
  • 网络multan;Mul-tan
  1. 2007年,在巴基斯坦的木尔坦,女孩子们在认真读书。

    Girls at a school in Multan , Pakistan , pore over books in 2007 .

  2. 行政长官在712,阿拉伯一般卡西姆穆罕默德本征服信德省和旁遮普省南部的木尔坦。

    In712 CE , the Arab general Muhammad bin Qasim conquered Sindh and Multan in southern Punjab .

  3. 吉拉尼在木尔坦和记者交谈的时候否认巴基斯坦政府受到印度要求取缔达瓦慈善会的任何压力。

    The Pakistani prime minister , speaking to reporters in Multan , denies his government is under any pressure from India to shut down Jamaat .

  4. 由于洪水泛滥,巴基斯坦的中心城市木尔坦在一场洪水之后一切都停止下来了,但是在当地普遍存在的马拉式的车正在前行,经过一个不幸的步行者。

    Prone to flooding , the central Pakistani city of Multan comes to a virtual halt after a deluge , but a ubiquitous horse-drawn tonga taxi pushes on , past a less fortunate pedestrian .

  5. 让这一挑战突显出来的是,上周,在中部城市木尔坦举行的补缺选举中,该党表现糟糕,候选人只得到了区区几千张选票,仅名列第三。

    Highlighting the challenge was a poor showing in a by-election in the central city of Multan last week in which the P.P.P. 's candidate came in third , drawing only a few thousand votes .