
zì zhì shì
  • municipality;borough;autonomous city;county borough;corporation borough
  1. 该自治市与德国的卡瑟尔市结成了友好城市。

    The borough is twinned with Kasel in Germany .

  2. 住在伦敦的布罗姆利自治市的哈里.巴里特就经历了此事。

    That 's what happened to Harry Barritt of London 's Bromley borough .

  3. 是隶属于丹麦建筑中心的一个项目,由Realdania基金会和Frederiksberg自治市以及哥本哈根市提供资助。

    COPENHAGEN-X is part of the Danish Architecture Centre of a project , by Realdania fund and Frederiksberg borough and the city of Copenhagen to provide aid .

  4. 马尔盖特英国东南部一自治市,位于伦敦的东部。

    A municipal borough of southeast England east of London .

  5. 自治市法律地位刍议

    On Legal Status of Autonomous city for Ethnic Minorities

  6. 原来的霍尔本自治市已和圣潘克拉斯以及汉普斯特德合并了。

    The former borough of Holborn was merged with St paneras and hampstead .

  7. 外国人对伦敦的一些自治市镇并不了解,而另一些市镇的名字却广为人知。

    Some of the London boroughs are not very well known to people outside Great Britain .

  8. 1997年的今天,中国重庆升为中央直辖的行政自治市。

    1997-The Chinese city of Chongqing ( formerly Chunking ) is upgraded to a centrally administered municipality .

  9. 伦敦通过直接选举产生市长,另有一批当地官员和大伦敦自治市也是如此。

    London gained a directly elected mayor , as did a clutch of other local authorities and boroughs .

  10. 个人所得税(联邦,州(美国)或省(加拿大),一些自治市或自治区)

    Income tax ( federal , state ( U.S. ) or provincial ( Canada ), municipal in some locations )

  11. 该省的一个自治市市长在一次暗杀行动中死里逃生,一名警卫人员牺牲,三人受伤。

    The mayor of a municipality also narrowly escaped an assassination attempt that killed one of his guards and wounded three .

  12. 在过去三年里,该自治市批准了461个“下挖”申请,拒绝了42个,另有66个待审。

    In the past three years , the borough granted 461 " digging-down " applications , rejected 42 and 66 are pending .

  13. 能源危机在浙江,江苏,湖南,江西,贵州,上海和重庆自治市。

    The energy crunch is getting worse in Zhejiang , Jiangsu , Hunan , Jiangxi , Guizhou , and Shanghai and Chongqing municipalities .

  14. 马尔盖特英国东南部一自治市,位于伦敦的东部。是一个著名的海滨度假胜地,轻工业也较发达。人口121900。

    A municipal borough of southeast England east of london . a popular seaside resort , it also has light industries . population , 121900 .

  15. 属于、有关或者具有一个自治市特征。所有的野蛮征服者总是爱用高压手段。

    Relating or belonging to or characteristic of a municipality . All of the barbarous conquerors have been apt to carry matters with a high hand .

  16. 其渊源可追溯至古希腊罗马时代的自治市,是西方文化演进的结果。

    Its origins can be traced back to the municipalities in the ancient Greek and Roman times , and is the result of the western cultural evolution .

  17. 粮食安全战略项目在墨西哥18个州运营,超过600个高度边缘化的自治市中的大约10万户家庭受益。

    The Food Safety Strategic Project operates in 18 Mexican states , benefiting about 100 000 households with a presence in over 600 municipalities with high and very high marginalization .

  18. 由于多种因素的影响,美国的地方政府有着多种形式,例如县、自治市、乡镇、学区等等。

    Due to a variety of factors , the United States local governments have various forms , such as counties , municipalities , townships , school districts and so on .

  19. 另一方面,由于这一时期的自治市开始拥有自己的市政官员、组织以及内部章程,使得自治市团体更加稳定有序,这就为其向法人团体的转变打下了基础。

    On the other hand , the borough owned their own officers , organizations and by-laws , making it become more stable and ordered , providing a foundation to transform to corporation .

  20. 感受到压力的地区包括浙江,江苏,广东,河北,河南,湖北,湖南,安徽,江西,贵州,陕西和重庆自治市。

    The areas feeling the strain are the provinces of Zhejiang , Jiangsu , Guangdong , Hebei , Henan , Hubei , Hunan , Anhui , Jiangxi , Guizhou , and Shaanxi , and Chongqing municipality .

  21. 营业执照:由君主,立法机关或其他权威机构颁发的文件,为创立公共或私人公司,如自治市,大学或银行,并规定其特权和宗旨。

    Charter : a document issued by a sovereign , legislature , or other authority , creating a public or private corporation , such as a city , college , or bank , and defining its privileges and purposes .

  22. 赎回这批画作的钱将由霍伦自治市提供,因为西弗兰里博物馆的年度运营资金只有18万欧元,每年的收购资金只有1.1万欧元。

    The money to recover the paintings was to be provided by the municipality of Hoorn , since the Westfries museum itself has an annual operating budget of just � 80000 and an annual acquisitions budget of � 1000 .

  23. 泰晤士河谷警方发言人说:“泰晤士河谷警察局在8月18日夜里12:38分接到温莎-梅登黑德皇家自治市镇一个看守人的报案,说他发现一具被杀死烧焦的天鹅尸体,目前警方正在调查此事。”

    A Thames Valley Police spokesman said : ' Thames Valley Police is investigating a theft following a report at 12.38pm on August 18 by a Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Council warden who had found a swan . The swan had been killed and burnt . '

  24. 从实施村民自治后A市B镇的实质性变化入手,采用调查问卷、案例分析等方法,从经济发展、社会稳定等方面分析了A市B镇乡村关系现状及存在问题。

    Based on these essentially relational changes of A city B town after villager self-government , the actualities and problems about economic development and social stabilization were analyzed by the methods of questionnaire and analysis of cases in this study .

  25. 目的对在广西壮族自治区河池市进行的成人及儿童伤寒Vi疫苗及A群流脑疫苗大规模预防接种活动的组织实施、安全注射、冷链管理、宣传发动以及接种率的结果进行描述和分析。

    OBJECTIVE To describe and analyze the implementation , safety injection , cold chain management , promotion and coverage of a mass vaccination campaign for children and adults using typhoid Vi and group A meningococcal vaccines in Hechi , Guangxi .

  26. 2005年3月1日,宁夏回族自治区中卫市某镇养鸡大户饲养的1500只(150d)蛋鸡陆续发生腹泻、死亡。

    On March 1,2005 , in Zhongwei town , a peasant household raised 1500 chicken of 150 days , which began to have diarrhoea and die .

  27. 应用成本效益分析法对宁夏回族自治区固原市某10kV中压配电网的12套开关配置方案进行评估,得出了最优方案,验证了该方法的工程实用性。

    The paper presented 12 switching device schemes for a medium voltage power distribution networks in Guyuan , Ningxia , assessed the schemes with the cost-benefit analysis and obtained the best schemes . The engineering applicability and correctness are verified by the case .

  28. 试析广西壮族自治区南宁市园林造景季相设计

    Analysis of Nanning City of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Seasonal Garden Landscape Design

  29. 该文介绍了广西壮族自治区东兴市的概念规划。

    This article introduces the conceptual planning of Dongxing City in Guangxi Region .

  30. 结果本次共抽样调查16个区县(自治县、市),48个调查点,30281人。

    Results 16 counties , 48 points , 30 281 people were investigated .