
dì qiú kē xué jiā
  • geoscientist
  1. 主持人:可如果你把地球科学家理查德·阿利也考虑进去,一首关于爱情的歌曲就成了美国宾夕法尼亚州州立大学初学阶段的地质专业学生的学习工具。

    Host : But when you factor geoscientist Richard B.Alley into the equation , a song about love becomes a learning tool for budding geology students at Penn State University .

  2. 有一件事是肯定的:海底不再是地球科学家所独占的领域了。

    One thing is certain : the sea floor is no longer the province of Geoscientists alone .

  3. AonBenfieldUCL危险研究中心的地球科学家兼研究负责人StephenEdwards呼吁获取更多高质量的同行评议的数据。

    Stephen Edwards , an earth scientist and research manager at the Aon Benfield UCL Hazard Research Centre , called for more high-quality , peer-reviewed data .

  4. 这项新的研究由罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)的地球科学家罗伯特·E·科普(RobertE.Kopp)牵头进行。他将精密的统计学技术应用于一些长期存在的问题,比如怎样了解全球海平面的历史,赢得了同行的敬重。

    The new research was led by Robert E. Kopp , an earth scientist at Rutgers University who has won respect from his colleagues by bringing elaborate statistical techniques to bear on longstanding problems , like understanding the history of global sea level .

  5. 地球科学家首次确认子空间的存在。

    Scientists on Earth first confirm existence of the subspace domain .

  6. 加州大学洛杉矶分校,地球科学家,劳伦斯史密斯。

    Laurence C.Smith , earth scientist , University of California Los Angeles .

  7. 作为地球科学家,我们深刻地体会到更为深入地了解自然灾害发生原因的必要性。

    As Earth Scientists , we all well appreciate the need to better understand the causes of natural hazards .

  8. 中国地质大学地球科学家集团创新能力及其社会环境研究

    A Study on the Group Innovative Ability of the Earth Scientists and the Social Environment of China University of Geosciences

  9. 宾夕法尼亚州立大学帕克分校的地球科学家詹姆斯·卡斯丁认为,抛弃温室气体因素的时机还不成熟。

    Earth scientist James Kasting of Pennsylvania State University , University Park , thinks it 's premature to discard the greenhouse-gas option .

  10. 那将改变海洋环流,”路易斯安娜州杜兰大学合著者,地球科学家特伯尼·特龙奎斯特说道。

    It 's going to change ocean circulation , " says co-author Torbjorn Tornqvist , an Earth scientist at Tulane University in Louisiana .

  11. 一项空前的合作正在各国间展开,从此以后地球科学家们再也不需要用陈旧和零敲碎打的方式来研究我们所在的行星了。

    An unprecedented cooperation is developing among nations so that earth scientists will no longer look at our planet in the old , fragmented way .

  12. 其地壳岩石层变形运动、应力应变场等问题一直是地球科学家们研究的热点。

    It has always been the focuses of geophysiciststhat the pattern of velocity and deformation , the stress and strain field , and so on .

  13. 资源与环境问题是21世纪人类社会面临的首要问题,实现资源的可持续发展是地球科学家的首要任务。

    Resources and environmental issues are chief problems in the 21st century . Resource sustainable development has always been the primary task for earth scientists .

  14. 四川松潘-甘孜褶皱带一直是地球科学家关注的一个焦点。到膝盖的格子呢褶短裙;苏格兰丘陵地带男人的着装。

    Songpan-Ganzi folded belt in Sichuan province of China is a Major issue to geoscientists . a knee-length pleated tartan skirt ; worn by men in Scottish Highlands .

  15. 本文通过对中国地球科学家数据库的分析,概括介绍了我国地学科研实力的单位分布情况。

    N this article , tke unit distribution survey of scientific research strength in geoscience in China was presented , based on analysis to the database of chinese geoscientists .

