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huī sè
  • grey;gray;shades of grey;gloomy;ashy;pessimistic
灰色 [huī sè]
  • (1) [gray]∶黑色和白色混和成的一种颜色

  • (2) [pessimistic;gloomy]∶以缺乏信心、希望、欢乐为特征的

  • 灰色人生观

灰色[huī sè]
  1. 天空的蓝色渐变成了浅灰色。

    The blue of the sky paled to a light grey .

  2. 在城市里,洁白的雪已化为灰色的雪泥。

    In the city the clean white snow had turned to grey slush .

  3. 我已经用灰色调打印出图片。

    I 've printed out the pictures in greyscale .

  4. 叶子呈灰色,平整光洁。

    The leaves are grey and silky smooth .

  5. 我要那件灰色夹克衫。

    I 'll take the grey jacket .

  6. 墙壁一律都是灰色。

    The walls were a uniform grey .

  7. 他是个瘦高个子,一头铁灰色头发。

    He was a tall , lanky man with iron-grey hair .

  8. 那里每年秋天有2,000头灰色小海豹出生。

    Two thousand grey seal pups are born there every autumn .

  9. 天空由通透的湛蓝色变成了暗灰色。

    The sky was changing from translucent blue to thicker grey .

  10. 他的灰色针织毛衫和长裤全都被雨水淋透了。

    His grey jersey and trousers were sodden with the rain .

  11. 这幢楼刷的是浅灰色的灰泥,看上去有些陈旧。

    The building was of greyish plaster and looked old .

  12. 他深灰色的头发夹杂着几缕姜黄色。

    His hair is dark grey with flecks of ginger .

  13. 灰色的云团中透出一小片蓝天。

    There was a small patch of blue in the grey clouds .

  14. 选择这块五彩缤纷的碎呢小毯是为了给这灰色的地毯添些生气。

    The multicoloured rag rug was chosen to liven up the grey carpet

  15. 他们穿着帅气的灰色制服时,很难对他们郑重其事起来。

    It 's hard to take them seriously in their pretty grey uniforms

  16. 清晨,天空呈现出斑驳的深灰色。

    In the mornings the sky appeared a heavy shade of mottled gray

  17. 一块灰色的地毯被揭开,露出了原来的松木地板。

    A grey carpet was removed to reveal the original pine floor .

  18. 表盘的中央是一块烟灰色的玻璃。

    At the center of the dial is a piece of smoky glass

  19. 安德烈娅有着深浅适中的棕发、灰色的眼睛和十分白皙的皮肤。

    Andrea has medium brown hair , grey eyes and very pale skin

  20. 这座楼完全是现代主义风格:采用玻璃和铝质材料,以灰色作为基调。

    The building is impeccably modernist : glass , aluminium and grey .

  21. 他身穿一件灰色西装,吃力地拄着拐杖。

    He wore a grey suit and leaned heavily on his cane .

  22. 他新买的灰色夹克被撕破了,还弄上了泥巴。

    His new grey jacket was torn and muddied .

  23. 她穿了身朴素的浅灰色两件式套装。

    She was wearing a simple light-grey two-piece suit .

  24. 我见到过这个身着灰色套装的英俊男士。

    I saw this nice-looking man in a gray suit

  25. 他在衬衫外面套了一件浅灰色西装。

    He was wearing a light-grey suit over a shirt

  26. 山坡上有幢难看的灰色大房子。

    Above on the hillside was a large , gaunt , grey house .

  27. 玛丽穿着同一件毫无朝气的灰色裙子。

    Mary was wearing the same drab grey dress .

  28. 英格兰板球队又经历了灰色的一天。

    England 's cricketers have had another disastrous day .

  29. 蓝色和灰色的柔和色调营造出明快、亮丽的视觉感观。

    Soft tones of blue and grey create a clean , bright look .

  30. 他浅色头发,灰色眼睛。

    He is light haired with gray eyes .