
  • 网络Minerva;Sulis-Minerva
  1. 旧金山一所刚开办的大学密涅瓦学校(MinervaSchools)也采取了这个做法。

    The Minerva Schools in San Francisco , a start-up college , takes that approach .

  2. 在朱诺、密涅瓦和维纳斯之间怎样才能做出选择呢?

    How could one choose among Juno , Minerva and Venus ?

  3. 因为密涅瓦帮助她,给了她勇气和洞察力。

    For her Minerva aided and endowed with courage and discernment .

  4. 人们会说,她是密涅瓦亲手教的。

    One would have said that Minerva herself had taught her .

  5. 密涅瓦看到她悬挂在绳子上,动了恻隐之心。

    Minerva pitied her as she saw her suspended by a rope .

  6. 密涅瓦变形为一个青年牧童。

    Minerva appeared in the form of a young shepherd .

  7. 密涅瓦在她的织物上织出了她与海神竞赛的场面。

    Minerva wrought on her web the scene of her contest with Neptune .

  8. 朱诺和密涅瓦恼羞成怒,威胁要和他算账。

    Juno and Minerva were furious and threatened to settle matters with him .

  9. 密涅瓦的魅惑:传统视界下的政治思想

    Charm of Minerva : Political Thought within Traditional Horizons

  10. 因为她运气这样糟,密涅瓦哭呀哭。

    Minerva cries because her luck is unlucky .

  11. 珀尔修斯在密涅瓦和墨丘利的庇护下出发去征服这蛇发女妖。

    Perseus , favored by Minerva and Mercury , set out against the Gorgon .

  12. 他和密涅瓦争夺雅典。

    He disputed Athens with Minerva .

  13. 密涅瓦只比我大一点点,可她已经有两个孩子和一个出走的丈夫。

    Minerva is only a little bit older than me but already she has two kids and a husband who left .

  14. 对于凡人,马尔斯有时表现得就跟他那美貌的对手、朱庇特的那永不怠倦的女儿密涅瓦一样的复仇心切。

    Toward mortals Mars could show himself , on occasion , as vindictive as his fair foe , Minerva , the unwearied daughter of Jove .

  15. 接下来,密涅瓦会请教师针对该讲座内容开展在线互动式研讨,每个班级不超过25名学生。

    It then will hire teachers to run online , interactive seminars for no more than 25 students per class & Based on the lecture .

  16. 以前用以保护上前去围攻的士兵的活动的屏面或盾牌密涅瓦把自己描绘成带着头盔,用盾牌护住自己的胸部。

    A mobile screen or shield formerly used to protect besieging soldiers . Minerva depicted herself with helmed head , her Aegis covering her breast .

  17. 不过单性教育不会让一名学生取得成功,凯克研究所密涅瓦学校戴安·哈尔普恩说道。

    A single sex education is not what makes a student successful , though , says Diane Halpern of the Minerva Schools at Keck Graduate Institute .

  18. 为人们所熟悉的牌子有它自己的生命,广告业把它们称为公众的恩惠。密涅瓦把自己描绘成带着头盔,用盾牌护住自己的胸部。

    The familiar brand name with a life of its own has been proclaimed as a public benefaction by the advertising industry . Minerva depicted herself with helmed head , her Aegis covering her breast .