
  • 网络the call of the wild;Jack London;The Call of the Wild by Jack London;the call of wild
  1. 尤其是《野性的呼唤》这部作品更是具有很强的影响力。

    The Call of the Wild , possesses very great forces .

  2. 你还没读过《野性的呼唤》吗?

    Haven 't you read The Call of the Wild yet ?

  3. 杰克·伦敦的人生哲学&《野性的呼唤》主题分析

    Jack London 's Philosophies in The Call of the Wild

  4. 《野性的呼唤》与《狼图腾》之比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Call of the Wild and Wolf Totem

  5. 从《野性的呼唤》和《狼图腾》看生存法则

    Principles of Survival from The Call of Wild & The Totem of Wolf

  6. 那杰克·伦敦的《野性的呼唤》怎么样

    How about ... " Call of the Wild , " Jack London ?

  7. 《野性的呼唤》是美国著名作家杰克.伦敦的作品。

    The Call of the Wild is the novel of famous American writer-Jake London .

  8. 论《野性的呼唤》中的超狗形象

    On the image of " super dog " in The Call of the Wild

  9. 杰克·伦敦身后的狼群&《野性的呼唤》解析

    The Wolves Behind Jack London On the Appreciation of His story The Call of the Wild

  10. 人格面具、阴影及自性&《野性的呼唤》的原型解读

    Persona , Shadow , and Self & the Archetypal Reading of The Call of the Wild

  11. 野性的呼唤

    The Call of the Wild

  12. 在《野性的呼唤》和《狼图腾》中,生存原则作为一个重要的主题频繁穿插于故事情节之间。

    Principles of survival are frequently illustrated in The Call of Wild and The Totem of Wolf .

  13. 特别是他的代表作《野性的呼唤》一经发表便给他带来恒久的声望。

    Especially his representative work The Call of the Wild which brings him unvarying fame when it is published .

  14. 例如其中一本杰克·伦敦写的《野性的呼唤》。

    One of those books , for example , is " The Call of the Wild " by Jack London .

  15. 通过分析,笔者发现《野性的呼唤》是一部充满了生态思想的伟大的文学作品。

    Through the analysis , the author finds The Call of the Wild is a great work full of ecological ideas .

  16. 动物园仍然是城市里的孩子们体验“野性的呼唤”为数不多的地方之一。

    And zoos remain one of the few places left where urban children get to experience the call of the wild .

  17. 很快巴克就被狼群围在了中心。野性的呼唤在巴克耳边响彻。

    Soon the pack was all around Buck , and the call of the wild was loud in Buck 's ears .

  18. 母亲轻轻搂着他的头,而内心深处的他却在云游四海&飘向一望无垠蔓草摇曳的旷野,任那野性的呼唤引逗他。

    His own mother cradled his head but he mentally gadded here and there in fields of swishing grass and pursed wildness .

  19. 在文学史上最富传奇的是杰克。伦敦,他以著作《野性的呼唤》而闻名遐迩。

    One of the most legendary figures in literary history is Jack London , who was famous for The Call of the wild .

  20. 从猴舍里传来一些难以讨好的灵长类震耳、疯狂的吼叫声,使整个丛林充斥着野性的呼唤。

    From the monkey house came the loud , insane hooting of some captious primate , filling the whole woodland with a wild hooroar .

  21. 枷锁下反叛的精灵&《野性的呼唤》之生态批评的解读

    The Revolting Creature under the Shackles & A New Interpretation of The Call of the Wild by Jack London from the Perspective of Eco-criticism

  22. 他给世人留下了大量的作品,其中,《野性的呼唤》尤为著名。该作品典型地展现了美国边疆精神。

    He bequeaths the world abundant works , among which The Call of the Wild is particularly famous and typically shows the American frontier spirit .

  23. 但是两天之后,那野性的呼唤又响了起来,他又想起了森林和那头同他并驾齐驱的狼。

    But after two days the call of the wild came again , and he remembered the forest and the wolf who had run beside him .

  24. 许多中国读者都喜欢他的小说特别是动物小说如《野性的呼唤》,《白牙》和《棕狼》。

    Many Chinese readers are fond of his works especially his animal novels such as The Call of the Wild , White Fang and Brown Wolf .

  25. 《野性的呼唤》和《雪狼》是杰克?伦敦小说创作中“狼”情结的艺术体现。

    This paper analyzes his two novels about wolves-the call of the wildand white fang , because the two novels perfectly reflect london 's wolf complex .

  26. 《野性的呼唤》主要叙述一只强壮勇猛的狼狗巴克从人类文明社会回到狼群原始生活的过程。

    The Call of the Wild was about a story that Buck , a strong brave dog , came back to the primitive life from the human civilization .

  27. 他的很多作品在国内外都广受欢迎。在我国,许多读者对伦敦的作品尤其是两部动物小说《野性的呼唤》(1903)和《白牙》(1906)都很熟悉。

    Many Chinese readers are familiar with London 's works especially his two animal novels The Call of the Wild ( 1903 ) and White Fang ( 1906 ) .

  28. 别具一格的《野性的呼唤》、《白牙》和《海狼》等小说更是使他名声大噪。

    The unique stories , such as The Call of the Wild , White Fang and The Sea wolf , gave him a great reputation all over the world .

  29. 第五章比较《野性的呼唤》和《怀念狼》的异同点,并找出原因。

    In Chapter V , the differences and similarities of The Call of the Wild and Cherishing the memory of the Wolves are compared and the reasons are found out .

  30. 回应心中野性的呼唤,在吊床上睡上一觉,感激在这些生物珍宝消失之前还可以一睹它们不同寻常的美丽和风采。

    Fall asleep in a hammock to the calls of the wild , and be grateful to have glimpsed the splendor of this ecological treasure before it 's gone forever .