
yě shēnɡ dònɡ wù bǎo hù
  • wildlife conservation;wildlife protection;protect wildlife;conserve wildlife
  1. 元代的野生动物保护法是一个很值得探讨的问题。

    Conserve Wildlife Law in the Yuan dynasty is the problem worth expounding .

  2. 笔者就元代的野生动物保护法所涉及的禁猎时间、禁猎区及其相关的执法问题进行了全方位的透视,进而为今天的生物多样性等环境问题的解决,提供了历史依据。

    The authors examine the time to ban hunting , areas where hunting is prohibited and the relative problems to enforce the law in which Conserve Wildlife Law in the Yuan dynasty involved , and provide the reliable historical proofs for the solution to the environment of diversified living things .

  3. 我们社区在野生动物保护方面走在前头。

    Our community is a leader in the conservation of wildlife .

  4. 该地区曾是一个野生动物保护区。

    This area was once a wildlife reserve .

  5. 对野生动物保护感兴趣

    to be interested in wildlife conservation

  6. 你看到了PassaLoutre野生动物保护区,你看到了鹈鹕。

    You saw Pass a Loutre . You saw the pelicans .

  7. 该文介绍了GIS在森林资源管理、社会林业和野生动物保护方面的应用。

    Its applications on forest resources management , social forestry and wild animal protection are presented in the thesis .

  8. 如果不信,你可以问问“国际野生动物保护学会”(WildlifeConservationSociety),这个组织负责运营纽约市的动物园和水族馆。

    Just ask the Wildlife Conservation Society , the organization that runs New York City 's zoos and aquarium .

  9. “如果这些动物从马达加斯加岛上消失了,那么它们也就永远的消失了”,国际野生动物保护组织(ConvervationInternational,CI,保护国际)主席这样说道。

    " If we lose these animals on Madagascar , they 're gone forever ," says Russell Mittermeier , president of the wildlife group Conservation International ( CI ) .

  10. 约翰内斯堡高级法院下达该中期济助令,以允许瓦提兄弟将两只孟加拉虎继续留存于自由邦菲利普利斯的TigerMoon野生动物保护区。

    The Johannesburg High Court granted the Vartys an interim order for the release of their two Bengal tigers on the Tiger Moon Wildlife Sanctuary outside Philippolis in the Free State .

  11. 上述研究由野生动物保护协会发表在Oryx杂志上。

    That 's the finding of a Wildlife Conservation Society study published in the journal Oryx .

  12. 所要修复的区域包括CollierSeminole州立公园和佛罗里达美洲豹国家野生动物保护区。

    The area includes the Collier Seminole State Park and the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge .

  13. 通过购买衣服,消费者能帮助IUCN和Lacoste为全球野生动物保护献一份力。

    By purchasing the shirts , people are participating in helping IUCN and Lacoste in the fight for wildlife conservation worldwide .

  14. 此项目涉及到达雷尔野生动物保护信托和野生鸟类和湿地基金会(WWT)。

    The project involved the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust and the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust ( WWT ) .

  15. 由于大白鲨受到野生动物保护条例的保护,我很难摆脱这只17英尺的鲨鱼,然而Arnold和Cindy之间早已情愫暗生。

    It is hard to get rid of an almost 17 feet long shark since the White Sharks are protected by the wildlife conservation , but a mutual affection established between Arnold and Cindy .

  16. 大熊猫(AiluropodaMelanoleuca)作为旗舰物种,在野生动物保护中具有独特的地位和作用。

    The Giant Panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) is a flagship species , which has a unique role and special status in the protection of wildlife .

  17. 喜马拉雅山西部Askot野生动物保护区内粗木质残体沿山高度分布格局与现状

    Status and distribution pattern of coarse woody debris along an altitudinal gradient in Askot Wildlife Sanctuary , Uttarakhand , West Himalaya

  18. 圣卢西亚野生动物保护区野生动物保护区内禁止狩猎。

    Saint Lucia Game Reserve Hunters are barred from wildlife sanctuaries .

  19. 批评者还说,这档节目违反了中国野生动物保护的相关法规。

    Critics also argue that the show violates Chinese wildlife protection laws .

  20. 简论我国古代野生动物保护的法律制度

    Study on laws and rules of wild animals protecting in ancient China

  21. 这里是野生动物保护区,严禁打猎。

    This area is a wildlife reserve and hunting is strictly prohibited .

  22. 基于野生动物保护的城市园林绿地规划设计

    Urban Landscape Design / Planning in Respect of Wildlife Preservation

  23. 日本的森林野生动物保护和管理体系

    The System for Protection and Administration of Forest Wild animals in Japan

  24. 会议集中讨论了野生动物保护问题。

    The meeting focused on the protection of wild animals .

  25. 这项研究已经在《野生动物保护管理》杂志上发表。

    The study is in the Journal of Wildlife Management .

  26. 运往肯尼亚,野生动物保护区,非洲。

    Monkey : Ship to Kenya . Wildlife preserve Africa .

  27. 野生动物保护人士担心,中国的圈养场有可能鼓励印度的猎捕行为。

    Conservationists worry the farms in China could encourage poaching in India .

  28. 祁连山珍稀濒危野生动物保护战略研究

    Studies on wildlife conservation strategies in Qilian National Region

  29. 2012年12月4日是有史以来第一个野生动物保护日。

    December 4th , 2012 , will be the first-ever Wildlife Conservation Day .

  30. 另一个保护动物品种的有效方法是建造野生动物保护区。

    Another effective way to preserve animal species is to create wildlife reserves .