
  • 网络soils;soil layer;Horizon;soil horizon
  1. 其测试数据表明:①、②土壤层的计算承载力标准值低于设计承载力,不能作持力层。

    The test data show that the standard value of computation bearing capacity of the soil horizon ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) is lower than that of design , so the both cannot be used as bearing strata .

  2. 污水土壤处理试验,主要是利用透水性较强的土壤层的生物化学作用,其次是淋滤吸附。

    The sewage soil disposal experiment is made mainly by using biochemical process of looser permeable soil horizon , and secondly by leaching and adsorption .

  3. 金元素在较厚的土壤层中,表现出C层富集的趋势。

    Gold tend to concentrate in C layer in thicker soil .

  4. Blake极性事件与古土壤层S1的沉积环境

    Blake polarity event and depositional environment of paleosoil unit S1

  5. 另外在炉渣改性SAT过程中保留上层25cm的土壤层也具有一定的必要性。

    Maintain soil layer in the slag modified SAT system was necessary .

  6. 植物措施能明显提高煤矸石山废弃地不同土层的有机质、全N、全P和全K含量,但提高程度随土壤层厚度和养分种类而不同。

    Vegetation can improve the contents of organic matter , total N , total P and total K in different soil layers , but the degree of improvement varied with soil layers and nutrient varieties .

  7. 通过j从化成壤作用后,古土壤层和黄土层的REE含量发生了微弱的分异。多层平坦化互连技术

    After weathering , the REE concentration of paleosol is little larger than the one of loess . The Technology of Multi Layer Flatting Connection

  8. 通过对表面流人工湿地不同土壤层硝化反硝化强度的研究,探讨了表面流人工湿地脱氮过程中沿程硝化和反硝化作用的变化,以及不同C∶N对系统反硝化强度的影响。

    Activities of nitrification and denitrification of different soil layers in a surface flow wetland were determined to monitor the progress of nitrification and denitrification and to illustrate the effect of C ∶ N ratio on denitrification .

  9. 该线虫在胡萝卜的生长期内,以10~11月份虫口密度最大,主要分布于0~15cm土壤层。

    It distributed mostly in the soil depth from 0 to 15cm .

  10. 本法可用于不同深度土壤层CO2存储量、释放量变化的测算,以及植被或地力恢复速率的评价。

    The method can be used for estimating CO2 storage in soil , measuring the changes of CO2 released by soil and evaluating the recovery rates of vegetation and land productivity .

  11. 前人的研究关注得更多的是倒排索引的压缩率,而往往忽略了动态性。地方科技动态土壤层和植被层在COZ日动态上呈现较好的反向变化关系。

    Previous studys almost focused on the compression ratio , and usually ignore the dynamic efficiency of inverted file .

  12. 理县黄土堆积厚度为7.30m,可分为S0、S1古土壤层和L1黄土层。

    The loess accumulation consists of paleosol S0 and S1 and loess L1 in Lixian County , Sichuan Province , whose thickness is 7.30 m.

  13. 0~10cm土壤层是四种灌木林根系的集中分布层。

    The 0 ~ 10 cm soil layer was the thoroughly concentrate distribution layer of root in the four kinds of bush forestland .

  14. 凋落物层的种类多于0~5cm土壤层,其原因在于凋落物层具有比0~5cm土壤层更为优越的生态环境条件。

    The number of species in litter was more than that in 0 ~ 5 cm soil because the ecological conditions in litter were more advantageous to protozoa .

  15. 该地区一年的净有效氮矿化总量为159.23kgN·hm-2(土壤层0-15cm)。

    Annual amount of net nitrogen mineralization was 159.23kgN · hm-2 ( for 0-15cm soil layer ) .

