
  • 网络Natural feature;natural characteristics;physical features;natural character
  1. 基于粒子滤波与自然特征匹配的虚实配准方法

    A Registration Method Based on Particle Filter and Natural Feature Matching

  2. 其中基于自然特征点的运动跟踪算法比较耗时,因此,在实际项目中,本文采用了后一类方法来进行运动跟踪。

    However , the natural feature point method is time-consuming , so in the actual project , we use the latter method .

  3. 纹身通常是动物或自然特征,如河流或山脉。

    Often the tattoos were of animals or natural features like a river or a mountain .

  4. 第四部分……n.体格检查adj.物理的;身体的他们在科学课上研究地球的自然特征。

    Part 4 ...... physical They study the physical features of the earth in the science class .

  5. 提出了一种基于标识与平面自然特征相结合的三维注册方法。

    A new marker and planar texture-based registration method is proposed .

  6. 利用标记物计算初始结构参数,并确定初始的共面自然特征点集;

    The plane marker is employed in calculating initial structure parameter ;

  7. 贵州天然草地资源的自然特征和评价

    Characteristics of natural grasslands in Guizhou Province and it 's evaluation

  8. 鄱阳湖候鸟保护区自然特征

    The nature characteristics of the Poyang lake protected zone of migratory birds

  9. 自然特征是典型岩溶生态系统研究与评价的基础。

    The natural characteristics are the basis for evaluating typical karst systems .

  10. 黑龙江省森林立地区划的自然特征研究

    Study on the natural characters of forest site division in Heilongjiang province

  11. 声纹和指纹一样都具有排他性,因为每个人的自然特征不同,所以声纹和指纹都各具特色。

    Because people own different natural features . So voiceprint and fingerprint are unique .

  12. 人类借助技术工具改变了地球的许多自然特征。

    With the tools of technology he has altered many physical features of the earth .

  13. 在投影重现技术的基础上提出了一种利用自然特征的注册算法。

    A simple registration method using natural features based on projective reconstruction technique was proposed .

  14. 经过以上处理后,就可以实现基于自然特征点的增强现实系统。

    After the above steps , an AR system based on natural features was schemed out .

  15. 汉语节律的自然特征

    The Natural Features of Chinese Rhythm

  16. 四川西部干旱河谷自然特征及植被恢复与重建途径

    Natural Features of Arid River Valleys in Western Sichuan and their Vegetation Restoring and Reestablishing Ways

  17. 水是大自然的产物,是万物之中最具自然特征的。

    Water is a product of nature . It has the most nature features of everything .

  18. 观光农业这种具有典型人化自然特征的旅游形式,对于解决城市儿童活动与城市环境恶化的矛盾,有显著的作用。

    It is the typical style makes Agriculture Tourism a role of solving children problems efficiently .

  19. 不同的地域有着不同的自然特征以及在此基础上形成的具有地域特色的文化传统。

    Every region has its own natural features and regional culture , which are different from others .

  20. 这是一款充满浓郁香味的澳洲葡萄酒,保持了多种自然特征。

    This is a very strong smell of Australian wine , and maintain a variety of natural features .

  21. 模糊作为人类语言的内在本质和自然特征,已经吸引了许多语言学家对其进行研究探索。

    Vagueness , as a natural and intrinsic characteristic of human language , has continuously drawn linguistic attention .

  22. 为了适当地解释这些自然特征,他觉得必须做更多的研究。

    In order to properly explain these signs of nature , he felt that he must do still more research .

  23. 建筑策略的关键点是位置的自然特征以及材料色彩的使用。

    The key notion of the architectural strategy is the locations natural features and the use of a limited material palette .

  24. 依据人口发展变化的自然特征和遵循人口预测的科学原则和方法,是取得优秀预测成果的重要保证。

    Excellent prediction results can be achieved by considering the natural character of population development and using scientific principles and methods .

  25. 有的传承古义,体现其文化内涵,有的又抓住其形、其色、其性等方面的自然特征,抒发创作人的情思。

    The poets expressed their feelings with the natural characteristics of the shape , color , and feature of Chinese Parasol tree .

  26. 影响岩体的力学性质的因素很多,对于边坡问题主要因素有岩块力学性质、结构面的自然特征、岩体结构、水文地质条件、风化作用、爆破作用等。这些因素本身就具有很强的模糊性。

    The influencing factors including rock mechanics characteristics , construction joint natural characteristics , weathering degree and hydrological condition are very fuzzy .

  27. 应该充分考虑渤海自身规律和自然特征,把握环境和资源的现实问题与未来的发展趋势。

    To the natural processes and characteristics of the bohai ; fully understand its current environmental and natural resource development problems and future trends .

  28. 汉语韵律研究必须立足于汉语的特点,必须先弄清楚它的自然特征。

    Research into Chinese rhyme must be based on the characteristics of Chinese , and a clear understanding of its natural features must be acquired first .

  29. 从著名的作品,从各民族的设计,从自然特征,那么实际工作中,我们使用这些颜色。

    From the famous works , from the design of all nationalities , from the natural features , and then the actual work we use these colours .

  30. 以河南博物院为研究对象而进行的观众调查,目的是了解观众的自然特征和参观态度,以及对博物馆配套设施的评价。

    The goal of the audience investigation of Henan Museum is knowing physical character and visiting attitude of the audience and appraising accessorial equipment of the museum .