
  • 网络universal language;Yongforever
  1. 而中文是门很难学的语言,英语仍将保持其世界通用语言的地位。

    However Chinese is a difficult language to learn and English will remain the working language of the world .

  2. 作为世界的通用语言,英语授课项目更加受人们的欢迎。

    As the official language of the world , English taught programs are more popular than before .

  3. 如果音乐不是世界的通用语言,那么人们为什么创音乐?

    If music isn 't the world 's common language , then why is it still worth making ?

  4. 同时,宗教的多元化特征也日益为越来越多的人们所认同;英语成为当今世界的通用语言。

    Furthermore , the religious diversity is increasingly accepted by more people ; English has become a world language .

  5. 英语是世界第一通用语言,因此景区英文解说就显得格外重要。

    Together with English is the first general language in the world , therefore tourist English interpretation or translation plays an important role .

  6. 老师:全世界科学家的通用语言是什么?

    Teacher : What is the common language for the scientists all over the world ?

  7. 英语作为世界最通用的语言,其交际功能愈显重要。

    English , as a most popular language , its communicational function is more and more important .

  8. 英语是世界上的通用语言,适用范围非常广泛,中国的经济要向与世界接轨,英语是必不可少的桥梁。

    English is the most widely used language in the world , which is important for China to to adapt to the global economy .

  9. 我们的方法是针对国防情报,应用世界最通用的语言&英文,设计了一个信息抽取系统,对各国国防经费信息进行动态的监测。

    Our work is to design a information extraction system to monitor national defense budget which is described in English , the most universal language in the world .

  10. 6月23日(周四),英国决定退出拥有28个成员国的欧盟组织,尽管英语是世界通用的商务语言,但是欧盟仍然极有可能取消其作为官方交流工具的地位。

    On Thursday 23 June the UK decided to leave the 28-nation bloc and even if English is considered the universal language of business it may still be dropped by the organisation as an official means of communication .

  11. 英语已成为世界性的通用语言,学习英语已不仅是学好科学知识的重要工具更是我们与国际接轨的需要。

    It is known to us that English has become a national language . So learning English is the need to conform with the international development . At the same time , we learn that scientific knowledge is an important tool .

  12. 同时,英语作为全世界最通用的语言之一,在政治、经济、军事、科技等方面的沟通地位是不可替代的。因此,汉英双语教学正在成为我国课程改革的热点。

    At the same time , as one of the most widely-used language , the role of English as a communication tool is irreplaceable in politics , economy , military , technology and etc. Therefore , Chinese-English bilingual teaching is becoming the hotspot of curriculum reform in our country .

  13. 插图是世界都能通用的语言,其设计在商业应用上通常分为人物,动物,商品形象。

    Illustration is the world can common language , its design in business applications usually divided into character , animal , merchandise image .

  14. 但在美国,由于大多数人的母语为英语一个世界上广泛通用的语言因此美国人都不觉得有必要学习外语。

    But since the mother tongue of most Americans is English-a language widely spoken around the world-they often don 't feel the need to learn a foreign language .

  15. 说明书可能用多种语言写就,而英语成为了世界上最通用的语言。所以本文锁定英文使用说明书为对象,系统研究英文使用说明的文体风格。

    Since English is the most widely used language in the world , this article focuses on English instructions as its object of study and analyzes their stylistic features systematically .

  16. 目前世界上典型通用的语言生成方法大致有四种:封装文本,基于模板,基于短语以及基于特征的方法。

    There are four typical kinds of methods to generate natural language : canned text , template-based , phrase-based , and feature-based , and they are all designed for English originally .

  17. 掌握一门外语是信息化社会对21世纪公民的基本要求,在小学开设外语成为世界外语教育发展的趋势,英语作为世界最主要的通用语言,成为非英语国家的首选外语。

    To master a foreign language is a basic requirement to the citizens of the 21st century . English is the first choice for Non-English-speaking countries . It is a world trends to run English courses in primary schools .