
mì tàn
  • secret agent;spy;stool pigeon;undercover man;operative
密探 [mì tàn]
  • [secret agent;spy] 亦称侦探,暗中监视别人言行来获得情报的人

密探[mì tàn]
  1. 密探因犯有蓄意破坏罪而被捕。

    The secret agent was arrested on a charge of sabotage .

  2. 我真的以为你是一个密探。

    I really thought you were a secret agent .

  3. 普伦蒂斯看见戈斯走在密探身后。

    Prentice saw Goss fall in behind the informer .

  4. 密探可能会力求败坏反对派的名声。

    Agents provocateurs may seek to discredit the opposition .

  5. 密探一直在跟踪那名地下工作者。

    The spies have been tailing the underground worker .

  6. 克朗彻先生用指关节敲敲自己的前额,这时西德尼-卡尔顿和密探从黑屋出来了

    Mr. Cruncher knuckled his forehead , as Sydney Carton and the spy returned from the dark room .

  7. 密探vt.侦察;发现vi.侦察;当间谍那个间谍报告了一种新型武器的进展。

    spy The spy reported the development of a new weapon .

  8. 20世纪80年代末,我还是《密探》(Spy)杂志的主编之一,我们发表了一期关于70年代的封面故事。

    BACK in the late 1980s , when I was a co-editor of Spy magazine , we published a cover story about the 1970s .

  9. 事实上,这个所谓的Farc叛军组织是为美国美国缉毒署工作的密探。

    In fact , the so-called Farc rebels were informants working for the US drug enforcement agency .

  10. 他们将会插手一个更像是制造兵器而不是制造电话的团队,哪里包罗前FBI的特工,密探,尚有一个十分有进取心的法令团队。

    They will join a team that might seem more appropriate to weapon manufacturing than to making mobile phones-including ex-FBI agents , intelligence agents , and a highly aggressive legal team .

  11. 我们,还是那些死了两个密探的家伙?

    Us , or the guys who lost two undercover cops ?

  12. 完全如此,老板娘,密探说。

    ` Perfectly so , madame , ' replied the spy .

  13. 我提到我是个训练有素的密探了吗?

    Did I mention that I 'm a well-trained secret agent ?

  14. 政府的密探已经暗中工作6个月了。

    The government agent has been working undercover for six months .

  15. 秘密做出的;私下的做密探工作的一位联邦法官主张在此案中使用秘密的方法。

    A federal judge upheld the undercover methods used in the case .

  16. 小熊密探让你的邮递员一败涂地。

    Narky the bear says your mailman 's going down .

  17. 怕万一有警察跟密探盯着。

    In case the cops and the feds were watching .

  18. 他们之中必有一个是密探,但究竟是哪一个呢?

    One of them must be a plant , but which one ?

  19. 你不知道我是大内密探吗?

    Don 't you know I am the imperial agent ?

  20. 我们不想再失去一名密探。

    We don 't want to lose another undercover agent .

  21. 在那儿有我们的密探。

    We & we 've got our spies in there .

  22. 老贝勒的密探,他的情报提供人说,呀哈!

    ' Old Bailey spy , ' returned his informant .

  23. 联邦密探:我们在精神病院。

    Agent : We 're over at the psychiatric hospital .

  24. 她以为你们全是她丈夫的密探。

    She thinks you are all spies for her husband .

  25. 普希金余生在密探的监视中生活,直到去世。

    Pushkin remained under surveillance by the secret police until he died .

  26. 听听线人们的消息,或许再派几个密探。

    Listen to the stoolies , maybe put a few men undercover .

  27. 如果你不是一个联邦密探呢?

    So what if you weren 't a federal agent ?

  28. 大多数警方的密探提供情报后可拿到报酬。

    Most police informers receive a reward for their information .

  29. 很快,这12个密探就开始行动了。

    Soon the 12 spies left on their secret mission .

  30. 他是老板的密探吧。

    Was he one of the boss 's spies ?