
All of the three are normative documents made by the local state organs .
Decisive authority indicates the nature of the local organs of state power .
A : What else does the NPC require the local state power organs in legislation ?
Reviewing and summarizing the legislation history of the power , there is some achievement as a whole .
A : What 's the precondition for the local state power organs to exercise the local legislative powers ?
This power , which is called the trial surveillance of local organs of state , has legality , indirection , after feature and authoritativeness .
Minority cadres also account for a fair proportion of cadres in the central and local state organs , including administrative , judicial and procuratorial organs .
In fact , it is also the most important power in the local authorities and the key symbol of reflecting the State power people exercise in the local administrative region .
( 14 ) to alter or annul inappropriate decisions and orders issued by local organs of state administration at various levels ;
It includes five parts : 1 . The main body of the government 's function is the administrative organization system and its staff .
As an executive organ of the state power , local government is responsible for the transformation of high-tech achievements of universities , which will surely give much impetus to both local and national economic development .
Local people 's governments at various levels are the executive bodies of local organs of state power as well as the local organs of State Administration at the corresponding levels .