
  • 网络root crop
  1. 块茎或块根作物收获机

    Harvester , tuber or root crop

  2. 木薯是热带地区多年生块根作物,是世界三大薯类作物之一。

    Cassava is a perennial root crop in the tropics , one of the three major tuberous crops in the world .

  3. 自2007年,供应商HarvestPlus开始在乌干达和莫桑比亚销售“生物合成”的块根作物,近5万农户开始种植此类作物。

    Since 2007 , when an outfit called HarvestPlus began distributing the " biofortified " rootcrop in Uganda and Mozambique , 50000 farmers have started to plant it or crops like it .

  4. 这沙土地利於排水,适於种植块根作物

    This gravelly soil is well drain and good for grow root crops

  5. 农业:稻,小麦,块根作物,柑橘,乳制品。

    Agriculture : rice , corn , root crops , citrus ; dairy products .

  6. 块根作物挖掘机或干草摊晒机用叉子

    Fork for root-crop-lifting machines or hay tedders

  7. 农用块根作物清洗机(不包括田间收获型)

    Cleaning machine , for root crops , farm type ( excl. harvesting type for field use )

  8. 大戟属植物多达数百种,包括橡胶树、各种产蓖麻油和桐油的树木,以及木薯这类块根作物等。

    There are hundreds of related plants , including rubber trees , trees that produce castor and tung oil , and the cassava , a root crop .

  9. 本文对长江中游史前古城的地理环境及古城与稻作农业的关系进行了探讨。农业:稻,小麦,块根作物,柑橘,乳制品。

    The paper discussed geographical environment and the relation between ancient city and cultivated rice in the middle reaches of yangtse river . Agriculture : rice , corn , root crops , citrus ; dairy products .

  10. 厂区大田试验还表明,施用污泥对生长周期长的块根类作物的增产效果比茎叶类、果实类作物更显著。

    Results showed that . generally , the addition of sludge increased the vegetable yield , especially for those with long period growth and with root harvest .

  11. 木薯是热带地区最重要的块根能源作物,热能生产量位居第4,仅次于水稻、甘蔗和玉米,同时是世界六亿人赖于生存的主要食物来源。

    Cassava is the most important energy produced root tuber crop in the tropic . Food energy supplied by cassava is rank 4th after rice , maize and sugarcane . There are 600 million people survive feed cassava in the world .

  12. 根据前人的资料和研究,对钾如何影响谷类作物,块根、块茎作物、蔬菜及烤烟品质的问题作了简要评述。

    According to previous research and data , this paper review some aspects how quality of some crops such as cereal crop , root and tuber crop , vegetable and flue cured tobacco is affected by potassium .