
huī chén
  • dust;dirt;ash;spindrift
灰尘 [huī chén]
  • [dust;dirt] 细干而成粉末的土或其它物质的粉粒;被化为微细部分的某物;细的粉末

  • 大风过后,桌上落了一层灰尘

灰尘[huī chén]
  1. 屋顶塌了下来,灰尘、碎片纷纷落在我们身上。

    The roof collapsed , showering us with dust and debris .

  2. 卡车开过时扬起一片灰尘。

    A cloud of dust rose as the truck drove off .

  3. 所有的东西都覆盖着厚厚的一层灰尘。

    Everything was covered with a thick layer of dust .

  4. 建筑施工不断制造噪音、灰尘和干扰。

    The building work is creating constant noise , dust and disturbance .

  5. 房间的角落里积满了灰尘。

    Dirt had collected in the corners of the room .

  6. 她正在拍掉地毯上的灰尘。

    She was beating dust out of the carpet .

  7. 我擦灰尘时将花瓶打碎了。

    I broke the vase while I was dusting .

  8. 所有的东西都蒙上了一层灰尘。

    Everything was covered in a film of dust .

  9. 火山把团团热气和灰尘喷向高空。

    The volcano spurted clouds of steam and ash high into the air .

  10. 积有灰尘的角落挂着厚厚的蜘蛛网。

    Thick cobwebs hung in the dusty corners .

  11. 书上积满了灰尘。

    The books were all covered with dust .

  12. 她吹掉了书上的灰尘。

    She blew the dust off the book .

  13. 巨大的烟囱冒出烟和灰尘。

    Huge chimneys belched forth smoke and grime .

  14. 他拂掉衣服上的灰尘。

    He brushed the dirt off his jacket .

  15. 她轻轻弹掉了衣领上的灰尘。

    She flicked the dust off her collar .

  16. 桌上覆盖着一层灰尘。

    A film of dust coated the table .

  17. 所有的物品上都积了薄薄的一层灰尘。

    A thin layer of dust covered everything .

  18. 银烛台都发乌了,满是灰尘。

    The silver candlesticks were tarnished and dusty .

  19. 有些书架上全是布满灰尘的书。

    There were shelves full of dusty books .

  20. 空气由于灰尘弥漫而闷塞。

    The air was thick with dust .

  21. 伦敦很热而且灰尘多。

    London was hot and dusty .

  22. 到处落满灰尘。

    Dust had settled on everything .

  23. 房间里没有家具,到处都是灰尘。

    The rooms were empty of furniture and dust lay everywhere .

  24. 我可以看见楼梯上有一层厚厚的灰尘。

    I could see a thick layer of dust on the stairs

  25. 风猛地刮起一阵灰尘,将它吹往内陆。

    Wind caught the sudden puff of dust and blew it inland .

  26. 灯光照在满是灰尘的墙上,反射回苍白的冷光。

    Lights reflected off dust-covered walls creating a ghostly luminescence .

  27. 他起身掸去了衣服上的灰尘并将信折起来收好。

    He stood and dusted down his suit and folded the letter away

  28. 她擦掉灰尘,打扫卫生,还清洗了餐具。

    She dusted , she cleaned , and she did the washing-up .

  29. 大部分灰尘在有色玻璃的外部。

    Most of the dirt was on the outside of the tinted glass .

  30. 她蓬头乱发,衣衫褴褛,满是灰尘。

    She had matted hair and torn dusty clothes .