
huī qīng shā
  • mako shark;mako;bonito shark;mackerel shark
灰鲭鲨[huī qīng shā]
  1. 但是它们来的方式和那条灰鲭鲨的不同。

    But they did not come as the Mako had come .

  2. 继承了白垩纪海洋巨型生物的特点——灰鲭鲨最重可达到5000磅左右,身上带着成功进化的印记。

    Descended from a Cretaceous Era giant of the sea , the Mako of today tops out at around 500 pounds - and bears all the hallmarks of evolutionary success .

  3. 灰鲭鲨的眼睛比长鳍变异生物的眼睛还大,因此它们成为了海洋中捕食成功率非常高的捕猎者。

    Large eyes , which are even larger in the rare longfin variant of the species , render them highly successful hunters .

  4. 灰鲭鲨(大约8英尺):私下里这可是鲨鱼中的好手,灰鲭鲨最高游速可以达到45英里/小时,什么水平呢?

    Mako shark ( about 8 feet ) : secretly an elite shark . Did you know mako sharks can hit up to 45 mph while swimming ?

  5. 灰鲭鲨和体积偏大的大白鲨有点像,虽然更适应在冷水里生存,但是各个海域中都能见到它们的身影。

    Much like their larger cousins , the Great Whites , Mako sharks are found in waters all over the world , though they are particularly well-adapted to surviving in cold water .