
  • 网络gray tin;a-Sn
  1. 通过对半导体杂质饱和电离、灰锡(α-Sn)半导体特性以及Gunn效应等的解释,指出能态密度在研究半导体物理现象中的重要应用。

    The origin of saturation ionization of impurities , semiconducting properties of Gray Tin and Gunn effect is analyzed . It clearly shows the important role of density of states in study of physical phenomena in semiconductors .

  2. 在极冷的气候下,普通白色金属锡转变为粉状灰锡。

    The transformation of ordinary white tin into powdery gray tin a very cold temperatures .

  3. 一系列微妙的色彩,中性色,从灰铝色到锡青铜色随时间氧化的锈迹阴影中提取的植物灰和银灰色。

    A range of sophisticated nuance , neutral coloured , vegetal and metallic greys from pale aluminium to tin bronze changing through time with oxidized and rusty shadows .