
  • 网络terrace
  1. 地埂植物篱对大型土壤动物多样性的影响

    Effects of terrace hedgerows on soil macrofauna diversity

  2. 地埂坡面土壤营养成分富集,为植物提供了良好的生存环境,可栽种多种耐旱植物。

    Such a construction allowed an enrichment and concentration of nutrients in the soils of terrace bunds , providing an ideal environment for a range of plants to grow and develop .

  3. 以蛹在甜菜、胡麻、豌豆、首蓿等作物土壤中越冬,田间杂草、地埂下也能越冬,深度达10~20cm;

    Overwintering as pupa in the soil of sugar beet , helminthosporium , pea , alfalfa and etc.

  4. 梯田地埂灌木树种栽培技术研究

    Cultivation technique of main shrub species on terrace embankment

  5. 地埂柠条和紫穗槐的水保作用与生态及经济效益分析

    Water Conservational Role of Salix lutea and Amorpha fruticosa Planted in Field Bund and Their Ecological and Economic Benefits

  6. 冀西北黄土丘陵沟壑区梯田地埂植物篱的固埂作用与效益分析

    The consolidating function and economic benefit analysis of the terrace hedgerows in the hilly loess region of northwest Hebei Province

  7. 地埂利用可增加一定收入,而其经营和维修又需加大管理运行费用。

    Utilization of the earth banks may increase some income , but its management and maintenance could increase the costs .

  8. 地埂花椒林根系随树龄的增加,根系增粗明显,根系总量增加。

    Prickly ash in terrace edge root system becomes stout obviously with age of trees and total amount of root system increases .

  9. 那块地的地形很复杂。田里的地埂把这片农田分成了很多正方形小块。

    The lay of ground is very complex . Low banks of earth in the field turn it into many square sections .

  10. 为此,本文以较多的实例,论述了合理利用地埂对促进本区生态、经济、社会等方面效益的发挥具有显著的作用。

    The paper expounds the obvious effects of rational use of ridge to increase the benefits in ecology , economy and society with examples .

  11. 由于自身带刺,还可在田边、地埂、果园四周栽植,发展地埂经济和培养绿色围栏。

    Because of its barbed , but also at the edge , to ridge , surrounded by orchards planted , economic and culture development in the green ridge fence .

  12. 坡地修成梯田后,因种植田面由坡变平和地埂占地,使种植面积减少;

    When slopeland is improved into terraced field , the plantable area is reduced because of the surface of farmland becoming flat and the land used for constructing earth banks .

  13. 农田大部分是地缝和小溪之间的条状小块。田里的地埂把这片农田分成了很多正方形小块。

    The fields were mostly patches laid on the serried landscape , between crevices and small streams . Low banks of earth in the field turn it into many square sections .

  14. 采用压力仪法,在地埂花椒-小麦-苹果复合模式试验地内,分7个不同压力,测定8个土层的土壤水分特征曲线,并将实验结果拟合为经验公式。

    Pressure meter method was applied in Chinese prickly ash wheat apple experimental field to determine soil water characteristic curve of eight soil layers under seven different pressures . The results were modeled into empirical formula .

  15. 文章还论述了桑树在地埂利用中的地位及植被结构优化原则,植物种类选择和影响结构设计的因素。

    Also , it deals with the role or position of mulberry trees in the utilization of land ridges , the principles of optimum vegetation structure , selection of plant species and factors affecting structure designs .