  16. 本文对西宁黄土剖面古土壤层S1的721块定向样品进行了详细的岩石磁学和古地磁学研究,获得了Blake亚时转换过程中地球磁场变化特征较精确的记录。

    The records of the Blake polarity subchron have been obtained from soil unit S1 in Xining section of the Chinese Loess Plateau . Paleomagnetism and rock magnetism have been studied by measuring 721 oriented specimens .

  17. 土壤层(0~60cm)的碳贮量平均为18094t·hm-2,占6032%以上。

    Carbon storage of forest land soil ( 0 ~ 60 cm ) averaged 180.94 t · hm ~ ( - 2 ) , occupied more than 60.32 % of the total carbon storage .

  18. 黄土层显示低磁化率、低红化率、低Rb/Sr比、低CIA、低粘土含量;古土壤层则显示相对较高磁化率、Rb/Sr比、红化率、CIA和粘土含量。

    Loess layers show low magnetic susceptibility , low redness rating , low Rb / Sr ratio , low CIA and low clay content ; paleosol layer shows relatively high magnetic susceptibility , Rb / Sr ratio , redness rating , CIA and the clay content .

  19. 结果表明:①不同土壤层各级压力下土壤含水量变异系数(Cv)呈中等变异性,Cv为10%-25%,土壤有效饱和度越低,变异性Cv越大,计算合理取样数目越大。

    The results show that : ① The soil water retention at each pressure head for three soil layers has presented moderate variability with C_v ranging from 10 % to 25 % . With the decrease of soil saturation , both C_v and the calculated reasonable sampling number were increased .

  20. SFCW由于使所有水流不断与土壤层、砾石层和豆石层反复接触,生成难溶性磷酸盐的几率大大高于SFCW,能够比SFCW更加显著地促进磷沉积。

    W-SFCW system , which provides more interaction surfaces for wastewater to react with soil , oval stone and small-sized stone layers , showed higher chances to form insoluble phosphate than SFCW .

  21. 主要的甲烷产生区域是7&17cm深的土壤层,其中以13cm深的土壤层上的生成速率最大。

    The main methane production area in soil is the layer of 7 - 17 cm below the surface , while the highest at 13 cm .

  22. 冬季草场不同土壤层有机质、有机碳和全氮与放牧率呈线性回归关系,全磷、速效磷和速效氮的含量及0~20cm土壤层营养因子的平均含量与放牧率呈二次回归关系。

    In winter , contents of different soil stratums and average contents of 0 ~ 20cm stratum for OM , OC , TN were negatively correlated with stocking rate linearly , while those of TP , AP and AN were quadratically correlated with stocking rate .

  23. 通过对大量历史资料的统计分析得出0~30cm深土壤层的相对湿度与相对蒸降差这两个物理量,与牧草生长发育及产草量有密切的关系。

    Though analyzing a lot of historical meteorological data , it is shown that both the rela - tive moisture of soil in 0 ~ 30 cm depth and the relative difference between evapotranspiration and rainfall relates closely to the growth and yield of grass .

  24. 而不同土壤层渗透系数之间有明显差异,故整个包气带为非均质。

    The permeability coefficient has more difference in different soil layers .

  25. 土壤层中的顶层;通常含有腐殖土。

    The top layer of a soil profile ; usually contains humus .

  26. 模拟降雨量对锌在土壤层中的吸附和迁移研究

    Study of Zinc Sorption and Migration by Simulated Rainfall in Soil Horizons

  27. 北京十三陵不同林分枯落物层和土壤层水文效应研究

    Hydrological Effects of Forest Litters and Soil in Ming Tombs Forest Farm

  28. 长江三角洲地区第一古土壤层及其古气候记录

    Paleoclimate recorded in the first layer of Paleosol in Yangtze Delta Area

  29. 枫香人工林枯落物和土壤层养分季节变化

    Seasonal Changes of the Nutrient of Litter-soil of Artificial Forest of Liquidambar formosana

  30. 乾县变电所古土壤层评价

    Evaluation of Ancient Soil in Qianxian Transformer Substation