
  • 网络babur
  1. 迈克尔巴布尔有三分之一的前10个新项目与未曾谋面,但你。

    Michael Buble had the third new entry in the top10 with Haven 't Met You Yet .

  2. 巴布尔还推荐到潜水及垂钓,巴布亚新几内亚坐落在珊瑚礁三角区(CoralTriangle),这个区域因丰富的生物多样性而被誉为海上亚马逊(AmazonoftheSeas)。

    Barber also recommends diving and fishing in Papua New Guinea , which sits in the Coral Triangle , an area known as the Amazon of the Seas for its marine biodiversity .

  3. 在巴拿马的北部加勒比海沿岸,游客应该去圣布拉斯群岛(sanblasislands)欣赏白色的沙滩、潜水以及参观kuna印第安人等土著部落,巴布尔建议。

    On the northern , Caribbean coast , visitors should head to the San Blas islands for white sand beaches , diving and to meet indigenous tribes such as the Kuna , advises barber .

  4. 巴布尔推荐深入到瑞典北部游玩,那儿游客可以滑雪、坐狗拉雪橇以及观赏极光。

    Barber recommends moving on to northern Sweden , where tourists can ski , go dog sledding and see the northern lights .

  5. 在巴布尔树木被大量两边的道路,并正在寻找像哨兵在月球点燃光明!

    The babul trees were plenty on either side of the road and were looking like sentries in the moon lit light !