
  • 网络block structure;blocky structure;cloddy structure;Blocky
  1. 给出了具有块状结构约束的非光滑PGD算法及其收敛性。

    A nonsmooth PGD algorithm dealing with block structure constraints is presented and its convergence is established .

  2. 块状结构岩体渗流分析方法的探讨

    Analysis of seepage flow in rock masses with block structure

  3. 电镜扫描和能谱结果显示膜层的厚度约为0.5631μm,膜层为块状结构,着色膜主要成分是Fe,Mn和Cr等元素,表明着色膜提高了不锈钢的耐磨性、耐蚀性。

    The microstructure of film is lump structure . According to energy dispersive spectra analysis , the main elements of coloring film are Fe , Mn , Cr and so on . The coloring film improves corrosion resistance and anti-abrasive of stainless steel .

  4. 块状结构岩体力学的回顾与展望

    A review and prospect for rock mechanics of blocky structure

  5. 块状结构土壤中的接地系统分析

    Analysis of Grounding Systems Buried in Soils with Massive Texture

  6. 黄土地区农田土壤块状结构体理化性状研究

    The physical and chemical properties of soil block cloddy in Loess area farmland

  7. 边坡块状结构岩体模糊随机可靠性分析

    Fuzzy-random reliability analysis of blocky rock mass in slopes

  8. 块状结构导体自感的计算

    The calculation of the self-inductance of a block-structure conductor

  9. 二维块状结构大地电磁快速反演

    The fast magnetotelluric inversion of 2-D block structure

  10. 块状结构岩体的无压渗流分析方法

    Unconfined Seepage Analysis Method for Blocky Rock Mass

  11. 在用块状结构建模方法的编程中,C++语言起了重要的作用。

    C + + language plays an important role in programming of blocky structural model-building method .

  12. 新生鱼骨状和块状结构对堆焊层硬度没有影响。

    The hardness of coatings was not affected by the herringbone and block structures near the surface .

  13. 文中给出了在十分复杂的地质结构中应用块状结构方法建模并用迭代追踪法进行射线追踪的计算实例。

    Real computing case using blocky structure for model-building in rather complicated geologic structure and conducting ray-tracing by iteration is given in the paper .

  14. 认为块状结构岩体力学的发展方向应进一步采用不确定性理论、现代非线性系统动力学原理与传统理论结合的研究理念。

    A new research concept of combining traditional theory with uncertainty theory and principle of modern nonlinear dynamics is adopted , which can be a new research field .

  15. 介绍了一种符合土壤电阻率实际分布情况的模型&块状结构土壤模型,并基于此种模型对接地网进行分析计算。

    A model for the analysis of grounding systems located in soil , the massive texture soil model is presented , and it is in conformity with the practical distribution status of soil resistivity .

  16. 中土口头叙事中以变相结合讲唱的表演方式,乃是白话小说中通常采用块状结构的重要原因之一。

    The performance pattern that transforms the tableau combined with talking and singing in oral narrative , is an important reason for that lump structure , which has always been used in vernacular novels .

  17. 目的是揭示地震荷载对块状结构岩体边坡稳定性的影响机制,为更准确地分析块状结构岩体边坡的动力稳定性提供有效的理论依据。

    It aims to reveal the earthquake affect on block rock slope and its mechanism . In this way , theoretical criterion can be provided to evaluate more precisely the dynamic stability of rock slope .

  18. 得出了如下成果:(1)将线路区变质岩边坡按坡体结构类型分为块状结构边坡、层状结构边坡、碎裂结构边坡、散体结构边坡和基座式结构边坡五大类。

    Results are as follows : 1.According to slope structure types , the metamorphic rock slopes are divided into blocky structure slopes , layer structure slopes , cataclastic structure slopes , granular structure slopes and base structure slopes .

  19. 他们的形成是与花岗岩的坚硬岩性,具有水平节理和垂直节理、新近纪的构造抬升、第四纪气候的变化密切相关,其中花岗岩的块状结构体和层状结构体和第四纪冰缘作用起主导作用。

    Their formation is closely related to the firm rock character , horizontal and vertical joints , Neogene tectonic uplift and Quaternary climatic change . Among these , massive and layered structures of granite and Quaternary periglacial action play a dominant role .

  20. 该区地层岩性主要以沉积岩、火成岩为主,岩石主要是粗安岩、角砾熔岩、玄武岩、灰岩等硬岩,边坡主要为块状结构和碎裂结构。

    In the study area , the main formation lithology is sedimentary rock and igneous rock and rocks are mainly trachyandesites . breccias lava , basalt , limestone and sort of hard rock . And slopes mainly consist of block structure and cataclastic structure .

  21. 沙丘沉积单层厚2~6m,呈块状,结构松散。

    The dune sediments are 2 ~ 6 meters thick , massive and loosely cemented .

  22. 该格式的系数矩阵具有块状Toeplitz-Like结构。

    The scheme is unconditionally stable and the coefficient matrix possesses the Toeplitz-Block-Like structure .

  23. 三维形态呈等抽状或不规则的外形,它是由高密度位错的块状亚结构所组成。

    The massive ferrite of which three-dimension appearance is equiaxed or irregular has its chunky substructures with higher density of dislocations .

  24. 农果复合生态系统的结构为块状镶嵌结构,具有三环结构特征。

    The results followed as : The structure of Agro-fruit ecosystem was massive inserted , which was composed of agriculture , fruiter and livestock farming circulars .

  25. 威尼斯的国家政府是由若干独立机构组成的,每个机构都有自己的职责范围,国家权力系统呈现块状分割结构。

    Venice national government is formed by a number of independent institutions , which all own their scope of responsibilities . The state power system show " massive " split structure .

  26. 试验中还发现,磷含量是决定块状Ni-P合金结构的主要因素,随着磷含量的增加,块状Ni-P合金由晶态向非晶态结构转变。

    The bulk Ni-P alloy structures were also found to be very phosphorus content dependent , and bulk Ni-P alloys transformed from the crystal to the amorphous structure with an increase in phosphorus content .

  27. 块状组合岩体结构力学效应的模型研究

    A Model Study of Structural-mechanical Effect of Rock Blocks

  28. 本文对块状组合岩体结构力学效应的模型试验研究进行了介绍,提出了岩体力学的一些新概念和新方法,对岩体工程和岩体力学理论起到一定的作用。

    The experimental study of the model for structure-mechanical effect of block rocks was presented , A new concept and a method of rock mechanics which would play an important part in both practical and theoretical aspects of the subject are proposed .

  29. 由于碳化钨的溶解,与镍基合金元素作用形成低熔点共晶组织,以块状和长条状结构析出。

    The primary tungsten carbides particles dissolved and reacted with the elements of nickel-base alloys to form low melting eutectics , which precipitated in the shape of bulk and long flake .

  30. 结果表明,随着羧酸链长的增长,胺盐形貌由规则的片层变为无规则的块状固体,而且结构有序度也逐渐下降。

    The results show that the morphology of amine salt transformed from the plate to random bulk solid , with the increasing of chain-length . At the same time , the degree of order of structure declined .