray matter heterotopia in Diagnosis

  12. 脑灰质异位的MRI诊断(附4例报告)

    MRI Diagnosis of Heterotopic Cerebral Gray Matter ( Report of 4 Cases )

  13. 脑灰质异位的MRI诊断

    MRI Diagnosis of Heterotopic Gray Matter of the Brain

  14. MRI诊断胼胝体发育不良合并脑灰质异位、巨脑回畸形1例

    MRI diagnosis of DCC with gray matter heterotopia and pachygyria : one case report

  15. 目的:提出脑灰质异位症的MRI诊断分型,提高对本病的认识。

    Objective : To have some understanding of MRI diagnostic typing of brain gray matter heterotopia .

  16. MRI诊断脑灰质异位合并胼胝体发育不全1例报告

    One Case : MRI Diagnosis of Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum and Gray Matter Heterotopia

  17. 实验性自身免疫灰质病模型IgG的相关研究

    Correlative Study about IgG in Experimental Autoimmune Gray Matter Disease Model

  18. 突出地反映灰质沉积等地球化学作用,F2突出地反映机械沉积作用。

    F1 reflects evidently the geochemical effect of limestone deposition and F2 reflects the mechanical deposition .

  19. 结果正常组及A、B组非损伤侧脊髓灰质前角未检出凋亡细胞;

    Results No apoptosis cell was detected in spinal cord of the control group and the group A , B 's non-injury side .

  20. 脊髓灰质后角P物质免疫反应阳性纤维面积及灰度均明显小于对照组。

    The area of substance P positive fiber and its terminus in posterior of spinal was smaller in experiment group remarkably than in control group .

  21. 上矢状窦血栓形成早期大脑灰质CT特殊表现(附1例报道及文献复习)

    CT finding of gray mather in the early stage in superior sagittal sinus thrombosis ( a case report and literature review )

  22. 而在分级情况下,对元素Be,Cr,Ni,灰质白云石的效果最好;

    But for under staged condition , HZ dolomite was the best for Be , Cr and Ni ;

  23. 目的描述脑内灰质核团铁、铜、锰和钙沉积的MRI表现,结合文献讨论其发生机制及其病理改变。

    Purpose To describe the MRI features of iron , copper , manganese and calcium deposition in gray matter nuclei .

  24. 目的分析上矢状窦血栓形成的早期大脑灰质CT特点,提高对上矢状窦血栓形成早期大脑灰质CT特点的认识。

    Objective To study CT features of gray mater in patients with superior sagittal sinus thrombosis , and to improve the recognition about it .

  25. 结果模糊K-均值聚类算法能很好地分割出磁共振颅脑图像中的灰质、白质和脑脊液。

    Results Fuzzy K means clustering algorithm can segment white matter , gray matter and CSF better from the MR head images .

  26. 大鼠中央灰质Fos蛋白与甲啡肽的共存

    Colocalization of Fos protein and metenkephalin in periaqueductal gray in rats

  27. ~(237)Np在破碎凝灰岩和凝灰质砂上的吸附研究

    Study of ~ ( 237 ) NP adsorption on crushed tuff and tuffaceous sand

  28. 趾部切口疼痛对大鼠中脑导水管周围灰质c-fos表达的影响

    Effect of plantar incision pain on c-fos expression in rat midbrain periaqueductal gray

  29. 目的采用计算机处理核磁共振图像(MagneticResonanceimaging,MRI),研究阿尔茨海默氏病(Alzheime'SDisease,AD)患者的灰质萎缩区域。

    Objective To explore the gray matter loss of Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ) patients by processing the magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) with computer .

  30. 白质或灰质核团的异常信号,在PS组明显多于PD组;

    The white matter and / or gray matter nuclei mass abnormal intensity was more obviously in PS than in PD ;