
  • 网络soil animal;Soil fauna
  1. 武陵源世界自然遗产地峡谷地貌土壤动物的多样性

    The Diversity of Soil Fauna Communities in the Canyon Landform of Wulingyuan World Natural Heritage

  2. 土壤动物与N素循环及对N沉降的响应

    Relationship of soil fauna and N cycling and its response to N deposition

  3. N沉降增加对森林生态系统地表土壤动物群落的影响

    Responses of Aboveground Soil Fauna Community to Simulated N Deposition Addition in Forest Ecosystems

  4. 土壤动物对大气CO2浓度升高响应研究的进展

    Advance of Study on the Response of Soil Fauna to Elevated Atmospheric CO 2

  5. 红松阔叶混交林凋落物-土壤动物-土壤系统中N、P、K的动态特征

    Dynamic characteristics of N , P , K in the litter-soil fauna-soil system of mixed Pinus koraiensis and broad-leaved forest

  6. 因此,研究土壤动物对细根生理生态过程的影响对于认识森林生态系统C和养分循环具有重要意义。

    Therefore research on the effects of soil fauna on fine root eco-physiological processes is important in understanding C and nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems .

  7. 说明转Bt基因水稻对土壤动物群落结构的稳定性没有显著影响。

    The impact of Bt transgenic rice on the stability of community structure was not obvious .

  8. 土壤动物群落具有显著的垂直分异特征,土壤I层土壤动物个体数量、类群丰度和多样性显著高于II和III层。

    For the vertical distribution , soil fauna individuals , group abundance and diversity were significantly higher in layer I than in layer II and III.

  9. 土壤动物在营养元素循环,尤其是N、P元素循环中具有重要意义。

    The soil macrofauna could be considered as a transverter in the litter-soil fauna-soil system and play a significance role in nutrient cycle , especially in N and P cycle of the system .

  10. ANOVA结果表明,分解时间对凋落物网袋内土壤动物群落存在显著影响。

    By ANOVA , time factor affected on soil fauna which live in litter bags significantly .

  11. 在林牧交错区,不同体型的土壤动物对环境因子的依存有着较高的相似性,土壤pH值、全N和凋落物厚度对土壤动物影响最为明显。

    In the forest-pasture ecotone , the relationship of different size of soil fauna and environmental factors is highly similar , and soil fauna obvious had been affected by soil pH value , total N and litter thickness .

  12. 麦田中0~15cm土壤动物的垂直分布无显著差异。

    There 's no significant difference in the vertical distributions of soil animals in the soil horizons of 0 ~ 15 cm in the wheat field .

  13. 转基因水稻田与常规水稻田中土壤动物群落的密度、类群丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数、Simpson优势度指数和密度&类群指数之间均没有显著差异(P>0.05)。

    There was no significant differences in community density , group richness , Shannon-Wiener index of species diversity , Pielou index of evenness , Simpson index of dominance and density-group index between Bt transgenic rice and non-Bt transgenic rice ( P0.05 ) .

  14. 稻秸覆盖能改善土壤动物总数状况,稻秸覆盖处理的0~40cm土层中,土壤动物个体总数是对照处理的1.87倍。

    The rice straw mulch can improve the animal conditon of soil . The total amounts of soil animals of 0 ~ 40cm soil layer under rice straw is 1.87 times of that of the check .

  15. 免耕垄作比平作土壤动物增加5种,每立方米增加3118个,其优势种的数量增加50%,并集中在0~20cm土层内,占总量的95%。

    Five more species of soil animals were found in ridged non-tillage culture than in level culture and their number increased by 3118 individuals / m ~ 3.The population of the dominant spe - cies increased by 50 % and 95 % of them were found in 0-20 cm horizon .

  16. 天然林土壤动物群落的多样性:海拔1850m处的>海拔1650m处的>海拔2050m处的,而人工林的群落多样性是随海拔的升高而降低;

    The diversity of community in the altitude of 1 850 m > in the altitude of 1 650 m > in the altitude of 2 050 m in the nature forest , And the diversity was declining with the altitude increasing in planted forest ;

  17. 洞庭湖区不同土地利用方式下的土壤动物群落结构

    Soil animal communities of variously utilized in the Dongting Lake region

  18. 芜湖市郊土壤动物与土壤环境

    Soil animal and soil environment in the suburb of Wuhu City

  19. 土壤动物和微生物区系演变;

    Evolution of the flora of soil animals and micro organism ;

  20. 垂直分布显示大型土壤动物具明显的表聚现象。

    The vertical distribution of soil macrofauna had obvious surface assembly .

  21. 土壤动物学发展历史和现代研究的热点领域

    Development History of Edaphic Zoology and Hot Point of Current Study

  22. 森林凋落物-土壤动物-土壤系统中营养元素含量关系及分异

    The relation and difference of nutritional elements in forest litter-macrofaunas-soil system

  23. 洞庭湖湿地与农田土壤动物多样性研究

    Soil animal diversity of wetland and farmland in Dongting Lake region

  24. 蔬菜温室栽培对土壤动物群落的影响

    The Influence of Vegetable Farming Plastic Greenhouse on Soil Animal Community

  25. 落叶松人工林土壤动物组成与生态分布

    The Composition and Ecological Distribution of Soil Animals in Larch Plantation

  26. 苔藓土壤动物种群动态的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on The Population Dynamics of Moss Soil Fauna

  27. 庐山人工针叶林土壤动物群落调查

    Investigation of Soil Animal Community of Artificial Conifer Forest in Lushan

  28. 热带胶茶林群落中土壤动物的初步调查

    Investigations of Soil Animals in Tropic Rubber Tree and Tea Plantations

  29. 阔叶树落叶分解过程与土壤动物的作用

    The process of fallen leaves decomposition and the function of soil animals

  30. 土壤动物可以促进土壤有机质的矿化;

    Soil animals could accelerate the organic matter to degrade .