
  • 网络Bucks;milwaukee buck
  1. 猛龙队和密尔沃基雄鹿队之间的比赛将会是一场精彩的对弈,两队的篮球智商极高。

    The matchup between the Raptors and Milwaukee Bucks will feature a fascinating chess match between two teams with exceptionally high basketball intelligence .

  2. 密尔沃基雄鹿队主帅贾森基德相信韦斯特布鲁克的侵略性在不同程度上已经可以比作名人堂球员了。

    Milwaukee Bucks head coach Jason Kidd believes Russell Westbrook 's aggressiveness is comparable to that of a Hall of Famer in a different sport .

  3. 2007年NBA选秀大会上,密尔沃基雄鹿队用六号签选择了易。一年之后,易被交易至网队。

    Yi was selected with the sixth overall selection in the first round of the2007 NBA Draft by Milwaukee and was traded to the Nets a year later .

  4. 这位中国七尺健将曾短期效力于NBA的四支队伍--它们分别是密尔沃基雄鹿队、新泽西网队、华盛顿奇才队和达拉斯小牛队。

    The Chinese seven-footer has played for four different teams in the NBA with short stints with the Milwaukee Bucks , New Jersey Nets , Washington Wizards , and Dallas Mavericks .

  5. NBA官方于周四宣布密尔沃基雄鹿队前锋扬尼斯·安特托昆博和克利夫兰骑士队勒布朗·詹姆斯在2018全明星赛第一轮票选中领衔。

    The NBA announced Thursday that Milwaukee Bucks forward Giannis Antetokounmpo and Cleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James are sitting a top the first batch of voting returns for the 2018 All-Star Game .

  6. 由于一名手无寸铁的黑人男子被警方枪击引发愤怒,8月26日,密尔沃基雄鹿队发起了一场史无前例的抵制美国职业篮球协会(NBA)季后赛的活动,导致联盟的三场比赛被迫推迟。

    The Milwaukee Bucks staged an unprecedented boycott of the NBA playoffs on Wednesday , forcing the league to postpone three games following outrage over the latest shooting of an unarmed black man by US police .

  7. 因为他们有一名愿意测试和兑现他们的天赋上限的疯狂主教练,密尔沃基雄鹿队正处于一个独特的地位,挑战着现代NBA比赛的打法。

    and because they have a coach crazy enough to experiment with and extract the bounds of their talents , the Milwaukee Bucks are in a unique position to challenge the way the NBA game is currently played .

  8. 如果他继续打出这种统治级的表现,毫无疑问他会获得MVP,但最让人担心的是,密尔沃基雄鹿队能否在东部夺得前两名的席位。

    If he keeps that kind of dominance up , he might win regardless , but the one big concern that could hold him back is whether the Milwaukee Bucks can fight for a top-two seed in the East .

  9. 那是在1998年,当时我效力于密尔沃基雄鹿队。

    It was 1998 , and I was playing for the Milwaukee Bucks .

  10. 这个后卫再也不用穿太阳队的队服去参加比赛了——他最终被交易到了密尔沃基雄鹿队。

    The point guard wouldn 't play another game in a Suns uniform , eventually being traded to Milwaukee .

  11. 但是密尔沃基雄鹿队经过精心的系统战术设计,通过有效的三分射手解决了这一问题。

    But the Milwaukee Bucks are designed to take care of that with effective 3-point shooters in a well-crafted system .

  12. 老妖基德:对于最后的四个赛季,我想要感谢密尔沃基雄鹿队的球迷,老板,全体员工,和绝大多数球员。

    I would like to thank Milwaukee Bucks fans . ownership , staff , and most of all the players for the last four years .

  13. 密尔沃基雄鹿队(篮球)肯:休斯敦火箭队将在主场迎战密尔沃基雄鹿队,姚明在首发阵容里。

    K ( Ken ): Houston Rockets is going to face off Milwaukee Bucks at its home court . Yao Ming is in the starting lineup .

  14. 韦恩·恩布里是专业体育世界中第一个黑人总经理,曾经在1972年负责运营密尔沃基雄鹿队。

    Wayne Embry became the first black general manager in any of the major professional sports when he was assigned to run the Milwaukee Bucks in 1972 .

  15. 据一家报纸报道,密尔沃基雄鹿队的老板近日致信在第一轮选秀中被选中的中国大前锋易建联,请求与其会面。

    The owner of the Milwaukee Bucks has written to first-round draft pick Yi Jianlian requesting a meeting with the Chinese power forward , according to a newspaper report .

  16. 他上赛季是在华盛顿奇才队,08-09赛季和09-10赛季效力于新泽西网队,07-08赛季是密尔沃基雄鹿队的新秀。

    He spent last season with the Washington Wizards , the 2008-09 and 2009-10 seasons with the New Jersey Nets , and his rookie season of 2007-08 with the Milwaukee Bucks .

  17. 到目前为止,密尔沃基雄鹿队的总经理拉里。哈里斯一直都干得不错,他一直在朝正确的方向努力,以获得大前锋易建联,使他成为密尔沃基雄鹿队的一员。

    So far , Milwaukee Bucks general manager Larry Harris has played it perfectly in trying to move along the process of getting power forward Yi Jianlian to become a member of the Milwaukee bucks .

  18. 密尔沃基当地——在达拉斯小牛队和密尔沃基雄鹿队周五晚比赛开始前的一小时前,快乐的德克-诺维茨基在赛前训练的间歇休息期跟球队里的另一个大个子萨拉赫-梅杰里开起了玩笑。

    Milwaukee - Over an hour before the Dallas Mavericks took on the Milwaukee Bucks on Friday night , a jovial Dirk Nowitzki took a break from his comprehensive pre-game routine to joke with fellow big man Salah Mejri .

  19. 底特律活塞队没有合适的人选来挑战密尔沃基雄鹿队,尤其是现在布雷克格里芬——他们最重要的球员——正在饱受膝盖受伤的干扰。

    What 's next on The Giannis Show The Detroit Pistons don 't have the personnel to challenge the Milwaukee Bucks , especially now that Blake Griffin - far and away their most important player - is dealing with a knee injury .

  20. 密尔沃基雄鹿队球星扬尼斯-安特托昆博可能又要有一个绰号了,就像沙奎尔-奥尼尔一样,永远都不会少。实际上,奥尼尔已经准备让渡自己最喜欢的一个绰号——“超人”,十分荣幸地并且欢喜地给这个“希腊怪兽”。

    Milwaukee Bucks star Giannis Antetokounmpo might already have a nickname , but as Shaquille O'Neal has already shown , you can never have too many.In fact , O'Neal is ready to relinquish one of his favorites - " Superman " - and gi ve it up " with honor and pleasure " to the " Greek Freak .