
  • 网络ancient world history;world ancient history
  1. 马克思对世界古代史研究的贡献

    On the Contributions of Marxism to the Study of Ancient World History

  2. 改革现行世界古代史教材,成为各高校世界古代史教学面临的重要问题。

    Therefore , reform of the current textbooks of the Ancient World History is an important issue for the teaching of the Ancient World History .

  3. 世界古代史精品课程内容体系论析

    Analysis of Superb Course Content System of World Ancient History

  4. 从整体角度对高师《世界古代史》教学的探索

    A Global View on the Teaching of History of the Ancient World

  5. 对历史专业世界古代史教材体例改革的思考

    Reflections on the Reform of the Teaching Stylebooks of the Ancient World History

  6. 上古埃及和希腊是世界古代史上的两个主要国家,都具有独特的地理环境。

    Ancient Egypt and Greece were two main countries in the world ancient history , and they both possessed superior geographical conditions .

  7. 他在世界古代史、古代社会经济形态方面所取得的成就,是学界所公认的。

    His achievements in the research field of world ancient history and social economic modality have been recognized in the academic circle .

  8. 中国古代煤炭科学技术成就不仅是中国古代科学技术宝库中一颗瑰丽的明珠,在世界古代史中也是光彩夺目的一页。

    The achievements were remarkable not only in ancient Chinese coal science and technology but also in the ancient history of the world .

  9. 我国现有历史专业世界古代史教材的体例有两种:按国家或地区分述的体例和按综合年代分期的体例。它们各有优缺点。

    There are two kinds of stylebooks in the existing teaching materials of the ancient world history , one of which is according to countries and areas , and the other to years .

  10. 本文介绍了构建世界古代史精品课程内容体系的概况、基本结构、教材和教辅资料、教学活动等主要教学环节,并对构建的指导思想、总体目标和与其它课程的关系加以论述。

    This article makes an introduction of the survey , basic structure , teaching , teaching-aided materials , teaching activities and principal teaching procedures of superb course content system , and discusses guiding principle , general goal and its relation with other courses .

  11. 世界古代矿冶史简编

    Concise Edition of Ancient World Mining & Metallurgical History

  12. 在世界古代剧场史中,中国传统戏场别具一格,在华夏古典建筑中也是一种很特殊的类型。

    The Chinese traditional theatrical buildings are unique in the world history of ancient theatres , and they are also of a special type in the Chinese classic architecture .

  13. 长城,是中华民族为人类创造的珍贵历史文化遗产,是世界古代建筑史上的奇迹。

    The Great Wall of the Chinese nation for the creation of the precious historical and cultural heritage of mankind , the world 's ancient architectural history of a miracle .

  14. 中国古代教育,从理论到实际,从经验到专著,都是极为丰富的,在世界古代教育史上占有着重要的地位。

    The education in ancient China , which is rich in practice as well as theory , works as well as experience , plays an important part in the history of the world 's education in ancient times .

  15. 三武一宗的灭佛是中国古代史、佛教史上的重大历史事件,也是世界古代中世纪史及佛教史上的重大历史事件。

    The Extermination of Buddhism by four emperors is the important and great event in the ancient history of China and the Chinese Buddhistic history , but also the same ones in the ancient and medieval history of the world and the ecumenical Buddhistic history .

  16. 中国古代城市旅游活动有其独特的风格与魅力,体现了中国古代旅游发展的最高水平,在世界古代城市旅游发展史上也不多见。

    Its unique style and charm represents the highest level of tourism development of ancient China as well as that of the world .