
  • 网络Patna;Patna, India
  1. 或许这可以解释今年目前为止,巴特那的bpm医院已经增加了近130个被蛇咬伤的病人,几乎所有被咬伤的人都是被这种蝰蛇咬伤的。

    Perhaps this explains why so far this year , the BPM hospital in Patna has admitted about 130 snake bite patients , nearly all of them bitten by bandy .

  2. 印度国会本周将审议一项允许外国合作者协助重建这座佛学中心的法案。相关计划是在原大学的红砖建筑遗址附近重建,距离比哈尔邦首府巴特那(Patna)55英里。

    India 's parliament will this week consider legislation allowing foreign partners to help recreate the ancient Buddhist centre of learning close to the red-brick ruins of the original university , 55 miles from Patna , Bihar 's capital .

  3. 上图为巴特那一家医院中的一位病孩。

    A sick child in a hospital in Patna .

  4. 两名警员匆忙赶到位于巴特那市塔摩里的一个小村庄企图阻止仪式的进行。但是被村民用石头击退。

    Two officers hurried to the village of tamoli Patna to try to intervene but were beaten back by villagers with stones .

  5. 印度人民党总理候选人纳伦德拉·莫迪计划在比哈尔邦首府巴特那市举行竞选集会。

    The BJP 's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi is to hold a campaign rally in Patna , the state capital of Bihar .

  6. 但他的情况仍然在恶化,所以他家人决定租一辆出租车将他送往200公里外的巴特那。

    But his condition was still deteriorating and his family had decided to hire a taxi to transport him in the 200km to Patna .

  7. 这起事故发生在印度东部比哈尔邦的首府巴特那市,当天那里正在举行庆祝太阳节的庆典。

    The accident happened in Patna , capital of east India 's Bihar state during the Chhath festival celebrations , a festival which worships the Sun .

  8. 我们驾驶着电动车在清晨从巴特那市出发去收集蝰蛇来采集它们身上的毒液。

    We set out on motor bike at dawn from the city of Patna to collect vipers so that they could be milked for their venom .

  9. 事发地位于巴特那市火车站站台,据悉,反对党印度人民党计划当天在该市举行大型政治集会。

    The blast hit the platform at the railway station in Patna city , as a big political rally by the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party is due to be held .

  10. 他回忆了他们全家14个人如何挤在车里,在比哈尔邦北部城镇达尔邦格阿和首府巴特那之间的公路上旅行。

    He recalled how they packed the entire family 14 people into the car on road trips between Darbhanga , a town in north Bihar , to Patna , its capital .

  11. 对于此次“穿内裤考试”事件,有一名律师提交了针对军方的请愿书。3月1日,比哈尔首都巴特那高等法院要求国防部对这次不寻常的举动进行解释。

    The high court in the Bihar capital Patna asked the defence ministry on Tuesday for an explanation of the unusual move , after a lawyer filed a petition against the army .

  12. 他回忆了他们全家——14个人——如何挤在车里,在比哈尔邦北部城镇达尔邦格阿和首府巴特那之间的公路上旅行。

    He recalled how they packed the entire family - 14 people - into the car on road trips between Darbhanga , a town in north Bihar , to Patna , its capital .

  13. 但是,他们也以不达目的不罢休而著称。位于印度东部的比哈尔邦首府巴特那周三雇佣了几十个太监帮助他们向店主索要拖欠的税款。

    But they are also known for extreme stubbornness and Patna , the capital of Bihar state in eastern India , hired scores of them Wednesday to compel shop owners to pay their tax arrears .

  14. “孔雀帝国,古印度以松河和恒河汇合处的华氏城(后来的巴特那)为中心的国家。”

    " Mauryan empire ( c. 321-c. 185 BC ) In ancient India , a state centred at Pataliputra ( later Patna ) near the junction of the Son and Ganges ( Ganga ) rivers . "