  16. 另一方面,无论是政治、资讯或娱乐,本地各领域都深受全球化的影响。有一件事是肯定的:海底不再是地球科学家所独占的领域了。

    On the other hand , the effect of globalisation is all-pervasive . One thing is certain : The sea floor is no longer the province of geoscientists alone .

  17. 20世纪60年代以来板块构造理论解释海洋地壳构造与形变取得极大成功并被全球地球科学家所接受。

    Since the 1960s , the plate tectonics theory has been very successful in interpreting oceanic crustal structure and deformation , and accepted by the geoscientists around the world .

  18. 由于这些代码是地球科学家而非计算机程序员写的,我们需要今年重写这些代码从而为海啸预警中心提供一个更标准的程序。

    " Since the code was written by earth scientists , and not computer programmers , we need to rewrite the codes this year to provide a more standardised version for tsunami warning centres ," Newman said .

  19. 结果,它使得地球上的科学家们看到星星的位置发生了改变。

    As a result , it appeared to scientists on earth that the stars had moved .

  20. 复杂精致的筛选软件被用于给地球上的科学家发送数据,他们负责弄清楚结果。

    Sophisticated sifting software is used to send the data to earth-bound scientists , who scour the results .

  21. 在1957-1958年,参加国际地球物理年科学家们才开始揭开这块荒无人迹土地的神秘面纱。

    Scientists participating in the International Geophysical Year , 1957-58 , began to unlock the secrets of this desolate land .

  22. 当“实践十号”返回地球之后,科学家们将会把回收的胚胎和在地球上的样品进行比较,之后进一步分析在太空中发育的早期胚胎。

    Scientists will compare the retrieved embryos with samples on Earth and perform further analyses on the profiles of early embryo development in space , once SJ-10 returns home .

  23. 可是那些在凹点的金线不太可能被带回地球,所以科学家还不能确定这在每个“夏天”都在凹点排成线而且发光的黄色灰尘的化学成分。

    The'gold'pits isn 't likely to be ferried back to Earth , though-scientists remain unsure of the chemical composition of the yelllow , shimmering dust that lines the pit walls every'summer ' .

  24. 美国哥伦比亚大学地球观测站科学家理查辛格认为,这个世纪,湾流不可能变慢。

    Richard seager , a scientist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University in Palisades in the United states , thinks it 's unlikely the Gulf stream will slow down this century .

  25. 他们认为水资源从一开始就已经出现在地球上。科学家们发现地球上水的化学特征与一个名为钙长辉长陨石古老小行星群上水的化学特征匹配。

    They say water may have been here from the start . The scientists discovered that the chemical signature of water on Earth matches the signature of water in an ancient group of asteroids called eucrites .

  26. 大气中CO2含量升高引起的气候变化是目前人们十分关注的问题,地球变暖是不少科学家的共同看法。

    The problem of climatic change caused by the atmospheric CO2 content increasing is paid close attention by people . The globe warming is a common concern of most scientists .

  27. 当海啸还隔着半个地球那么远,科学家就能对海啸袭击海岸的过程建立精确模型。我们今天探讨科学家是如何做到这一点的。

    Today how scientists can now accurately model how a tsunami will strike a coast – even half a world away .

  28. 应用这些策略,分析了由美国哥伦比亚大学地球研究所的科学家和工程师所开发的竹制自行车项目。

    Applying these strategies , the bamboo bike project developed by scientists and engineers at the Earth Institute at Columbia University was thoroughly analyzed .

  29. 地球上最知名科学家的身份当然有助于霍金说服别人,但同样有帮助的是,霍金明白辱骂是没用的。

    It does no harm to be the most recognisable scientist on the planet , but Hawking also understood that insults do not work .

  30. 本专题将汇集世界多国研究陆壳物质深俯冲和折返的地质与地球物理过程的科学家。

    This session will bring together scientists from many countries who have been studying the geological and geophysical processes responsible for deep subduction and exhumation of continental crustal material .